Its finally here bros

its finally here bros
any 4k games suggestions?

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can ps4 pro even play any games on 4k natively?

Name a fanbase worse than Fromfags

>No Pro support
Why bother?


Undertale. But I still agree that Bloodborne is as bad as its fanbase.

>native 4k
Lol. You wasted money on a gimmick tv.

The PS4 Pro version of Catherine supports 4K

how much was the tv?

None because only like two games support it and one is capped at 45fps with dips and the other is boring garbo

Because the poor PS4 cannot handle 4k silly.

>buys a ps4 pro for 4k gaming

holy Kek didn't you know Xbox already btfo ps4,op?

>still hating yourself enough to buy xbox

On just Sup Forums alone? A Hat in Time and Splatoon. Literally nothing but pedos. The Sup Forums fanbase for From/Bloodborne is only slightly less bad though.

>those textures
>23 fps

Because even at 1080p it's still the best experience Sony's 8th gen consoles have to offer. Spoilers: More pixels != More fun



Seeing people clash consoles against each other is really embarrassing for anyone who has even a simple mid-grade gaming PC, holy shit
Wake me consoles finally get SSD's, native KBAM support, and knock it off with the "pay2ads" bullshit

>fifteen hundred euro moneys
>those fuck awful response times
Holy shit

>buy console without the games
what the fuck user?

Oh cool, that's great for OP who has to wait for an undisclosed release date to play 1 4k game from last gen

The panflet says that it is very good
why lie?

>android tv

>34ms response time
user... It's pretty good by most TV' standards but there are much better choices for 4K gaming on a TV. A Samsung KU6300 series TV cost less than half as much and is only ~20ms response time. Not that it matters since OP will probably only be playing movie games anyways

PS4 pro only hits true 4k in 4 games user. Everything else is upscaled checkerboarding so you'd be better off running them in performance mode with super sampling.

4K is such a fucking meme. Holy fucking shit and you fell for it.
You fell for the kikejew meme.
4k is a meme for movies
4k is a meme for console games
Heck, 4k is even a meme if you are Petition Compiling shit chugging race

PS4 Pro is fine though as it's at least somewhat future proof.


Dragon Quest Builders
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
Gravity Rush 1+2
Tearaway Unfolded
Crash Bash Pussy Smash
Persona 5
Last Guardian (it's not shit, it just didn't met the decade old expectations)

if you have a shit PC:

Nier Automata

Also all that subhuman nu-male libshit political statement sjw lgbpedotrans libshit interactive movies cancer made by subhuman jewpigkikes like Neil Druckmann & Co. from Naughty Dog who failed in Hollywood and are now damned to do shitty tryhard artsy-fartsy movie games build around their special snowflake, avocado sandwich munching, cuckshed living, self-loathing existence.

I recommend using the Pro for 1080p gaming

It's sub 1 frame lag at 30 fps, which is considered good by console standards

>PAID 2K FOR fake 4k and no gaems


>4k is a meme for movies
Get your eyes checked

>PS4 Pro is fine though as it's at least somewhat future proof
It won't play PS5 games

The fuck is wrong with avocado sandwiches

>somewhat future proof.
that you can scam shekels out of fags?

>buying a 4k tv with a fucking PS4 PRO

holy cringe

I have good eye sight. My brother-in-law bought a 4K meme Tv because he is a bumbling retard normie shit eater.
The only time it makes a difference in visuals is when you watch your latest Transformers/Fast&Furious diarrhea trash.
All the good movies that were ever released don''t benefit from the 4K meme unless you have a 100 inch TV, but if you have to buy a 100 inch TV to benefit from the 4K meme you might as well have bought a beamer which is superior to your 4K kikeshit shenanigans.

TL;DR eat shit and choke on it you assbirth ignoramus troglodyte.

Watching netflix on a $300 '4k' tv from walmart isn't representative user. HDR makes a massive difference and is the most noticeable bit.

Wow are you me?

Return all that shit before you open it. PS4 has no games and there is no 4k media available to watch on your tv. It is a sexy tv though.

This is all bait. Every word of it. No one is so much of a fanboy to shit all over the very reason the pro exists then say it's actually ok. That or you have down syndrome.

lmaoing@yourlife. another kikejewpig marketing trick. on par with 3D meme and 4K meme

I have a 55inch 4K that I sit ~7 feet away from and it's very noticeable. I've launched plenty of games on it and can tell which ones launch at 1080 or 2160 from menu text alone. I still think 1080 is fine but to say 4K isn't noticeable isn't terribly correct. It's really fun when everyone has their own 1080 window in split screen games too

Walmart carries a lot of Movies that are 4K blurays. But sure, lie like a piece of shit or whatever, you're doing great in life.

Posts like these make me remember years of consolefags saying ENB/SweetFX "make no difference" then HDR comes out and holy shit more color? Wow so amazing.

>Walmart carries a lot of Movies that are 4K blurays
Name me 5 4k meme movies worth owning.
PROTIP: you can't.

>buying smart tv when you have a console

Why does he start sniffing her pussy?

Why is she not weirded out by this?

>tfw 4K OLED that I use to watch 720p anime on

Oh hey dude, I think I have the same type of lamp as you, or at least it's got the same type of floor switch on it.

I like ENBs as much as anyone but they aren't the same thing as HDR on a 10/12bit display. Still waiting for HDR monitors to come out.

This, Smart TVs are fuckin trash, especially for gaming.Just bloated with useless shit that that you wont use since you have a console with the same functions.Even one of those android USB sticks + regular TV are a better option for functionality

I don't know of any 4k games on PS4 :^)

find me a new tv that's isn't also a smart tv

Play Horizon: Zero Dawn. It's crazy nobody mentioned it yet. Ridiculously good looking if eye candy is what you're after. Death Stranding is being made in the same engine so it'll give you an idea of how that will perform when it's out.

It's the same effect though. ENB turns bland looking games into something greater. Console games are more bland looking than PC games by default.

>Still waiting for HDR monitors to come out.

ignore everyone else this is your true eyecandy 4K HDR list for PS4 pro

Infamous First Light, play this game 1st.
Infamous 2, especially the Braniac stage
Horizon Zero Dawn
Resident Evil 7
Skyrim, true 4k resolution
last year's Call of Duty

>why lie?
Because people fall for it

Lots of them?Its usually more high-end tho

Planet Earth II discs 1-4
Blue Planet II discs 1-4
There's 8

>ps4 pro
I have bad news for you OP

>Skyrim, true 4k resolution
welcome to 2011

Ps4 pro
>can't even play 4k movies

Yo wat viddy gaem is this?


it's just an example hunchback PC mutant of a game that looks day and better on Pro from baseline PS4. don't get your panties in a bunch if people prefer to be more than 5 inches away from their screen.

t. console nigger shitting up Sup Forums on a phone

Injustice: Infinite arcade edition XRD

>Planet Earth II discs 1-4
>Blue Planet II discs 1-4
1080p will absolutely suffice for those. VHS to DVD was a huge jump in picture quality. DVD to full HD blu-ray was a huge jump in picture quality. 1080p to 4K is a fucking meme.
If you want to experience and see nature, get the fuck out your house you fatass lazy pig and experience everything live@infinite K

No, user. You were the retard all this time.

Real life is only 1440p

unironically? pic related. 4k and HDR make it look fucking beautiful

Oh. My bad. I didn't know we were shitposting. Let me get started.

Whats wrong with smart tvs, better have the functions than not


They're pretty slow unless you have a $2k TV.



>Buying movies
>Nothing but documentaries

I own EXACTLY the same set up as you and I regret it so much. Bloodborne is nothing special. Not worth buying a console for.


Just invested a little bit of something in my new "Titan Zeus" TV. What console & games would work well with it, Sup Forums?

Usually, those functions are being added cos something else is removed.
So the general rule of thumb is that smart TVs are slower and with shittier picture, unless you buy some really high-end one for several thousand euros

>spend that much money.
>its not VR

Butt why?

The 4K BD format is currently full of garbage bin tier releases, the only worthwhile 4K remaster available on video is Blade Runner.


Everything, smart TVs rely on software and drivers that can mess up the functionality of the TV as well as the longevity of it. It's better to have to separate entities. Unless you're spending money for one of the $3k models. Your smart TV is going to lag, be slow and have lots of issues within a couple of years