Why is he such a boring edgelord in Zero series? He never smiles or make witty commentary like he used to do in X games
Why is he such a boring edgelord in Zero series? He never smiles or make witty commentary like he used to do in X games
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isn't that because that isn't the real zero?
He lost his memory and is adjusting to the situation. He becomes much more social in 3 and 4.
This and a existential crisis.
Same mind, different body
He made a poopy in his diapy
He's a copy. I liked the change of pace, especially when he was in that crossover snk game, his lines and the interactions are hilarious
Megaman series Gameplay quality peaked at Zero series, prove me wrong
>inb4 zx
Ony his body is a copy, mentally he’s the original zero
This Zero is fake.
Did the X games fix it so you could dash into air dash? I 'm up to X3 and it's pretty annoying. I know that zx fixed it though.
He's a killing machine. He does what he does best.
Only his body, why the fuck so many anons in this thread have the wrong idea?
haha come on now user, that would only be possible for robots lol
reminder that Copy X deserved better
Post X5 isn't canon. He's still 2sad4me because Iris died and seals himself away in disgust.
>Copy X
do you anons prefer copy x or the original plan of X going crazy ?
He've seen some shit.
Honestly the original idea was the logical conclusion. Especially since the bad ending of X5 was supposed to be canon.
Hard to say, X losing his mind and being put down by Zero would be amazing, but at the same time you're shitting on his legacy
Body and mind always has connections to each other. If you lost your body then your mind would have some change too.
Very true.
But Elf X is god!
Zero isn't an "Edgelord" he's a fucking nonentity.
I like how in SNK vs Capcom Chaos nearly every character tells him he looks like a kid.
It should have been X going crazy. There should have been a moment where they realize this is the real X actually doing these things and that they'll have to kill him. Then maybe at some point (if they really can't bear to have you truly kill off X) they can discover the real root of it is some version of the Maverick virus or something fucking with his mind, then save him and restore him to sanity.
Why wasn't Omega the X series's Zero?
Because anti creates got lazy and did a palette swap instead
Dude, they are robots, their brains are data tgat can be moved over easily.
Copy X, was pretty cool to see those 100 years of moral testing actually worked
I will say this as a zero series fanboy, and not a huge x series, but they made the right decision. Had real X gone crazy, and you kill him with zero, as a X fan you would be pissed. It wouldnt help that inafune was directing the zero games, and hes always prefered zero.
I like that it actually makes X from his series make more sense. As the story went something like dr light made X, but for him to be able to handle his near human emotions he had to hibernate for hundreds of years first. So in Zero 1, X was probably created the same way, but didnt get the cool off period, kinda creating a what if could have happened situation.
I also like how X was actually kicking tons of ass while zero was out of action, and eventually X himself just kind of gets tired of it (same thing happens to zero before 2, and that was just a couple months compared to Xs hundred years).
Also cool that X sacrificed himself to keep a super weapon away (like zero also does against a super weapon). And that he acts behind the scenes to help zero.
So although Zero was the main star, they really gave X his due and makes him seem like a badass hero.
Now ZX advent shitting on ZX is another story.
>are you packing?
>show me that weapon
Did Zero ever fuck Ciel? The last time I played was like a decade ago so I remember nothing
In the butt.
I think the plot as scripted is stupid. X is an extremely deliberative character and all of what Copy X does is stupid, short sighted, and self-aggrandizing.
If they actually gave a reason for X falling from ideals other than "I just gave up" or "killing people to ration power". Like they turned him into an authoritarian because free will, the power that he ostensibly gave the robot world proved to be a FAILURE when given without outside regulation and he explained his reasoning over the game against Zero's victories. Coloring points like why he employs mechanlaoids as the bulk of his army, how this subjugation created a human utopia, and bragging about how long of a peace he had compared to the Maverick Wars.
But they were just going full alternate future Xmen shit.
How the fuck was X5 supposed to connect with Zero series if Zero dies at the end?
The entire game is a clusterfuck, the translation in the English version is just one of the many bizarre parts.
Here's God telling Terry he can't come to heaven, just in case you weren't convinced.
Iris trauma is so deep down that even if he can't remember why, he automatically avoids any romance.
He's a fucking robot, dude. They copied his mind and put it in a new body and put him on some kind of repair cycle for 100 years. He even loses his memory as a result, it all checks out.
Remember how Zero 1 opens with Ciel finding a broken half-torso of Zero?
If you has new hardware installed you must reconfigure your software too.
The ending where Zero seals himself in a capsule is "suupose" to lead into the intro of 1.
Of course 3 eventually reveals this isn't what happened at all and Zero was a replica who was sealed after the wars.
That's why Zero was locked away in a lab going through repairs and diagnostics that Ciel interrupts and results in Zero being confused and amnesiac and unable to fully use the abilities of his own body.
I'd be pretty edgy too if I had amnesia and was a literal killing machine of mass destruction that might not even be the "original" killing machine of mass destruction but instead a mere copy.
I know no shit about the king of the fighters, do you literally fight san pedro?
All the really edgy stuff that happened between the X and Zero series got cut out and put in Drama CDs, so you never get to see most of the world's population getting murdered by mavericks.
Well, you could say that since Omega was destroyed by Zero and X in the Elf Wars, Weil figured it would be best to recreate him using whatever scraps were left but basing the model on Zero's new body.
That ending is in X6 not X5 though.
But seriously this is Megaman so why even bother that much about plot. We just need badass robots killing each other.
In what way? He's just emotionless because he has amnesia.
The Zero series is the most wasted potential I've ever seen. The games are great, but so many things done slightly differently and make them for something not a handheld and it would make them god tier.
Basically you get to go to heaven and hell as a bonus level if you do certain things in the story mode. If you go to heaven you fight Athena, a SNK character, and if you go to hell you fight Firebrand, a Capcom character.
everyone is wrong
>Originally, X5 was supposed to be the final game of the series and Zero getting killed would make way for the Zero series. However, X6 was produced unbeknownst to Inafune and without his approval, and since the plot of X6 involved Zero once again, he had to modify his Mega Man Zero concept in order to not make the story more confusing.
You don't fight san pedro? Boring!
In the fourth (and what would be the last) year of the war, Zero, in possession of a new body Ciel's ancestor created for him, would wake up so he could fight alongside X against the new threat. At some point during the conflict, which were now known as the Elf Wars, Zero reclaimed the Dark Elf from the mavericks and used her to bring the uprisings to a end.
After the war had ended, Zero decided to seal himself away again, this time, forever. Though X tried desperately to stop his friend, the sealing process had already begun when X arrived, and could not be stopped. Before he lost consciousness, Zero told X that, as long as he was still around, the bloody history would repeat itself over and over again. Before the seal was complete, he encouraged X that this was the right way and that he wanted to believe in human kind, just as X believed in them. With these final words, Zero's seal was complete.
That bugged me too. It totally should have been.
What happened to Minakuchi Engineering? They made some of the best megaman games and then just dropped off the map
>3ds is dead
>we will never get a new ZX game
There's always the Switch, user.
Fuck that, we need a game about ciel using biometal z, She had to test it on someone.
What if Zero was a girl?
Admit it, you thought he was a girl when you first saw him in MMX because of the hair.
Agreed. They absolutely made the right decision by shoving the bad onto Copy X, and keeping X pristine.
I do wish Cyber-X had a better send-off though.
Also what do you mean by
>Now ZX advent shitting on ZX is another story.
'fraid not, champ.
I actually thought his hair was a cape or scarf like Protoman had. I think my brother had to tell me it was hair.
Naw, the first MMX game I played was X4 so it wasn't an issue.
>Capcom cares about Mega Man again
>Inticreates is still pumping out 2D sidescrollers with great spritework and tight gameplay, retaining the skills for whenever they are called upon by Capcom again to make the next great Mega Man game
There is hope yet.
It would have zero substantial differences
If only Inti's current output was as good as their Capcom collabs and prior. Blaster Master Zero is good stuff, but Gunvolt could be better.
It's weird. The issue with Gunvolt is the stage/enemy design and also very blah plot.
The mechanics, graphics and boss fights are still absolutely top-tier. And they've gotten good at adding player QOL improvements too. And now they're getting solid Switch dev experience.
I would trust them with making the next ZX or X game right off the bat, that's all I'm saying.
>tfw you wake up one day and your company has made a new game in your series without even telling you, much less asking
How does that even happen? Did konami sequester the team and tell them not to tell him a fucking thing?
Meant capcom derp.
It's weird, Blaster Master Zero was really good (And you can't say "lel remake" because literally ever area after the first is completely different) but that new dragon game and gunvolt looks so bleh. It's like they need a talented company like Capcom or Sunsoft whipping them to be any good.
I haven't tried the second game but I didn't really like the mechanics of gunvolt. You just shoot something three times and hold A until it dies
I understand, but the fundamental engine is solid.
AZG 2 gets even weirder when for the new character, instead of shooting he just dashes into enemies and that tags them. But he's also way more broken than GV (who was already broken).
It's just a different gameplay style. If X is about shooting and Zero is about slashing, then the Gunvolt games are about tagging and destroying.
2 > 1 > 3 > 4
Because he realized that there was no reason for him to go on. He had nothing left worth fighting for.
I have no clue what the Megaman lore is like, but isn't he like dead after 4? What are the ZX games about then?
Zero dies a few times but they fix him. ZX is a few hundred years after. The first one is about you taking on some evil company with sentai powers. The second one is about taking down some government leader guy with sentai powers.
X, Zero and other robots souls are now in Biometals where Humans/Mavericks can morph into.
Canonically, it is the latest in the entire Megaman series, right? All of the games are in one universe except the Battle Network ones
Legends is the latest but it's very far removed from the rest
Star Force is with Battle Network in the alt universe
>X, Zero and other robots souls are now in Biometals
Incorrect. The Biometals were made in the image of X, Zero, and the others, but have no real relation to them at all.
The exception is Model W, which is literally the remains of Ragnarok, which Weil fused with.
>AZG 2 gets even weirder when for the new character, instead of shooting he just dashes into enemies and that tags them.
I wonder how are they going to adapt him to Burst.
They're supposed to contain the ""souls"" of the characters
Except they're not.
I thought Gunvolt wasn't that interesting in Burst. OTOH Copen has many more weapons.
Copen reminds me that Zero and Legends didn't have an edgy rival character for once (Unless you count Fefnir) and it was grand.
Also ZX I guess?
Music is great.
Fuck I want Capcom to be great again.
Classic -> X -> Zero -> ZX -> (some cataclysmic event that floods the world) -> Legends
Battle Network -> Star Force
What happens to OG Megaman?
Doesn't say. Probably retired
Nobody knows. It's not the Cataclysm theory, you fucking nerds.
I'd say the zero games don't have the best music of the franchise or anything but they have some good tracks
>I think the plot as scripted is stupid. X is an extremely deliberative character and all of what Copy X does is stupid, short sighted, and self-aggrandizing.
I'm guessing that the story would have been told differently had it been the original X instead and that the decision to make X into Copy X instead came fairly early on in development. Or, you know, it wouldn't.
Personally, I've always wondered why they didn't just make the Zero series and alternate timeline. That way you could let Inafune have his OC Donut Steel series and still keep the original X series running without any issues with canon. It also allows you to do more radical shit with the narrative, like making X the bad guy as originally conceived, without the blowback from fans. The Mega Man timeline is just a series of games writing themselves into corners. I mean, when you look at it from a distance like , it seems alright, but upon closer inspection it really starts to fall apart with the how's and why's.
Because he's trying his best to hit A or S Rank to learn those EX skills.
>tfw they retcon him and his siblings saving people to them fucking dying in an explosion
Copy is just too much of a childish prat to be the same character from X. I guess Zero is more stoic in this game but his development is more believable since he had amnesia IIRC.