What games can I play that take place in china?

What games can I play that take place in china?

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=hong kong gdp&rlz=1C1RZHW_enUS603US605&oq=hong kong gdp&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.3084j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom
Sleeping Dogs
Command and Conquer Generals I guess?

Resident Evil 6?

slep dog

> hong kong
> china

Go back to 1997 filthy lao wai

I sure do miss cheap chinese bimbos around every corner. On my friends birthday he went to get his asshole sucked and get jerked off by these girls.
Sleeping dogs is a gem

>*blocks your path*


so is taiwan
cowardly olympic committee calling them chinese taipei

More like Cuckie Chink

I was really hoping for some more fantasy games

They both are filled with han chinese who gives a fuck? all 3 are corrupt

Dynasty Warriors
Jade Empire
Cities Skyline if you play it right.

Why the fuck do the Chinese want hong kong so badly? The city is barely asian.

google.com/search?q=hong kong gdp&rlz=1C1RZHW_enUS603US605&oq=hong kong gdp&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.3084j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

the chinese think of themselves as powerful and conquerors. They want north korea for some reason too

I already played Dynasty warriors to death

Romance of the 3 kingdoms is such a fucking good story.


Shenmue 2, if Hong Kong counts.

Are you fucking kidding? It was a city stolen from china in a war. To this day it's filled with cantonese people.

Fucking white monkeys are embarrassing.

Why the fuck do the Irish want Derry so badly? The city is barely Irish.

>in a war
Pick one Zhang.

That's how you take cities white monkey you think that people can literally just pocket cities and walk out of china like some 70's Walmart?

it was a fucking british colony, you ape.