Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous thread:
>Post character name/franchises and references and keep them in a single post
>Keep it vidya
>The character(s) must be of vidya origin
>Post an art sample with your "taking requests" requests
>No bumping your requests
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>No OC requests. You can, however, request the creation of vidya characters
>Everyone posting "LOOMIS" without explanations and proper criticism is just spam, which should be ignored and reported.
>Please bump if the thread reaches page 10
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW: (current) (backup)

Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!
NSFW Deliveries should also be posted in
Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books:!2RARFaLA!VTiQb6eRXfV4V6mYQ6FJTA

Other urls found in this thread:


Requesting this death scene with Sachiko! (see at 3:45)

Your waifu adores you! Keep being cool, it's impressing her!

Requesting Rex innocently running around in a loincloth none the wiser to Nia struggling to keep her panties from hitting the floor in the background.

requesting this with any girl of your choice

Requesting Elizabeth making a face like in the reference

Requesting a version of this with Rex saying "Titan's foot". Alternatively, requesting anything you can think of with Karl Pilkington Rex.

Requesting a cute princess bimbo Aigis!

Requesting Yukari takeba lewds
Either panties or seductive, or paizuri invitation

Anchoring for

>In the Japanese and French versions of Black 2 and White 2, Nursery Aide June (named エナツ Enatsu and Mahault, respectively) admits he's a man, but dresses like a woman so he could have his job.
Requesting the Nursery aid getting fucked in his boi pussi by a shota

Requesting Sherry Birkin wrapped in pink garland nude holding a mistle toe either looking at the viewer or an user in the corner seductively

This but with Labrys

Seconding this but requesting Nepgear.

Requesting Arkantos leading the atlantean navy against Gargarensis
>Game: Age of Mythology

Requesting someone to draw this Link with both Ovan's Tri edge arms. The blue on one side and the red on other.

Boring! Bring back James!


This but a better nep

Requesting my girl Lana ahegao or general lewds

requesting MF giving a titjob and looking at the view with hearts in her eyes, lipstick on the dick is a plus

Requesting Link going to a bar and drinking heavily, and later waking up in the Gerudo outfit.
Please don't make it weird.

Requesting Natsu shitposting about herself being forcibly shoehorned in Soul Calibur VI

How about, no?

Requesting a this image of Mythra from xenoblade 2 photoshopped/digitally painted with an ahegao face with eyes rolled back, tears, and saliva.

Requesting Aigis and 2B having a Keijo style butt battle with each other

Requesting Filia and Carol in naked Christmas ribbon, as "presents" to each other for Christmas.

Requesting controlled LSSJ/SSJ Berserk Ivy

Requesting Lana as a sailor. Or a sailor moon.

Could I have this picture redrawn with these Zelda Girls?

Requesting Sora and Riku doing the pose below

This with Aigis. Because James is sick of all the shitty art with Aigis.

This but with Labrys and A2.

Requesting Tharja as a fairy with orange hair telling you to awaken the crystals in a really obnoxious manner

Requesting massive May mammaries.

Sailor Mercury at least for the matching hair colour

Requesting a 'Tallgeese -Howard Custom-' that basically is a Tallgeese that Geese pilots that take some inspiration from his design and is able to fire Reppukens and RAGING STORMS

Requesting the "this is fine" fire image with my character from the game "Mabinogi", bonus points if there's a burning PC in front of her as well.

Character reference:

Please and thanks!

2bh nep characters make more sense because consoles

Yeah but I don't want someone decent as worst girl

Merry Christmas

Requesting sexy and nude Sakuya Izayoi.
With breasts in this size:
And bush in this size:

Requesting Ayra resting after a fight

Requesting scary/badass Guilty art. Or just rule 63 Guilty if you wanna get weird.

Requesting the image on the right but with Tails

Shit taste there user but understandable

Requesting a Tetris piece.
Any kind is fine.
Any color is kind.
Just a single Tetris piece.

Requesting Tohru Adachi & Goro Akechi as the cover for Hot Fuzz

not OR but great work

who da fuck is james

Requesting Link tied to a bed and about to be raped by Mipha. Whether they are naked or not is up to you


Angry Nintendo nerd.


Fucking nice

do you actually appreciate your deliveries or do you just forget them in a week after your new batch of requests gets done


Requesting a Stage A and Stage B version of Cerebella, based on the reference. Basically, what Cerebella may have looked like before she became a hitwomen (and private entertainer) for the Medicis

I cherish each delivery and share them constantly

I would if I ever seen it done, I really want to see the robutt butt battle.

Requesting Ibuki and Jinx doing something cute together or getting into some Christmas mischief.

I swear to god I had a dream that had this framed on the wall what the fuck

Every now and then I brag about them when ready

Requesting Sephiroth giving Cloud Strife a Christmas present.

Requesting Kat doing the meme like in the reference.

Requesting Sachiko standing over the other clover girls.

Wow, gracefully done.

Stop feeding and just report him. Wasting posts and image count with posts like this is what he wants. Not to mention he is disrupting the thread by assuming all the requests are from one person

You're a psychic user

A pear
Please make it a pear!

Requesting Pit Crew Rottytops getting fucked by a futa Risky Boots with her cumming so hard that Rotty's head flies off of her body and her neck is spraying cum.


Requesting christmas Milla and Muzet giving a double blowjob with Milla on the left looking hesitant and Muzet on the right looking eager. Cum version would also be appreciated

Remember to request with your dick.

Can I get one of my two lovely PSI blasting daughters, Ana (on the left) or Paula (on the right) doing a courtesy because they are cute, polite girls


Requesting a naked Dr. Vahlen From XCOM wrapped up in Christmas ribbon like a gift

I suggest oppai Blanc with her dress blue colored, to resemble the Wii U. But her punching AVGN instead.

Requesting Sakura in an arcade getting fucked against an Alpha 2 machine. Bonus points for a line of customers and a "100 yen per play" sign.

Based. All I could ask for, senpai.

Requesting a tasteful, sexy pin-up of Karin Kanzuki in her holiday outfit.

requesting cheer leader lead getting cream pied.

Requesting Niko from Oneshot cheerfully making a snowman


Requesting christmas Sina
maybe also smug

oops Link not lead

Requesting Opalneria Rain wearing winter clothes with a nice thick fur jacket

Requesting Sachi, from Love at First Sight, in naked Christmas ribbon

Ive seen this request several times.

I really wanna see it done

+massive breasts
+skindentation to show their softness

nah you're obviously trying to do reverse psychology so people will draw him getting mindbroken

How would a blue dress resemble a Wii U more?


Requesting Alex from Deep Strange Journey dressed as Yukiko from Persona 4 or vice versa.

requesting Luna Noa from Lunar wearing a t-shirt and skirt with ballet flats, sitting outside on a bench and relaxing

I think people aren't doing it because of the "head flying off" part. it's not gore or anything, Rotty is pretty much a dullahan.

Requesting a pic or comic of Homura (bottom left) mentioning that her hair is getting too long, Yomi (blonde one) offers to cut it for her, and it turns out as the bob cut in the upper pics with Homura looking a bit embarrassed.. They should be in their casual clothes.


Requesting Laharl, but without pants. Instead he is in naked ribbon, as an unwilling present to Etna and Flonne

From the previous thread someone asked if she's my OC, no she's a Jewish girl I saw once