Leveling up has a visual changes

>leveling up has a visual changes

>ugly dude gets ripped
>is still ugly

>get ripped
>still have an ugly face
might as well off yourself

>wallet clip on phone
That way everything of value on my person can be stolen or lost in one easy step.

Sup Forums - Video Games

why is his tattoo backwards??

>leveling up causes worse hairline

Girls are getting wet over Adam Driver, you literally have no excuse, fatties.

I'm happy he has been able to rebound from Little People Big World

t. adam driver

>obvious virgin neckbeards detected

Straight women will fuck a dude three times uglier in the face than that with a body like that.

>diminishing returns on str

Crackdown and Fable did this well.

>Gaining strength makes you buff
>Gaining dexterity makes you this lanky fuck
>Gaining wisdom makes you old and covered in glowing runes
>Your sister is still a hot young teen

Fable was a fucking mess.

He's tall as fuck and pretty built. "Adam Driver is ugly" is just a meme.

how is it legal for dwarves to have children? if it's illegal for siblings because of risk of genetic defects then it should be illegal for dwarves too

>That huge fucking scar right down his stomach.
So, what operation did he get done?

he has money though

You can be tall and built while still being ugly.
Ugly refers to facial aesthetics.

Do they have knees?

He was gutted by a knife in a mugging, and took to getting /fit/ after his recovery.

>tfw content with being fat
I stopped caring a long time ago. I have good friends, I can get good drugs, I'm a damn good cook, and I plan on dying before I hit 40

user its legal in California to infect people with pozz

lmao is that manlytears


>I-I want to be fat!

Because those lives are worth living

and it shouldn't be illegal for siblings to have kids, but hey, it is.

Appeal to law is not a valid form of argument btw, these dudes just wanna have good lives, have kids, etc. If a little person lifestyle is considered fine, then who are we to say no?

how does one get this much body fat %?

since when is it illegal for siblings to have children?

you wont find much support for the idea, sure, but I dont think its illegal

What selfish little fucks, inflicting a lifetime of pain and neglect from the instant the baby is born, just so they can satisfy the "need" to have a child.

Left looks much better. Only thing that looks better on the right is his arms. His face does not suit that body on the right, but at least on the left it looks somewhat matchable.

he's famous and has money, also there are far uglier more popular guys out there

Not a grill or gay but left > right IMO.

>be chubby and bald
>Still get girls because I am a 6'2', 235 lb black guy, not a ravenous orbiter and have a decent frame

What's with his bellybutton? Mine looks nothing like that.

Low carb high protein intake while your work outs are focused a bit more on volume at a quicker pace

Is that Jonathan Lipniki? Man he hasnt aged a day since Stewart Little.

Being bald as a black guy is not even bad, since black people hair style is nothing but shitty fades and buzzcuts.

>make cute blonde slutty character in Fable 2
>she gets bulked up and fat everytime I level her up


>black guy
More like a person amirite

That picture on the right isn't real life. The only way to attain that look is to have a toned body and super low body fat percentage in the first place, go at least 12 hours without eating or drinking, and then do another workout to cause the definition you see in the picture, which will only last a half hour at best. Really, the guy isn't in much better shape in the left picture than the right picture, he simply to steps to bring out his muscle definition temporarily for the picture. And he got a bitchen tat.

>Be slightly chubby
>Swarming with girls because I grew up with five sisters, know how to handle their bullshit, and somewhat strongfat because grew up on a farm
>Soyboy bitch friends throw shitfits because they don't understand how I can call girls a bitch and still get their number while all their respectful nodding gets them nowhere
>Still play video games, torrent anime by the gigs, fap to loli until I rip my dick off, and nobody would ever know unless I join the conversation and reveal my power level because I'm not a fucking sperg