one copy of Mario Odyssey please
One copy of Mario Odyssey please
That's a sweet game, you're gonna love it
"sir we have a special deal for these pro switch controllers as well would you like me to pack them up with your $600 mario game?"
I like chitlins, I LOOOVE PIGS FEET!?
One copy of Xenoblade Chronicles 2, please.
one copy of PUBG X-Box One edition please
One copy of Shin Megami Tensei V, please.
>one PSN card please
holy shit you guys cant meme if your life depended on it
so *this* is neo-4norm everyones been talking about......
One copy of monster hunter world, please.
Could you blame someone for raping her? She's literally asking for it.
Would you like a protection plan for scratches ?
dumb question but how the fuck do i lose weight? im ashame to look like the guys in you seriously have to just eat brown rice and chicken breasts all the time?
eat less and go exercise at the gym is probably the fastest way to lose weight without looking skinnyfat
workout more and eat less you fucking retard
no, you just have to eat LESS.
One (1) year of Sup Forums pass please.
it's more about getting the right macros (protein, carbs and fat) combned with exercise. My main diet is chicken/fish, sweet potatoes, and as much fruit& veggies as I want. Plus, two protein shakes a day.
3 square meals a day, cut out the snacks, stay active. You don't have to spend your life in the gym, but an hour of walking a day will do you good.
>how to eat less
cook something, make a portion and then reduce that portion. stay hydrated and avoid sugar, sugar makes you want to eat more.
go for a walk in the morning and evening and find 20-30 minutes to lift a decent sized weight through the day.
Having a job that requires you to move around really helps as well.
One copy of Megadimension Neptunia VII please.
Cut out soda, or really most sugary stuff if it can be avoided, also you'll get better advice on fit and or ck. Don't need to go full health nut and drink that grass smoothie shit, just put time into developing healthier habits.
this might seem like a silly analogy, but learn about calories and treat your daily intake as an 'equipment load' (or a calorie investment, or a spending limit, whichever). If you're a junk food eater/ soda drinker, start replacing sugary snacks with tasty fruits and just replace soda with Soda Water/Club soda+fruit juice. Work at it a little bit every day, that's all it takes. Eventually you can enjoy the occasional junky indulgence without worrying about your figure.
One preorder of Catherine Full Body please, and make sure it comes with the special edition figurine and undergarments.
One copy of the newest Call of Duty for each one of us please
Don't just eat less, but also more often. Eating small multiple meals will keep your metabolism up. Exercise and switch to brown rice and whole grain foods etc. Also cutting down on your salt intake will help with your water weight as well.
El Playstation delicia
Thanks friend
One copy of Red Dead Redemption 2, please.
Why do you have a teddy bear?
One copy of The Last of Us, please.
That doesn't even work. Mario is literally the most normie video game icon out there. Who do you think you're supposed to be shaming with this? Where's the punchline? The joke's all wrong.
i don't understand why everyone says the pro controller is a must have. I really like the joy cons. Playing games with my hands flat at my sides is comfortable as fug
one copy of Pokemans, please
is that blaire white?
>Here it it sir, enjoy it
>Thank you I will put it in my backpa-
cute snek
can everyone who's faceblind just kill themselves off?
Sorry we don't recognize the e-celebs you like. For real though who is she?
hell no
blaire white is much hotter
blaire white
She gives off the vibe of that trashy girl who doesn't really give a fuck, so you take her back to the dressing room for a quickie and she lets you cum inside because who gives a fuck.
i would honestly carry that around all day
if i was a bullied autist in highschool thats what i would bring to school every day
One copy of Sonic Forces please!
>Sorry we don't recognize the e-celebs you like
that I like? You were the one that brought up Blaire White first faggot
Eat smaller meals, but eat more often. Cut out as much sugar as you possibly can and quit fast food. The diet I'm currently on I try to do about 1200-1400 calories per day, and it's been hard. But from April with nothing but diet I've gone down 45 lbs and dropped two pants sizes, so my goal now is to start lifting because I'm starting to look lanky.
that fat guy gives me good feels idk why like its 2004 and everything's ok good feels
One copy of bloodborne please
That guy is just minding his own business. People who take pics like this have issues
TWO copies of Wolfenstein II please
>everyone on Sup Forums is the same person
That first guy wasn't me retard.
>worships e-celebs
>thinks everyone on Sup Forums is the same person
You'll fit right in here on Sup Forums. Welcome to Sup Forums buddy. Have a nice first day.
One copy of this month's fiscal report, please.
that's a transtesticle
Do you autists actually say "copy"? I can't be the only one that finds it weird and robotic to call a video game you own a copy.
>Buying Odyssey nearly 2 months after release
Fucking normie. He's not one of us. Real Nintenbros are attractive and buy the big games day one.
People who constantly put down others have inner self esteem issues, this causes them to seek out other people they deem "lesser" than them and draw attention to their flaws so they feel better about themselves.
What if im a poorfag user, only got zelda and gotta get xeno 2 this week
Yo nigga, cop me one of dem copies of Kingdom Hearts Tree
you shouldn't have eaten this month fucking normie.
made me kek
>Day one
Tch, you call yourself a Nintendo fan? A TRUE gamer knows that anytime away from their system is wasted time. You would already have had it pre ordered, along with a 3DS to play on your way to the mailbox.
only eat whenever you feel hungry. and only eat rice, and onions.
I eat next to nothing since months, saving money its pretty hard
But still, i have faith in maduro
Spot the virgins
Caloric deficit. Just do the math and stick to it. Mind your macros. Pick up a high intensity activity that raises your heart rate. Do it often.
>Mario is literally the most normie video game icon out there.
Um, no sweetie. Mario hasn't been relevant since 1997. It's all about Nathan Drake, Master Chief and Tracer these days, sweetie.
Don't even junk.
Make your own food. From scratch. All of it* (*>70% at least to start)
Don't be scared of fat. Your body literally needs it.
The "fat is bad" meme was started by some scummy prick with his fingers in the sugar jar. Literally and economically.
He is the reason for the past 40 years of obesity and illness surrounding lack of fat.
Fat-rich diets are the healthiest diets around the planet, despite varied diets.
Complex carb diets are also required by the body for proper functioning.
Complex being the keyword. Most western diet is comprised of simpler carbs and just straight pure sugars.
Look at the Italians, they eat Pasta regularly and don't have obesity problems. That's because they cook the pasta lightly. (al dente)
The less you cook your carbs, the better. Most of them can be eaten raw if you actually chew the things!
For every hour of your day, get at least 5 minutes of exhaustive exercise.
For 10 minutes, do aerobic.
If you can't do this every hour (let's face it, most can't), do 2 sets after 2 hours.
if you really want to stretch it, 3 hours.*
Easy place to do it is the toilet. Tense muscle groups for exhaustive anaerobic, jog, wave arms or some other shit for aerobic. Get creative.
* Any stance over 3 hours is damaging to the body. Standing, running, jogging, sitting, doesn't matter, it is all permanent damage due to plaque build-up and muscular damage. In the case of physical activity, it is damage to the heart and vascular system in general.
Under 3 hours is the optimum for maximum life given recent research over the past few years with groups of ancient people.
Going to a gym won't help you much, gym adds weight on shit diets. It barely helps on healthy diets.
Simple exercise is all that is needed to cycle body fluids and get oxygen around.
In actual fact, getting in to exhaustive long exercise is more likely to KILL you straight due to weakened heart muscle.
It happens more than you think. Shits tragic.
or my wife
the repetition of sweetie somehow makes the snark fall flat
Oh god the smell.
Who the fuck asks for the game and not grab it of the shelf and take it to the counter?
you mean Mario obessey?
Sperglords and germaphobes.
Mind you, germaphobes rarely go out to shops unless they absolutely need to.
Internet has become the end of them because they will eventually develop severe autoimmune and die due to lack of exposure to infectious agents.
>all this factually wrong bullshit
some places have the sealed copy with the disc inside behind the desk in a cabinet.
Because the games on the shelf are empty cases. They have to go through their drawers to get your game anyway. I never grab a box off the shelf, just ask for the game. Only moms buying games for their kids do that.
If you grab the display case off the shelf it's more work for the store employees because they have to put it back. At other stores games are behind a glass case and you literally HAVE to ask specifically for the one you want
Why what?
haha no problem bro. Have you played ARMS yet? I got no arms so I had to get a copy!
i havent
you got a problem with that
>covers himself in foundation
The absolute state of trap fans
I am envious of your body, user.
lol why is he stepping forward i'm dying
I like your style.
what a cute boy
user are you typing from the early 2000s
its literally not
ahah still playing your console videogames bro? Im enjoying Persona 5 in real life man
Cheetos, soda, and lots of gaming. I do this at least 12 hours a day and I weigh 115lbs. I can eat as much as I want and never gain weight. Pretty simple.