ITT: Post the vaporware that hurts the most.
ITT: Post the vaporware that hurts the most
Its being reworked to be a AAA open world RPG
I remember B.C looking cool
They said they'll get back to it eventually.
That would imply that they're actually working on it.
I really don't get why they'd commit to releasing a whole year of free DLC for Dying Light instead of working on this.
Open World meme is the worst meme.
It's what a publisher does when the numbers on the box are too low so they can advertise a game with 6 hours of content as being hundreds of hours long.
At least a slight step down in "Openness" from Open World yields a properly structured experience that doesn't pad its length with bullshit while still allowing for exploration.
StarCraft: GHOST
They hired Witcher 3 developers last year for a open world RPG
N-new b-blog today haha.
I-its still coming out r-right guys?
Spore, the 2005 version before that Christian guy came in and made it about God's child-friendly creationism.
It will get a release date, then the ugly truth about its development hell will surface. It will blow through that date and then ...cancelled.
Spore made me jaded and distrustworthy of game developers from then on. It probably saved me from a lot of future pain.
The sequel to Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth
feels bad, man
There is a new call of cthulhu game in development
I don't know if it ever even existed
I'm really trying my best over here OP.
One day you will have your first person dungeon crawler.
I kinda doubt it since its assets were reworked and used in a mobile game - so they probably dissolved the project and utilized the output somehow, to keep the loss of profit small.
If anything they'll completely restart the thing, but I wouldn't bet on it. Management already stopped it once because they weren't satisfied with how it went (and other projects being more profitable) - there is no real reason why they'd agree to have it made again.
it was supposed to usher in a new age of permadeath horror vidya
I can rest peacefully knowing it probably would have been shit just like any other techland game.
broken age
The world of darkness MMORPG
>Latest gameplay is from 2015
I still to this day don't understood the backlash from this getting cancelled. It looks like shit even back then, there was literary nothing remarkable about it based on the marketing material which was released in the gaming magazines.
>Its March, and as our Release Date Trailer revealed a while back, it is release month! When we last made an Update in October, we talked about how we could rush a release date of December 2016, but wanted to have a few extra months to really make sure that the game was polished and felt like something we could be proud of releasing, so we came up with a March Release Window. That extra time has been invaluable to the project, and as things were being put into a final release state (Sound, Animations, Gameplay) we felt a great amount of joy and satisfaction in seeing everything in Routine really come to life. However, there was one thing we never felt clicked, and that was one of our paths. Routine has always had two ways to progress through the game, each with their own unique endings, but we never quite knew how they would feel until the game content & experience was really polished up and playable as one solid, consistent, experience. We made the call at the end of January that our second path was just not as strong as the other. If you follow us on twitter you may have noticed over these last two months that we’ve been very inactive, and the reason has been that we’ve just crunched like crazy to try and hit that March Release date. It’s looking like we just can’t do that, there are still a few things that require our attention. You have waited almost 5 years for Routine, and we want to make sure that what we give you in the end is nothng short of the best we can give you. We’re genuinely sorry to announce this small delay, but we feel like the last thing we want to do is disappoint all of the people that given us their love, support and kindness, by releasing somethng that didn’t feel complete. We only get to release Routine once, and we want to make sure we do it right. We don’t expect the delay to add more than a month or two and when we next update, we promise to finally give you a clear release date with a game that we are proud of.
Wishing you the best of luck. It's such a simple idea I can't believe so few people have attempted it.
>We don’t expect the delay to add more than a month or two
>Posted in March
>Last Online 273 days ago
Fucking these
There was gonna be a mistborn game?
Can Prey 2 be considered vaporware?
Someone please make the hurting stop...
Most definitely. I think of vaporware more as "games we'll never get" than just "games supposedly still in development".
Yes ;_;
Speaking of upcoming games will system shock 3 be good
there's the sinking city and tcoc: the official game or something
Project Offset. I only found out about it years after it was cancelled.
>you'll never get modern Hexen
To be fair, it did look like re-skinned Dead Island and I can do without that in my life. Now that devs got better with Dying Light, though. Sure.
Hellraid was never like Hexen despite the devs' claims.
Fucking this. I'm really hoping they redo Hexen like they did DooM.
Yes. The Prey Reboot has nothing to do with Prey and dosen't have anything that resembles Prey 2's concept at all.
Instead we got Prison Architect
As long as they keep the
>hub system
>class system
>focus on exploration and puzzles/item hunts
It would be so incredibly easy for them to fuck up Hexen. At this point I'm not afraid of classic fps' turning into the next CoD/Halo clone, but rather the next in a long line of SS clones.
>Battlefront III had a finished plot
>Salvaged for the PSP game but most of the good shit is gone
Why is Star Wars such Suffering?
Yeah that one, the one that shit all over your niche FPS nobody fucking played, you hipster cunt.
1313 would have just been an uncharted clone in Star Wars. Battlefront 3 really hurts.
Would have loved one more genuinely good star wars game before the whole franchise got bought out.
Now we are doomed to a yearly underwhelming battlefront game with brain dead, on rails multiplayer on 3 maps. Oh yeah, now it's got a forgettable singleplayer about literally who
I never played the original, I'm just saying it like it is, faggot.
Spore was certainly the game that made me jaded as well. I still get hyped for some stuff, but I don't follow development and let myself be super into it before it is even available.
>hey lets do that early access development plan that everyone else is doing right now, what could go wrong?
>implying anyone here knows what this was(n't)
Unreal 3 fucking when?
>last update: July
I really enjoyed playing it, too.