>it's christmas, user!
>can't you stop playing video games for just one day?
>besides, when are you going to get a girlfriend?
It's christmas, user!
Other urls found in this thread:
Video games?
Video Games Are For Faggots.
>>>besides, when are you going to get a girlfriend?
>no user, when I say girlfriend, I don't mean th-
>no we've been over this, please stop saying "feminine penis" at the table
"Oh, look who decided to come out of his cave."
>Time for Christmas dinner!
>Remember that you are an American, and KFC is closed
Oh well.
>6'0 with a 5'11 family
lol people are so poor
I hope their KFC is at least better than the ones here.
why is the cave in the roof
>no present for you this year user, don't you think you're a little old for that now? haha
Where else are you going to put a cave?
>Using only the fork to eat
>Left hand is under the table
Fucking barbarians
They're using the knives to become women.
They're poor in life but rich in love
>tfw entire family is atheist
>tfw we don't celebrate any holidays
>tfw parents are just fine with me being a 29 year old kissless virgin living in their basement
Who was in the wrong here?
The old man shouldn't have talked shitbat a family dinner
White trash like this just make me uncomfortable.
>fucking christmas
>have to pack
>have to travel to another fucking country to see family
>get fucking anxious and stressed out when traveling
I just want to be at home and play my video games and enjoy the comfiness of my hometown. This shit is why I fucking hate christmas.
>Family forced me to go church on Christmas Day, before present opening
>Refused to sing shitty carols and say stupid hymns that don’t result to anything
>Old people who ran the church kept staring at me like pedophiles, because I didn’t believe in a fake being
>They kept bitching to my parents, who didn’t care if I didn’t care about Christianity
It fucking sucked having a Christian Family, but I’m thankful they respected me for being atheist.
why can't you just say you're not going this year?
Bad memories
I don't want to upset my mom, she's all giddy that I'm coming and as much as I wanted to I can't do that to her.
>"Hey there big guy, so what'd you get my daughter for Christmas this year?"
>needing a religion for having a christmas party
>needing a religion to stuff your face and get free shit from mommy and daddy
That hasn't been the case ever since Christmas became a holiday to buy shit, no one cares that it used to be the celebration of the solstice or the birth of noah or whatever the fuck it was
Make sure to pack your Nintendo Switch, sweetie. Did you buy the proper carrying case to fit your Pro Controller?
"Who the fuck are you? Get the fuck out of my house."
You sound like a fag
A white son
>"You didn't buy any Christmas presents this year either?"
>"You didn't get that job huh, did you even apply for it?"
>"You know for once I wish you would wear something appropriate, at least cut your hair"
>"Have any new years resolution? What about get a job and move out, oh wait, this is YOU we are talking about."
>"What was so important you couldn't help me with dinner or even the decorations anyway?"
>"God you smell, and what's that on your shirt? Jesus Christ it's Christmas get your shit together."
>"We are going to visit Grandma and Grandpa... Let me guess, you are not coming again? This is the fifth time!"
how hard is it to come out of your room and just pretend to give a shit for a little bit?
>not being skilled enough to eat with only one utensil
does it occur to your militant atheist family that easter and christmas have a large consumerist culture surrounding them that has nothing to do with religion?
What about halloween?
>Sup Forums during thanksgiving
Imagine that two times a year you have to drop EVERYTHING to be "insulted" about your personality, social status, hobby, sexual orientation, appearance, and mannerisms as well as be berated as to why and why not you did or didn't do something.
>”Let your cousin play some of your games”
>anything by Mcjugger
>besides, when are you going to get a girlfriend?
how the fuck are you meant to respond to this when the answer is "I have a boyfriend" and your family is religious
You want them to cut their mashed potatoes and corn and shit with a knife or what? At least their elbow isn't on the table
Something like this.
>besides, when are you going to get a girlfriend?
When you follow through on your promise to find me one.
Got her pregnant with a white baby.
yeah it sucked until i turned 16 and stopped being such a little shit
This faggot should be slapped. Honestly, it's not fucking hard to just interact with your family on christmas.
>fires up Sup Forums
>muh family values, muh culture, muh national identity.
>as a self-employed father of 4 I always keep my white family secure yet disciplined
My mom never lwt me have girls over or let me be alone with them
She thought i was going to fuck them, just, all of them, i dont know why
Eventually i did lose my virginity though
>how is college going on?
Just be honest and tell them you need shock therapy.
>"user! Get off that computer and take a picture with us!"
>Show up to family Christmas gathering for the first time in five years last December
>Turns out my older cousin is a lesbian and the other cousin just married a woman who's now revealed she's transgender and came out as a man the night before we all got there
>She and the lesbian cousin are hitting it off and flirting throughout dinner
>Have the opportunity to finally spit out that I like sucking cocks without it being the most awkward moment of the weekend and so I can finally stop being asked this fucking question
>End up ignoring the drama, hanging out with my older brother and nephew playing video games in the corner instead
Holidays are a fucking disaster.
Luckily my family just accepts my degeneracy and doesn't ask questions with obvious answers.
just join the army or marines. they're full of fags over there, you can find a beard wife or you can stay an eternal *bachelor* and everyone will assume you're a fag
I really hate whores
Your pink vest is cute, user!
und how do you feel about your mother
They also probably don't like you either.
He said he hates whores. He was pretty clear on the matter.
>Now that's not very nice!
"out of his cave."
I like you.
>tfw my selfish cunt of an uncle is coming over for dinner again this year
It's nice that my family always respects my privacy as long as I talk to people during the meal, but I don't know why he can't keep his nose of everyone's business.
Is that door on the roof?
Not that user but only a profoundly stupid and gullible person believes in super sky wizards
Christmas last year
>Auntie talks about how all of the shopping malls in sydney are owned by Jews and how Jews all have a victim complex
>brother asks me "user you don't actually still think brexit was a good idea do you?"
>tell him I'm not talking about politics on christmas
Brother's birthday this year
>So user will you finally admit that trump was a mistake?
>"What's one thing trump has done that has actually had a negative impact?"
>instantly visibly frustrated "Okay I'm ending this conversation here, I can't believe you still defend him"
boy oh boy can't wait for him to complain about muh rich getting tax cuts
Only if your family is packed with fucking fruitcakes, and not the kind of fruitcakes that people receive as gifts for the holidays and never eat.
why the fuck are christmas cakes a thing when nobody fucking likes them?
>parents divorced when I was a kid, alternate christmases with my sisters and either parent
>dad and his partner have a huge house on the coast where we're going for christmas
>his partner's kids are still mad their mum has an interest in another man, hate my dad and refuse to spend christmas with us this year
>don't have to put up with shitty pseudo step-siblings, actually like my sisters
So nice of them to exclude themselves.
Who cares if you believe or not. It doesnt give you the right to be a douche to your family
If you don't give a fuck about pissing him off then just keep telling him you don't understand after every long diatribe.
>long diatribe~
>"I just don't get what you mean"
>"What part"
>"all of it, can you break it down for me??"
And repeat until he has enough.
Christmas is the worst. I honestly wish I could get some kind of illness so I could avoid this whole week.
I tried to do something like this for Christmas dinner one year. Didnt have the tv on the table like an autist though. Just tried to plug my ps4 into the dining room television. Mom gave me fucking shit for it after too.