54 GOTY awards and counting.
When will you admit its superiority?
54 GOTY awards and counting
stop making these shitty threads
>muh GOTY matters
OP is a dumb faggot as usual I see
both were the best at their respective genre, TLoU being the best story-driven cover shooter and BotW being the best puzzle-driven open world game.
Stop making these shit threads. Go to /lozg/.
Pretty fun and good game, but you're an idiot for giving credit to video game awards.
can the open-world meme die now
MGSV and BOTW are two of the best games of the generation, eat shit
Zelda BOTW is a poor mans Fallout 4
you have that completely backwards, even in the literal sense given the prices of those games.
Fallout 4 has a better open world, better rpg, better character progession, better crafting and better writing. You Sup Forumsfahs should stop being contrarian and just accept Fallout 4 is a success and any bethesda/obsidian game blows any shitty nintendo or sony game out of the water
Not really no. Especially in QA they are not remotely similar. Bethesda is shit.
hi todd, when is TES VI coming?
>Not really no. Especially in QA they are not remotely similar. Bethesda is shit.
>muh bugs
Bethesda games are way superior than glorified ubisoft open worlds that sony and nintendo make.
Haha you're wrong in all aspects. Especially the better writing part, fallout's 4 writing is cringy as fuck. The contrarian is you in this case, actually, friend.
TW3 has more than 250 and I don't really like it that much.
Not so fast, Nintendownie!
I'm replaying this on CEMU after having played it on the wiiu and its still fun to replay everything
Even Fallout 2 has better writing than the non-exsistant writing in Zelda Botw and the generic female tribal hero in Horizon Zero Dawn. Both Zelda and Horizon are mediocre ubisoft games.
Also elaborate why Fallout 4 has bad writing instead of parroting the same lines all the time.
Fuck off todd
>t. sonyfags and nintendofags
Everybody here hates Beth writing and games, dude before mods
Fallout 4 is shit Todd. I'm not buying it. I pirated it once and it was enough.
>Everybody here hates Beth writing and games
Yet they love games like Zelda Botw and Horizon zero dawn both of which are glorified ubisoft open worlds. Aloy is the biggest sjw and Link is a 12 year old who can somehow kill 100 upon 100s of npcs.
When it has a higher metacritic than OoT
probably bcuz they're better games....
>and counting