Who else is hyped for a VR Christmas?

Post VR things

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Literally the dumbest thing you could spend money on at this point.

enjoy job simulator, autistic men in VR chat, and trying to jerk to buggy hentai games when your mom walks in on you.

Imagine being so cucked that you prefer 2d over 3d.

Is there any surer sign of a numale cuck than someone who finds cartoons attractive?

stop with the buzzwords buddy. its okay if you're insecure what people like.

You're a degenerate and its good that your shitty genes will die with you instead of poisoning the gene pool.

I hope your misery compels you to kill yourself soon so there's one less of your kind shitting up this board.

>current year
>not being a degenerate
What is this, 1850?

It ended on a pretty good note. RE7 DLC dropped and was good, I'm actually finishing the main quest in Skyrim finally, haven't touched DOOM VFR yet but looking forward to it. Only thing is Moss got delayed to February but oh well.

>that pic
I cri evri tiem

must suck being poor and still living at home with mummy.

>just ordered my vive
>getting here next week

Boy am I hype to pretend to be an anime girl on VRChat just to go up to the bara men avatars and act all cutesy while I have a throbbing erection.

>Trying this hard to fit in and make himself feel like he isn't worthless

>enjoy superior motion control games, VR chat, and hot hentai games

Thanks, I will!



vrchat is a magical place

You don't need VR to play vrchat
>wasting 600 shekles to move arms

2D is for porn, 3D is for relationships.

its creepy when they slowly turn their heads and look at you with those dead anime eyes

I think eye tracking is creepier than the dead stare.

Have hardly played a vr game since the Vive came out. I just use it for porn.

I guess I should try out Arkham VR or something. I'd like to try some more sitting experience games, I have a small room.

>Thinking desktop plebs matter
Laughing at your life fampai

Eyetracking is disturbing as fuck, it's why I won't add it to my models

How does it feel knowing that this degenerate is better than you, and laughing.
Born into a rich family, and I can do whatever I want.

Ordered my Vive yesterday, it's coming tmmrw.
Guess i'll see you there huh?

Where do I get avatars for VRchat?

Also recommend me some MUST HAVE Vive games please.

And yet you sit here shitposting on waifu threads on Sup Forums just like the people you criticize.

Kill yourself.

The difference is that I will live a good life until I die doing nothing as a rich NEET, while you slave away hoping for a day off, worthless chattel.

There are rooms with avatar pedestals you can grab, or you can use Unity/Blender to import MMD/game rips/whatever models yourself.

I'm put of cash, so just gonna get gear vr for some porn watching.
Gonna wait a bit for the next gen proper VR probably.

this person glady accept headpatting everytime



I'm thinking of buying a headset on boxing day but I'll also need a new graphics card. Why does happiness need to be so expensive?

There was a decent Vive+GTX 1070+FO4 VR (lol) bundle. Even if you don't touch FO4, it still saves you some cash.

I really want to buy it but I know there will be Gen 2 soon, so I'll wait for that.

Where and how much?

Will we ever be together with our waifus in this timeline, lads?

>Gen 2 soon

You mean the occulus go, mixed VR, or are you speculating?



New tech usually develops rapidly. Look at a 1997 mobile phone (Yes, I knew they existed long before that, but so did VR. It was just not very practical) and then at an iPhone.

I expect it to at least be lighter and wireless, if not have a bigger resolution and FOV.

Probably Pimax 8K and unannounced stuff

It apparently is no longer available, googling it and finding articles with the link leads to just the Vive + FO4 bundle. Sorry user.

Maybe when it gets close to Oasis level.

Or Better than Life

Skyrim vr on PSVR made me so fucking sick. I hated the controls too. Did it make you sick the first time too? Afraid to put it back on.

Going to be playing VR all day on Christmas day while being comfy and seeing the snow outside, feels good.

Would I be wasting my money if I buy an oculus instead of a vive? Not really interested in getting up and moving around my room. Don't really habe the space for it either.

It's not creepy. Are you okay?


The rift is a good choice if you don't want to spend as much, or in your case if you don't want to move around.

How long until we can get headsets with a decent horizontal FOV?
I've tried the Rift and Vive and that's the only thing keeping me from buying one right now.

>still no official prescriptions lenses kit


Circular lenses prevent that.


>The FOV of Pimax 8K is around horizontally 200 degrees, and vertically 120 degrees

Why would it need to be official? Vive at least is accepting of third parties making addons for their headset.

>internet enabled sex toys
>voice modifiers
you are not ready

>Spend a day deciding on the $500 Occulus bundle with 2 controllers and 2 sensors
>Decide to get it
>It's no longer available

Screaming forever and ever

Since most VR games seem to be shit the only other application of VR I'm interested in is faping to Chinese cartoons. Is it worth it?

Bro Madoka's eleven years old.

Isn't that the normal price from the Oculus store anyway?

I'm Canadian so no, usually we need to give them our first born child, a vial of our blood, sign a contract to donate any organ they request without reason given, and 700 Trudeau funbucks

>Homura is mentally ~27 years old by the time of the last movie

>There are already mechanical fleshlights that link to games
>They can also 'multiplayer' other sex toys like dildos
>Why no link two fleshlights together?

Hello leaf brother. I feel your pain.

Not him but I can also confirm the same for Oculus. There are several third party addons for prescription lenses.

Also for both Rift and Vive I recommend going with any you can find, except VR Lens Lab. Avoid them. 3D printing your own works too.

You don't know shit about pain.
A fucking VR headset costs a whole average monthly salary in Poland.
I had to pay like 3 months full salaries to get a decent PC, which is still rather shit by modern standards.
Now imagine what people in Ukraine and other such shitholes have compared to us.

i want to kill everyone in this video

Hahahaha. Okay, pal.

I lived in Ukraine for 25 years and can confirm. No way in hell I could buy such a thing with an Average Joe job. (This is not a jojo reference).

And even then, Poland has one of the highest minimum wages in it's region.

That image reminds me, is there a virgin/chad version of the 3DPD meme?

is there any way to make the lenses in the vive separate farther? i have mine set to 75mm right now but it feels like it could be better if they were father apart i have a big head, i almost couldn't wear the vive cause the straps weren't long enough

Yeah sure when compared to places like said Ukraine, Lithuania and such, even still, it's not enough to make a normal living from a min. wage here. Unless you're living with your parents and don't drink/smoke/do drugs.

>Sophisticated thoughts hobbies and passions

Unless you can become a super expert hardware hacker, no.

>living with your parents

No reason not to do this if you have a good relationship with them. Getting to know my parents as people was a lot of fun. Saving a shitload of money was the bonus.

>buying a 600 dollar headset to RP
If not being autistic is plebeian than so be it

Yeah well I'm doing it to save money, but they're kind of getting on my nerves and all that and I'm thinking of renting a flat on my own because I just want to be left alone.

Sup Forums nigger detected

dont forget to mention to the jobless brainlets on Sup Forums that average salary is AN AVERAGE OF ALL SALARIES, that means the data has been taken from CEO's as well as a janitor's and the normal pay is way way below that.

seeing your waifu getting headpatted by someone else in VR is an odd feeling

The fuck are you talking about?
Are you living on handouts? Because unless you're talking about high-end gaming PC, you can get a very decent one for a single month lowest wage salary and I'm Polish as well.

>you can get a very decent one for a single month lowest wage salary and I'm Polish as well.
Define 'very decent'
And yes I'm talking real games, not farmville shit.

It's a fat smelly pedoneet, not you're waifu.

I'm also talking real games. Hell, you can get even better specs for less money if you buy at a pawnbroker or just order the parts from China and build a PC yourself.
Seriously mate... a 3 month salary, let's say 1500 zł a month, which is a minimum, is fucking 4500 zł and this is the price of a really fucking amazing machine (as long as it's not a laptop).

>your living cost

I thought the same, but once you’re in VRchat it makes you wanna get one bad.

I built a PC myself a little over a year ago.
Pic related is my specs, and I paid like ~4500 PLN including case and monitor ofc.
I wouldn't call that >a really fucking amazing machine

600 burger bucks isn't bad if it's a game in which you spend hundreds of hours. It's been a few months and I'm already at $2 an hour.

>You're a degenerate

You wouldn't be here if you weren't one too.

But it is.
I think some of you guys have never had a lower-tier machine and don't realize than even a weaker PC can perform admirably. My old PC from 2008, with Intel Core2 2.2 GHz and some old Geforce can handle even the new games - not at max graphics, of course, but with some tweaking it works great.
The stuff you listed is already an overkill, but it will work great for the next 10 years or so.

Can someone sell me on some VR games they've enjoyed?
I can afford a headset and new graphics card but any major purchase like that always has a bit of risk. I just want to have fun.

Is going to be amazing when they add hand collision to rigid bodies and haptics to VRchat

Well I'm very much enjoying a flat chested, puffy-pussied child. In the 2D realm this is a-ok, 3D is a big no no.

Fucking no, because the touchpad on both my vive controllers are broken in exactly the same place and they're shipped off for repairs.

I had 0 interest in VR before VRChat. No "actual" game is up to snuff for what I would consider an ideal VR experience (which would be being able to be on a treadmill and thinking I was doing cardio in a field--I will probably be dead before this happen).