How is Final Fantasy Tactics Advance?
I haven't played much of the original on PS1 (and the last time I played it was AGES ago), but I'm a fan of Tactics Ogre already.
How is Final Fantasy Tactics Advance?
I haven't played much of the original on PS1 (and the last time I played it was AGES ago), but I'm a fan of Tactics Ogre already.
It's fucking fantastic.
its a good game. you can get alot of hours out of it actually. can be a little grindy but you can customize the fuck out of your party which is nice. lots of jobs and abilities.
Mute did nothing wrong
It's greato, and you'll prob even enjoy it more since you don't have much attachment to FFT. Also, stock up on anti-laws
Amazing game. Tons of depth, interesting plot (not your typical FF fare) and it has a very flexible set of mechanics. Suffers a bit from RNG hiccups that drag out some encounters unnecessarily. Juking with save states/working hard at getting Steal Skill makes the game a whole new ballgame.
Not bad! By the time the laws get out of hand, you have tools around them. Yes, it doesn't have the atmosphere of the original FFT, but it's fine enough.
>where x is of course the dominant/only enemy type
>tfw dual wielding excaliburs
Snipers and Red Mages were the best viera classes, Assasin was just too broken and made the game unfun unlike every other broken class
>FFTA2 only
FFTA1 has so many dumbass laws where you have to reset the game before a fight or make it uncomfortable and boring. You can go ahead and listen to the music though which most of them are just remixed in the second one
The difficulty romhack is quite fun
Marche did nothing wrong
the most fun game in gba imo. although the forbidden law system get in my nerve sometime, its also easy to work around.
FFTA had some dumb laws too user
>"Don't use ranged attacks!"
>Use a melee attack
>It crits
>Crits knock enemies back one square
>red mages
>trying for hours to find certain monster using certain spells
i wish i could just penetrate my dick into monster to learnt their spell instead of be a punchingbag.
Sniper is fun and pretty much a must have for undead fighting.
your thinking of blue mages idiot. red mages are the ones that can learn every school and double cast.
I couldn't get into ffta2 somehow but there's a lot of improvement for the boss fight
Breaking the game is half the fun.
I loved the "laws" because it added challenge and forced you to keep a diversified team as well. Although, FFTA2 did it better by making following Laws a bonus, rather than FFTA where breaking them was a penalty.
It's super fucking imbalanced, but that's where a lot of the fun comes from. There's like a hundred different ways of totally snapping the game in half thanks to the class system. You can really rip this game apart within hours of starting a save file if you know what you're doing, which adds a lot to the replayability. It's also got one of the more interesting plots in a Final Fantasy game thanks to Marche (but it doesn't really hold a candle to the first).
There's a law system that penalizes you for taking certain actions in a given fight. The idea is that you'll be forced to mix up your approach based on how the laws are trying to fuck you that game, but sometimes it can feel out of your control or the laws you forgot to check will just fuck you. Shit like being yellow carded for attacking animals against a full pack of wolves is annoying as hell. Thankfully you can cycle the laws by moving on the overworld or remove laws using a resource unlocked about a third into the game.
Overall its probably my favourite FFT game and my favourite game set in Ivalice. You'll definitely want to emulate it so you can speed it up though, because the game is slow as molasses.
Marche did everything right
Decent if you haven't played Final Fantasy Tactics or Tactics ogre. Not really sure how it compares to other Isometric SRPGs like Ruining Blue Earth, Luminous Arc, or Disgaea though.
When I had my SRPG kick years ago FFT and TO definitely stood out compared to the rest, and Fire Emblem is too different to make a comparison. The only one's I didn't get around to playing at the time that I wanted to were Stella Deus and Jeanne D'arc
Laws were in theory an interesting idea to force players to maintain a diverse team, so you can't just run the optimal loadout 100% of the time and shit on everything, but too many of the laws (especially later in the game) are just overly general bullshit that makes beating the level near-impossible or otherwise just way too restrictive. Like you'll get "No damage to viera" in a battle where the enemy is entirely viera. That's just fucking dumb. Instead the game just gives you ways to circumvent the laws, which makes them even more pointless.
>laws add challenge
>use anti-law
>it's useless now
More like being obnoxiously tedious because they aren't very specific like this user said>can't use imagic
>enemies is slime that high resistance to physical attack
>deal 1 damage to it no matter what weapon you use
I like FFT more than DIsgaea except for the law system.
Disgaea games is about being as contrarian and flashy as you can with story out of the ass and maximum grinding for max weapon. FFT has the lore and range class isn't actually dogshit.
i really should give this another go. i've had it for years after playing FE sacred stones. i loved that in FE you can move any unit at any time and in FFTA movement depends on unit speed (i think) and that kinda turned me off a bit.
will definitely add it to my backlog.
I never understood the appeal of Fire Emblem. It feels so barebones compared to any other tactics game I've played, from xcom to FFT to TO to Jagged Alliance.
Tactics Ogre is a similar game which lets you move units at will when it's your team's turn. It's also better than FFTA.
because waifu and normies can't into strategy. The only hard part about it is permanent death so you have to play around it everytime instead of being bold or fun
>tfw Sup Forums shilled loz oracles and they were excellent
Trying this one right now
interesting. i'll look into it.
FFTA has one of my favourite job systems in any RPG. Being able to take ability sets and passive bonuses that you've mastered on other jobs is awesome. Only thing I don't like is that learning abilities is tied to weapons/gear instead of just happening naturally while being that job, because some of the stuff that gives abilities is stupid rare or missable. Also stat growth being dependent on job, when you can't hire whoever you want.
>Also stat growth being dependent on job, when you can't hire whoever you want.
Combine that with having to stick to a job for a long while to learn skills and you've got a game that's a real pain in the ass to minmax.
Its simplicity let's it focus more on its map design. Only sometimes though. Around half of the series doesn't use this to its advantage.
In FFTA you can use laws to your advantage
FFTA2 has laws meant to fuck you over or limit you in specific matches, since they're fixed.
I tried FE once, the GBA one.
>Weapon durability
>Random stat growth
>Being able to take ability sets and passive bonuses that you've mastered on other jobs is awesome. Only thing I don't like is that learning abilities is tied to weapons/gear instead of just happening naturally while being that job, because some of the stuff that gives abilities is stupid rare or missable. Also stat growth being dependent on job, when you can't hire whoever you want.
You probably already know this but if you don't, you need to play Final Fantasy 5.
I personally really like that abilities are tied to gear, it makes getting new weapons/armor feel really good. Also makes thief one of the best classes.
FFTA2 isn't nearly as punishing if you break a law, and the laws are tailor-made in FFTA2 to create an optional hard mode or force a different approach, with rewards for completing it. I vastly prefer it to FFTA's law system, which was a chore at best.
FFTA2's problem was the mana changes and the stupid number of gimmick classes. Shit like the Chocobo Knight or Flintlock WHY DO THEY NEED TO PRIME EACH SHOT should never have made it into the game in the state they were in.
Of the FE games worth playing, on the complexity scale it goes (relative to the series):
Path of Radiance
Thracia 776*
Radiant Dawn
Low Complexity:
Heroes of Light and Shadow^
Binding Blade*
Blazing Sword
Shadow Dragon^
Games with * have ambush reinforcements which is complete bullshit though
Games with ^ only have Ambushes on Hard Modes
I've played FF5. Yeah, it's better that jobs learn their abilities naturally but you can only pick ONE ability from another job. Even worse, jobs don't even get all their own abilities naturally. If you're playing a Chemist, you still have to use up your ability slot if you want to use Mix. This means the ONLY reason to play certain jobs is to learn their abilities and then switch out, the jobs themselves rarely have benefit to using them. Also, because mastering jobs funnels all their benefits into Freelancer and Mime, there's actually NO reason to ever continue using a job once you've mastered it. The best job is always Freelancer/Mime. And because every character can be every job, all the characters end up being the same, unlike in FFTA where jobs are restricted by race.
In FFTA not only can you take an entire skill set from another job, you can take an additional passive ability from a third job. So you can have a Fighter with Paladin skills, with Doublesword from Ninja. There's also no "meta-job" that gets the best of everything, so you always have to consider character builds and team composition.
Tactics Ogre is the pinnacle of tactical RPGs. If any strategy RPG beats it it's Ogre Battle 64, but those aren't "tactical" technically.
How does the job system in FFTA compare to the original FFT?
Its ok, but lacks challenge. It's very easy to outlevel the main story. Nothing you fight is dangerous so there's no real strategy. All the melee classes can become invincible or ohko abd/or everything.
The judge system is relatively a nonissue but when it is its very tedious i.e. no attack: monsters when all the enemies are monsters.
I didn't get far in FFTA2 before dropping it because I just found it more boring than FFTA. There was so much side shit to do, but the side shit was never fun. It felt like I was gonna have to drop dozens of hours before I got to the part where I could actually build my team how I wanted, so I just quit.
Also, this happened to me twice:
>Mission where you have to capture a monster.
>You have to kill all other enemies on the field and then reduce the target monster to critical HP
>Spend 20 minutes killing all enemies
>Get target monster to within 1 hit of low HP
>C R I T I C A L
>Monster dies
>Mission failed
That shit was worse than anything in FFTA. At least you didn't usually get carded based on pure RNG.
A lot less jobs. There are no side grades in that the final job in a path is always better. Jobs race locked.
Basically each race has 2-3 final jobs and the power level of them is pretty obvi which are the good ones.
Great game if you don't aspire to be a fucking loser. Only people who like being lied to hate this game.
Boring, tedious. Maybe it's because i had just beaten FFT. Don't feel like finishing it anytime soon.
FFTA2 feels absurdly slow for some reason.
One of my favorite GBA games, really interesting store, the job system is cool and there are a fuckton of classes to keep the game interesting.
I think I fucked my way out of getting all 300 quests though, there are key items and you can get rid of them if you're not careful. As I recall I was like permenently stuck at a string of quests from another string cause I got rid of some random key item that was only gotten from a non repeatable quest once.
Its great once you got past the slow battle. I want a ffta3 which will probably be 3-4 times faster because the current gen gamer cant handle slow games but alas we get bravely instead. Its job system at its finest
Escapism is bad kids. Even when you're a fucking cripple.
Genealogy isn't worth playing in your opinion user? Cause I don't see it there.
Square will never make a true sequel or another Tactics game because SRPGs are not in style right now. Casuals truly ruin everything.
I am going to make indie game inspired by ffta and fft and it won't be card game
I play about 130 hour during my work break with this game. It a nice time killer.
To be fairly honest, MOST of the abilities and skills should have been obtainable at the beginning of the game instead of near the end. By the time you reach the end, you won't even use some of the abilities. Like Faster for the archer for example. You usually get the weapon near the +250 mission mark but by then, you're in full rape mode with bunny or bangaa petrifying/KOing everyone in one turn.
theft gang bang that also takes abilities from foes, that shit was fucking op and really fun.
Its maps are some of the worst in the series.