Xenoblade X Thread

Xenoblade 2 is all well and good, but this game, man.

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I just bought a wii u pro controller and a copy of the game for $30 total, what am I in for?

I think I like the mainline games more but X was still a boatload of fun, I hope they make a sequel

Exploration in XC2 is much better thanks to X existing, so it was worth it.


Except the totally fucked up the map.


it will be fixed in less than 48 hours

That level design tho.

Xenoblade X has hands down a better overworld, map, and it was exciting all the time because you could literally go anywhere. Even without a skell you could pretty much keep jumping until you made it to the top of something. Xenoblade 2 has the superior story and arguable better characters. But I never once felt compelled to explore the game because of the garbage map and the ridiculous amount of field skills that you couldn't even use until you were halfway done the game. After I beat X I put on another 150 hours just exploring and grinding stuff. I haven't touched 2 since I beat it.

Now show a close up of a human character

>flying music starts
>flying music starts
>flying music starts

I sure don't regret getting that flight unit.

>field skills
| feel really bad for people who didn't pull Golg early. Fucking keen eye


I lost interest in X around the time you get your Skell. Being able to explore by doing Hulk jumps all over the map was fun for a while but there didn't seem to be much to actually discover on the world map in terms of rewards or quests.

I hope to god they tweak the font size and add more volume options for the Switch port, if it actually happens.


Also the boob slider.

But the guy you responded to requested a human.

nah they can leave that

Give the vote to x then


now post her in casual clothes.


ass slider for Lin plz

Is It possible to emulate this in 4k without it being all jank yet?

Or emulate it at all, really? I stopped paying attention pretty early on.


Wasn't a fan of the little I played from the first game and 2 looks too cutesy, is this worth picking up?

X was better

that's a uniform user, i know she owns a tank top and some jeans.


Getting one hitted, constant running and 20-30 hours before you can pilot mechs


Character customization/fashion gear was one of the best things about X but 2 didn't have either of these which made it feel a little bland

there we go. Something about the way jeans looked in this game was fantastic.

Should I play Xenoblade X, or Tokyo Mirage Sessions?

i mean, it took me around 40 hours to get the Skell, but i didn't get bored of running and jumping like crazy. those damn animations are fucking cool.

Hu-man he said

I liked X better mechanically, but at least 2 didn't have fucking Tatsu.

I normally have a pretty thick skin when it comes to anime tropes/ ""cute"" mascot characters and even I've never been so close to quitting a game because of a single character.

I literally am getting mad just thinking about that useless little shit.

TMS is a much better game, even though it is idolshit, but you do what you want


Horrible story, fun gameplay until the combat mechanics get too overblown and complicated, quality soundtrack with some of the worst lyrics you'll ever hear, cliffhanger ending that may never be resolved.

Tatsu is literally anime Jar Jar Binks.

Friend hurt Tatsu

>lust that low
Its lust right?



Meh meh me what did friend say about handsome tatsu? I user not tatsu not gonna stand that you post that about me, friends gonna do you some bad things like the other friend did to the pizza friends


Masterpon Tora here, Tatsu ain't shit and can go fuck himself with stupid glasses.



Nothing that can't and won't be fixed.

They're all -

re release on Switch with full uncensored content when. Not buying a shit U to play this.

Play it on pc

Are there any good mods for Xenoblade X. Maybe something to reduce the grind a little?

I heard Takahashi wants to make a switch port of X, but what are the chances of that actually happening?

xenoblade 2's menus looks like something straight out of a doujin game, what a rushed game

>High Def screenshots vs. pictures of menus and characters

Considering 2 is selling pretty well, I say it's pretty much guaranteed.

Main Theme = Theme X > elysium, in the blue sky

KOS-MOS looks super good in 2's art style. Is this the secret behind making Tanaka's designs look good in 3d?

>the no one comments about the scary good idle cinematic at the start screen that showed how humans ended up on Mira


Looking at the history of Wii U games being re-purposed for the Switch i'd say the chances are pretty high
Although i think it would be the first time after a new entry in the series is already out, but still well within' the realm of possibility


Can we get the whole EBD going?

>proceeds to cheese 99% of the game


with some of the worst lyrics you'll ever hear, cliffhanger ending that may never be resolved.

like he said but those keep me from emulating it to replay the game. god those mech transformations where gorgeous


I'd play X again if it was on Switch, really think it deserves a second chance.

>barely any characters
>99% of all quests are mmo tier garbage quests
>main story is short and shitty
>mecha combat is shit
>while the world design is nice the sense of exploration is bad
>whole game is about grinding
>shitloads of songs with shitty engrish garbage lyrics
>hearing UH UH YEAH for hours
They wasted so much potential

Favorite weapon types?
I'm really liking the Sniper Rifle and Javelin.

I wouldn't recommend playing it with the pro controller. You need the gamepad to have a map and fast travel.

I emulated it in 4k, any half decent recent pc will do. Afaik the game is mostly throttled by your cpu

Just have to deal with the occasional texture and sound glitches.

>Oh boy, cant wait to get my first mech
>15 hours in, got my precious skell, time to fuck everything
>When it turns into a car the camera becomes hard to control, and is weird to turn around
>It's not very strong so I have to avoid the lv40+ monsters that pop out of nowhere
i was dissapoint.

Fucking charger piece of shit, who given the stupid idea of a fucking thin feeder?

You forgot about

Some times textures dont correctly load. Purple gras or rocks, very random. Its minor.

The daylight standard field music gets horrible white noise after looping 1 time. Its really shitty. Can be reset by getting into fight or going out at night etc.

What if i'm rocking a GT 630 due to reasons
I used to run it at 20fps back when i had a GTX 550 ti

psycho launcher and probably the javelin.

This game is still has some of the most special memories of gaming I have. Getting your flight module, exploring in a world that wants you to explore it, the fun as shit combat, everything was just great. Really hope there's a 2 with Chronicles 2 type of gameplay system. The exploration mixed with gameplay might make a personal GOAT that will never be topped.

1. Dual Guns
2. Knife
3. Assault Rifle
4. Photon Saber
5. Longsword
6. Raygun
7. Shield
8. Dual Swords
9. Sniper Rifle
10. Multiguns
11. Gatling Gun
12. Javelin
13. Psycho Launchers(they look cool but only good thing is Dual Dynamo)

I generally like to use the first two because they excel in both support(Ghost Factory, Smooth Recovery, Absorber Skin, Energy Source) and enough DPS(Full Specs, Zero Zero, Executioner, Primer, also Energy Source)

The LV.20 Skell is basically just for trash mobs and driving.
Buy a real one, I'd recommend to have at least one Verus for G-buster(high damage and Stagger, which allows you to Bind bigger enemies)

1 > X = 2

>X = 2
We found our target for practicing EBD, everyone

Spet about 60 dollars when it got released and I haven't even touched it yet, cause I'm still waiting for an uncensored fan patch.

Isn't there already one?

It exists senpai, literally google it.
Even with original voices, check YouTube for that.

>You will never kill a global nemesis again since nobody cares now
Such a shame

Mate that's been out for as long as the internet

I miss X's sidequest writing in 2. It's just not the same.

I have a Discord server with active RP runners, want it?

Some of xc2 sidequests are pretty good though especially the Blade ones. The only thing xcx does horribly is the enemy balance and grinding

Way too many times have I caught myself just browsing instead of paying attention because a sidequest cutscene is going on for way too long. Like the group endlessly debating whether to attack a fucking monster during Daga's sidequest.

I unironically love X enemy placing, makes the world feel hostile as it should be.