Just got a new controller for my pc

Just got a new controller for my pc
any recommended third person games that aren't shooters? extra points if it's a platformer

Is A Hat In Time fun? I love platformers but havent played any in a while until I got Rayman Origins free on uplay and loved it.

>Just got a new controller for my pc
stick to consoles if you want inferior controls, stop bringing your lazy port forgiving shit here

Akiba's Strip, Akiba's Beat and Hellblade

Hollow Knight

Try Little Nightmares, it's much better with a controller than a keyboard
Fun as hell, but kinda short. I just wish the devs were faster at releasing new content.

how puffy??

Binary Domain


I love the game but,
>third person

Yo! Noid 2 is what you're looking for and free

It's really charming and original. The gameplay isn't Super Mario Odyssey polished but it's still worth your time more than say Yooka Laylee.

You're looking at your character and your surroundings. 2D platforming is obligatory in third person, faggot.

If you havent played it on any other platforms yet, okami recently got released on PC, one of the greatest games of all time

Is third person not just a certain camera perspective?

The Darksiders games are fun enough mashups of Zelda, God of War, and Diablo. Also any emulator

Thumper, unique rhythm based game. Controller for it is a MUST.

Yes, it's very fun. It's a bit short, but it also launched at only $30. I definitely recommend it if you like platformers.

Isn't there a built in level-editor? Does it add any replayability?

You probably should have specified 3d 3rd person games but I could swear that side scrollers were just considered 2d and that was it. 3rd person would automatically default to 3d games.

No, there isn't. People are experimenting with mods, of course, but it hasn't got them very far yet. For now it's mostly just hats and skins.

>Steam page says "Includes level editor
>Ends up just being mod support
Why the FUCK is this okay??

It's peckin good

>5 minutes into hat in time
>high five mafia guy
>get stuck and have to restart the game

They are making a level editor atm. They released the dev tools to make levels as mods. Also besides hat skins and shit like that there are now many level mods and custom hat mods/ badges.