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She is the mother of my children

Me, I made her a mother.

Bonked the Lonk




Tasted Lonqu's lonqus

Is he the "canon" love interest then? Because I guess I do see the resemblance between him and Owain.

no, I am

I kinda wonder if they tell their small children those older ones are what they grow up to be or just say they are their older siblings?

she would make for an excellent mother and wife

>Fuck anyone
>Your child murders the game


If you want your Morgan to be truly all powerful you better marry Chrom or Luci

Not canon, but by supports, story, DLC and Owain himself he might as well be.

keep crying you fucking pathetic virgin


The only canon is that the Awakening children of the future have an assigned mother, which Owain's is Lissa. The player picks the father so there is no canon choice.

>Awakening waifufags all have to deal with their waifus being non-virgins
>Fates waifuchads can rest easy knowing they have pure wives
Feels good

B-but that's my wife!

>Nu-FEfags in a nutshell

woah seems like she really gets around

>play Awakening for the first time
>VERY skeptical, usual oldfag mindset you'll see here
>despite the mediocre gameplay the characters drew me in to play it and actually enjoy it against all odds
>Fates comes out
>play Conquest first, heard it was great
>don't give a fuck about anyone besides maybe Gunter and Elise
>no will to play
I hope they fix this in FE16.

Just skipping every cutscene and just viewing supports in Conquest actually makes the game more enjoyable. The writing actively hampers a good game.


user plz link the uncensored version.

I guess No sauce :^(

It's on paheal.

Who knows? It literally could have been any one of a dozen guys.

I felt the same way, I had a lot of fun with Awakening, but Conquest/Birthright do nothing for me



why did she become a slutttttttttttt
its not fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
she was suppose to be my cockslave!!!!!!!!!

>she shouts "THAT'S HOW YOU WANT IT!" on climax


The absolute state of waifufags.

In my playthrough, Vaike.


>he doesn't know what a joke topic is

it was supposed to be funny but you guys are no fun
still this mother thing came out of nowhere and shocked me
hearing acute little loli is a mother made my dick twich

>if I waifu someone's waifu I'm cucking others
I have been playing fire emblem wrong all this time

Every girl is a mother in fire emblem awakening.

kek this
also what game/mod

i wont know
i was playing warriors
played no fe game before so all charas look alike to me
but lucia saying you are my father was reallying touching

glad i could help

Who had the best S-support?

Awakening characters aren't any better than the ones in Conquest.

>little loli
She's 15 and is about 17 by the end of her game.

Henry is the best dad for Owain due to his modified support.

Awakening characters are just as trash and one dimensional though

Like every other FE game characters.

FE characters have always been one dimensional.
Except when there weren't supports and they weren't characters at all.

>people rave about how good 4 is because of the characters and ships
>units are suddenly in love with no prompts or dialogue

Last time I ever trust an oldfag to have a good opinion. Gimme them big ass maps again though.

Do not listen to those liars. It was me who blacked that bitch.

What kind of autism is this?

I did, several times.

>getting NTR by a someone who doesn't exist

I think you mean because he gives him white hair and DARKNESS. You have to use Henry if you won't do it yourself.

If you're a waifu fag, odds are you made a male Robin/Corrin, your self insert, and then married and impregnated your waifu yourself.
So your waifu being a virgin or not shouldn't matter, since you're likely the one who did the deed anyway if she isn't.


Then who do I throw at Sumia?

>that doujin didn't actually have a Lissa scene

You mean this?

You marry her.

Waifu Emblem was a mistake, there's nothing to like about these characters past their designs. They all have the character depth of a puddle.

I always picked him or Henry for Lissa since it gave Owain the right hair color.

Not only do I play FeMU, I don't care for clumsy pegasus slut. At all.

Old maid.

She is a good pairing for MRobin, the two share their love of books. More chemistry then her and Chrom that is for sure. Give Sumia Gaius then and have Tharja die old and alone.

Lon'qu and Donnel have modified supports too technically.

>being a virgin makes you a special snowflake

name a "deep" fire emblem character

Yeah I miss amazing characters with complex personalities like Lyn, Nino and Florina.
Waifus were a mistake.

>When Project X Zone 2 gave Lucina and Chrome a better personality than their original games

I heard X Zone 2 was pretty good

Part of the problem with Conquest is that the story is so retarded that no one actually behaves in a way that's consistent with their character (and those characters tend to be fairly shallow anyway. Xander would be a minor boss character in a previous title, someone who doesn't really want to fight you and is there as a cheap attempt to make you feel bad).
Garon should've been dead as soon as Camilla had amassed the level of power and influence she has in the game, as soon as Leo was old enough to plot against him. Xander is well-loved and supported by the people. The fact that he wasn't kinda ruins the whole "ruthless maniacs with hearts of gold" bit and just makes them all seem like delusional cowards clinging to daddy's rotting body.

Awakening had a really good reason the children are also useable units, fates was just some bullshit.

I know these posts used to be ironic but nowadays, I honestly wonder if Sup Forums has become such a degenerate garbage fire that they've slid into sincerity with this shit.

Who even talked about that before you brought it up?
The characters themselves are about the same.


>mfw S-supported by a BBC

Almost every character in awakening had a reason to be there, fates just had jobbers pouring out from every nook and cranny, why would I care about those mooks?

I remember than your Avatar's child are OP not matter what
Even my Yarne was a best

What, like Gaius?
There aren't very many one-dimensional characters in Awakening. Panne, Nowi, Schizo, male and female autism. That's all that comes to mind. The rest are either richly vanilla (Cherche, Donnel, Gregor, Lucina, Liz) or fantastically interesting (Gaius, Owain, Tharja, Inigo, Lonqu).

But they were clinging to his body. They refused to believe he had changed or been possessed. Kamui never acted against his king and Nohr until the very end when Garon sat on the throne.

Many things to bitch about in the story, but that's not one of them.

Lucina is literally nothing but muh future and muh father

>fantastically interesting (Gaius, Owain, Tharja, Inigo, Lonqu).

>Marrying the sub-human

The thing is they mention in game the people like Garon. They probably only like him for allowing then to keep their job as soldiers and brings them food from places. Xander has moral issues in that he doesn't agree with him but does what he is told because he is his king and father. There is also the fact that they might just be waiting for him to die since he is pretty old.

It is probably the reason Xander is so pissy in the Celica support in Warriors. Celica has people begging to start a revolution for her and she is killing more people by not starting it up. Xander doesnt agree with Garon but the people love him and so he stays loyal, that and he is his dad and king. He sees it as his duty to his people to keep them happy and safe even if he doesnt like the work he does.

Then again Nohrians probably dont know Garon is batshit crazy.

To be fair none of them are given evidence that he is possessed. When shown he is a slime monster Leo, Elise and Camilla still refuse to attack him.

>He don't want to be know as the man that save a species with his dick

Yeah it is, because he's blatantly a genocidal cunt and they're aware of it and resent it. It makes no sense for the BIG BAD YANDERE ASSASSIN or the MUH DUTY prince to shy away from fucking ending him.
You forgot the accurate representation of autism spectrum disorders.

>Lis & Lonk is canon
damn son

Honestly, I found the Fates characters so much better than Awakening's. And Hoshido's better than Nohr's. They tend to be more reasonable, less gimmicky and have more backstory. Generally, I mean. There are definitely some exceptions.

>You forgot the accurate representation of autism spectrum disorders.
That's Miriel.
Lucina is only the accurate depiction of blandness.

ok so i got banned for posting pic related and not for my other posts
also didnt delete this thread

baka mod! i would be really angry if i still would be able to post!
i-its not like i want to show you i still can post o-or anything! bakaaaa!!


>despite the mediocre gameplay
Yeah no its worst then mediocre you just have shit taste.

Contrary to popular belief, Autism doesn't make you into a TBBT character.

are you alright user

Who is this qt?

My wife, stay away from her.

As much as I hate some of these characters, they're actually pretty interesting in their supports.