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Nepgear a cute. A CUTE!
I want to poke that navel!
4 Goddesses Online?
More like 4 Goddesses Offline.
More like gay weebshit.
ᵃʸʸ ᶫᵐᵃᵒ
I'd like my own Histy for on the go, shame she only has a single use.
I am literally going to marry Uni!
How do I get Uni to stop molesting me in VRChat?
Is 4GO worth the 30 bucks? Its on sale right now?
I wish there was more porn of Histy
It felt like a sub $30 game to me, but if you like Nep, go for it.
Just keep waiting. It dropped $20 less than 2 months after release so it will probably go on sale again for less than $30 by February or March. It's an ok distraction but you can plat it in like 20 hours and the online has probably died down a lot at this point too.
It's a $15 budget game that was sold for $49.99 pre-order. The sad thing is, the drop rates are so good at the start of the game, that you don't even realize there's requirements. It's not until you reach high levels that you notice that you have to go back and farm dozens of low level enemies.
It's a pretty shitty action game
God damn, Nep and Bland are midgets.
I want to fuck 5pb and the good Falcom.
imagine being ballsdeep in Neptune, hitting the entrance to her womb, pounding her so hard, no matter how much she tries she cant say a joke
imagine picking her up and fucking her while standing, finally releasing your load in her, the pleasure and SHARES gained from your semen cause her to immediatly HDD, the added weight causes you to fall backwards on the floor or bed, PH asks if you are alright, she doesnt wait for you to respond because she feels your dick stand up hard again at the sound of her voice and sight of her body, so she just starts moving her hips up and down
Holy shit, Nep fags on Sup Forums are so fucking annoying. Yes user, 4GO is worth 30$ easily. It's the secodn best Neptunia game and a pretty good game overall too.
Is it time yet?
Perfect tit size
vert make my dick so hard. I just want to make her my wife.
Why is Nowa's body so perfect?
I want Plutia to step on me.
Why are they so fuckable. Fuuuck
panda magic
>vert make my dick so hard. I just want to make her my wife.
wouldnt onahole be enough? You could make a better nep your wife
What's the best Nep game for starting?
HDN ps3
I'm asking because of the Steam sale, user. Is there a better place to ask? I'm pretty sure everyone here is ironic weebs that didn't even play the games.
RB1 or V2, the latter is the latest and bestest
"V2" is the best then? It's also the most expensive from what I'm seeing. I'll probably start here anyway, I just hope I'm not falling for the meme that this game isn't only fanservice. Also, Neptunia U Action Unleashed is 90% off, but I heard it's comparable to Senran Kagura games, which are just complete garbage with nothing but fanservice. Should I get the U game or are the comparisons real?
compileheartfags, how's omega quintet? wondering if i should pick it up on steam.
See on youtube a bit.
You see, if I wanted to do that I wouldn't have asked here. I just want quick answers because there's a ton of games I'm looking into on this sale already.
it's be senran devs and has little to no plot, its a fanservice through and through and not a good one
> I just hope I'm not falling for the meme that this game isn't only fanservice
V2 has the most fanservice, the games have 1-2 really fanservice-y CG's but thats about it, V2 has a bit more
no idea, I think the annoouncement went over people heads because
and its a really old game by now, it was rated for PC back at the same time as RB1
Okay, then I'm avoiding Neptunia U like the plague. By the most fanservice, can you elaborate a bit? Is it a game where fanservice is the main focus? Because I heard it was not, that's why I looked into it on the first place. Does it have a decent story or is it boob or fanservice jokes all around like Senran shit? Also, I'm aware they are kinda parody games? Didn't look much into this, but I like parodies.
>By the most fanservice, can you elaborate a bit?
some lewder CG's, one with a good view at cleavage, 2 bathing CG's with girls nude early in the game and one more later
>Is it a game where fanservice is the main focus? Because I heard it was not, that's why I looked into it on the first place
Not really, more so character interactions and the light hearted often silly plot
>Does it have a decent story or is it boob or fanservice jokes all around like Senran shit?
Not really fanservice jokes, but memey jokes, understandble if thats not your cup of tea
>Also, I'm aware they are kinda parody games? Didn't look much into this, but I like parodies.
Game industry parodies, sometimes refercing things from vidya industry, big chunk of V2 plot revolves around "shift period" which the game explains as "Time when people look for new Goddesses to lead them instead of the old ones", an allegory for people switching consoles in-between generations, things like that are between not-common and not-rare
Also, references to pop culture and memes(2ch memes in japanese script, you can guess what they get replaced with, no Banes or Pepes yet though), again, undesrtandable if you cant into meme humor
Oh and you won't find girls talking about their asses or tits every 10 minutes but it will happen sometimes
Hmm, so the fanservice revolves mostly on some CGs here and there from what you said. Not bad. I have nothing against memes, but 2ch memes are a bit too far for me, I'm not that weeb yet, but if it's not much, I can let it slide. Guess I'll give it a try, most games I've also looked into now turned out to be bad.
Have fun(hopefully)
Dont hesitate to refund if you arent really feeling it, I know nep isnt in everyones tastes
Why the lack of porn?
There so little good porn.
series not popular, everyone is too busy drawing Azur Lane and fate shit
Series dying a slow death
VII sold like shit