it's up
It's up
What is? He hasn't posted in over a year. Don't go getting my hopes up.
i knew this was bait but i took it and check anyways
still disappointed
Fuck you, It will never not make me mad he quit making videos
Why the fuck would you post that image.
Fuck you.
made me check
I fell for the bait
but guys demo's very active on twitch
Fuck you user you baited me.
what the fuck happened to Raiden?
who is this guy again?
It's really the worst to see people actually caring about some anime e-celeb
What's his channel?
What's Demo's youtube avatar supposed to be anyways?
Explosion E
>hurb durb durb durb
ya ya stfu
Is he a neet?
Grenade G
his roommate Clover is a artist and i assume its one of his old works
you bastard
dont make me feel this way
Twitch is shit, his structured videos are miles better. Also he streams at like 4 am for me
I'm surprised he hasn't blocked me from asking when he's gonna make more videos.
Kaboom D
i was actually excited fro a moment, and then i checked
gg OP you goddamn fagoo
his stream was pretty fucking kino when he posted his balls on Sup Forums
It's up.
Replace him with SsethTzeentach.
He is just as funny(not really) and is VIDEO GAMES
his tombstone?
Come on user
don't do this to me
i believe he said once on stream it was an oc he got a commission for when he was younger
There is something that really pisses me off about this guy but I'm not sure what it is. Something about him just comes off as incredibly disingenuous.
Fuck you user
Fuck you
it makes me sad beacuse he made such a good video on drakengurd 3 and i was kind of hopping he make one of nier automata
Who's the Grumpy Jiisan of Sup Forums?
the better question here is he looking from the side or the front?
>both demolition d and mister metokur are Minnesotan
What is it about this state that makes us the best content creators? But also the laziest
He's just a fat alcoholic suffering from depression.
>he make one of nier automata
he did
Probably from the corner, given how the nose is positioned.
An inherent trait of e-fags
Halloween video soon.
>when he posted his balls on Sup Forums
when was this? archive?
The fukin sno yah kno.
He still does twitch streams. He was getting tired of people demanding stuff from him. This is as close to closure you'll ever get from him
he lives with his dad you fucking retard lmao
What's up?
I can't find it anymore sadly
his dad kicked him out months ago, him and clover live together now
Your thread has been reported for improper content.
Sup Forums was created as the videogame board and unrelated content such as taiwanese animation will not be tolerated.
Please desist from such toxic behaviour or leave the board immediately, you are no longer welcome in our new Sup Forums.
It's the current year and we have evolved from that childish hobby to a more mature form of entertainment, playstation threads will be encouraged until the situation improves.
he's not dead though yet
>Grumpy Jiisan
I subscribed.
I'm gonna watch all of his vids.
tolerate this
*unzips john thomas*
Sup Forums is the e-celeb board. Sup Forums doesn't allow e-celebs except Jii-San but he's dead.
What anime should I pick up Sup Forums?
Anti-ironically Made In Abyss because I know you like watching little kids get hurt you fucking sick fuck.
start from the beginning
hi demo
I assure you everything you know about Jim is a lie.
Incase you think he's dead
>he doesn't watch a content creator that structures his twitch streams like youtube videos
the first video I clicked is a reupload of a video from 2008 though
That's just a jap translating his videos.
They're old videos reuploaded, he's dead jim.
the 2016 halloween video?
he's not just some anime e-celeb he's /our/ anime e-celeb
It's really embarrassing to see newfags like you try so hard to fit in and just end up outting yourself as hard as possible
I still miss him so much
I gave up on the hope of him putting up a video a while ago. His streams on twitch are still entertaining tho so there is that at least.
>5 stars for summer wars
I liked it too, but how do you just completely ignore the mind-numbingly retarded main plot device?
Is Demo the Kentaro Miura of anime reviews?
Unironically yes