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Video Games #4009
Video Games
This is Marie Rose
Turn to the dark side
I'm buying my little sister a 3DS and her first Pokemon game
Dragon Ball Fighterz
Why did everyone forget about Mario Kart 8 Deluxe...
I'm envious of switchfags who can play this. What can I play on the PC that will give provide me with similar feelings?
This is actually better than GTA V
How can Star Wars Empire handle something like a Covenant invasion when they can't even deal with terrorists?
Trails in the Sky homo agenda
What the fuck is this aspie shit?
Holy shit,Sup Forums, I should have played this earlier
You guys seem alright, dont come to Berry Big Circus next week
Grease monkey
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
How come zelda is the only rpg that doesn't need grinding?
It's time to discuss the best 3d Mario
Gen 2
ITT: Games that managed to make you care about the characters
Use your videogame skills to save the princess
Anybody else regret getting this? I do
This game is beautiful
Does Sup Forums like Fate/ Grand Order?
Post what you're buying and post recommendations
What are some games that are good examples of artificial fun?
Princess Daisy should have appeared in Tostarena
So what other games are coming out for the Switch besides Metroid Prime 4 and Valkyria chronicles 4...
User, why do you always play as a girl in videogames?
Can we agree that her character was 100% ruined in mgs4?
Samus Returns
Top 10 best selling games in Italy
ITT: DLCs that were better than the main game
I have a six hour flight tomorrow, Sup Forums...
I'm looking for games along the lines of Souls, Zeldas and Okami...
Joe was paid by Disney lol
Paid. Now I'm ready to GAME
Are space games / sci-fi games in general just fucking dead? These past few years have been a wasteland
Your created character us not the main good guy, more like the MC's companion
Really, Nintendo? Really?
Is it really that bad?
OTP thread
What do you want to see from the shrines in the next Zelda game?
What are some fun racing games on Steam that'll make me feel like this guy...
Well, Sup Forums?
We are billions
Failed to convince me that DS3 doesn't have the best amount of quality bosses in the series
Vidya girls
Not playing Thief
Saturday Night Muthafucka!
>weak protagonists in good games thread
Is VR the future?
What's his best line?
Hidden gems thread, but with actual unknown games
How do we end the nu-male menace that is inflicting vidya?
The little girl in the party member are heavy hitters
Dark Souls is a self torture
ITT : Soyguments people use
Everyone circlejerks over how good Age of Empires 2 is
What do your fighting game mains say about you?
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Missions in video games that could not be made today
"""tactical""" realist extreme hardcore shooter realism 2.0 tactical
Kill me
Good story
"Greetings clerk, recommend me one of your finest wares"
What's the best roguelike?
*blocks your path*
Ask friend if he wants to play a game
Halo 6 is 4k/60FPS
How do I get Dantarg to leave the East Oubliette?
Join a squad
How would you rate the Switch's first year?
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Itt retarded game design
What the hell is this doing on Steam Winter Sale?
Death stranding
Video game trope
What vidya-related gifts are you expecting this year Sup Forums?
What are some games?
ITT: What the FUCK were they thinking moments
Are you worried?
How can you guys defend Hearthstone?
Demon's Souls was made to challenge conventional wisdom in modern game design
Its up
Guild leader
Predict Sony's next E3
Isn't it just sad? Just unfair? How Morrigan is so much better than Yen but Dragon Age is so much worse than Witcher?
I'm not the only one who has a little cousin/nephew/familiar that spends all day long watching people playing minecraft...
Come, Nerevar. Friend or traitor, come. Come and look upon the Morrowind thread
Hidden gems thread...
Hi! I'm the worst area in the entire game and it's respective series!
Mass Effect is dead
He still asks his parents for game related merchandise for christmas
Finally got around to playing this piece of shit and HOLY FUCK the director needs to be shot. In the first 10 hours...
Is there a bigger corporate shill than IGN?
This is your retconned protagonist for this evening
Not owning a Micro
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Top 10 best selling games in Italy (04/12/2017 - 10/12/2017)
Steam Sale Thread
One copy of madden 2018, ya nerd
Any good werewolf games?
VRCHAT thread
ITT: Robots trained to fuck your mouth
Why was this game so perfect? Seriously, no Rockstar title came close
How do we fix Final Fantasy?
Rotom Problem and GameFreak shitposting
Just bought game
Is this true?
What are some video game franchises where a previous protagonist beloved by many dies a meaningless death as an...
Are they right?
Steam appreciation thread
What is the Groundhog Day of video games, Sup Forums?
World of Warcraft BfA
Are you getting the Megaman X collection for Switch?
Are GPU prices still inflated from cryptocurrency miners?
You practice your video game skills, right Sup Forums?
Someone on Sup Forums made this picture with the express wish that Sega would actually port a rhythm game whose entire...
Rimworld thread
What games are you playing on Christmas, Sup Forums?
Name a character that could take down senator Armstrong
Best games in their respective series?
Look what just came in the mail Sup Forums the greatest game of all time
Pick this up on sale
What can games do to make damage feel like there's "weight" and "meat" behind it?
Now that the dust is settled, which is the best VN of all time?
Things that piss you off about gaming communities
Are there any decent ways to play this without buying the cart? It's kinda expensive for an old game
Is this game supposed to be a joke? An insult to original Monster Hunter fans?
What game is this
How does it make you feel Gravity Rush and its sequel are two of among the best games of our generation and still...
*whispers into the microphone in a library bathroom*
Dragonball Fighterz Thread:
Famitsu confirms that Switch is outselling PS2, the best selling platform in history
Party member betrays you
What am I in for?
At what age should you stop playing video games?
It's time to talk about the greatest rpg ever made
Vaguely post the bad end of any vidya, others guess what is it
1 > 4 > 3 > 2
User please stop calling me cute or I will bite your pee pee
Can we all finally agree that this was a good game?
Why aren't you playing Go user? it's fun
How was it possible to be so wrong?
Which of these are you?
How likely is it that we're living in a simulation?
What type of armor do you prefer?
Friend thinks Im gay
ITT: Sup Forums makes a vault, and all posts ending in 5 add to the lore...
Why was the last thread deleted?
Do you ever think about what could have been?
ITT : Childhood autism you remember fondly
Back then
Out of the way ladies. I'm about to do some REAL damage!
Name a game with more satisfying combat
What is she going to look like in Soul Calibur VI?
This is your 2hu fighting game roster for this year
Battlestation Thread
The only reason you spend your time on Sup Forums instead of playing video games is because the escapism factor of...
In which order should I play the 'X' series games?
Why do you still own a PC?
Terraria v. Minecraft
Monster Hunter World Beta Thread
What went wrong?
What's the closest I can get to Gran Turismo games on PC?
Start game
So what does Sup Forums think of "Enter the Gungeon?"
Steam winter sale
>he felt fo the vr meme
Battlefront 2
Its my birthday
This is Vincent, the homosexual main character of the Catherine series. Say something nice about him
What was your biggest buyer's remorse game for 2017? Pic related for me
Why is he so productive lately?
Do you like it when games add non human characters?
Pic related is the best Dragon Ball game
What are the best zombie games?
Name a worse GTA mission
It seems like you don’t like Link. care to explain?
Objectively best Mario Kart 9 roster coming through
Mfw manchildren need validation in playing their toys so they keep insinuating that video games are art
Empty overworld
Welp, gaming season is over for me...
Game has a mechanic
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Why does Sup Forums love New Vegas? To me it's just Fallout 3 with a slightly better story
Tfw you need to look for a genterator in a horror game
Without any memes or console wars, what is the actual reason this is not coming to the switch...
Would you say video games make you more or less sexually frustrated?
What are some games, preferably RPGs...
Think it's all about evil Christians AGAIN like in every anti-white JRPG
In the next Nintendo Direct what are you hoping they announce?
Great idea as long as they don't censor or omit problematic content
Webm thread
Who is your favorite bacharu youtuba?
Life of a Sup Forumsizard
Still running windows 7
Do you consider this a 10/10 game?
ITT: Bad Bitches only
What went right?
ITT: real-life people who look like the perfect "real" version of a videogame character
How do we stop the PUBG madness, Sup Forums?
List games that come to your mind when you see this picture. I'll start!
Bravely Switch
Bravely Default HD teased
Why is it impossible to talk about on HOZ here...
Some of you will crucify me for this...
Quick lil story
Your name is Chris Roberts
MH World
Doing a virtual commute to a fictional job
Right on... Wassup Persona 5 thread
Post your top 5 games of 2017 and your [spoiler]fetish[/spoiler]
VRCHAT thread
I have the switch since march
Fire Emblem Heroes Christmas Edition
Ugh, why does literally nobody talk about or mention this game anymore?
10 years old
Lara turns into gold
Japanese game
60% off on steam bros should I get it??
This is Ann Takamaki, notice anything special about her?
Turn based FF is now Nintendo Exclusive
Gravity rush here lads
I'm sorry Sup Forums but this is the superior Platinum game
Astolfo is making me gay
Do you think Sony will keep the touchbar/gyro controls/sound-speaker for the DualShock 5?
Is it worth getting or should I get hearts of iron instead?
ITT: Vidya quotes to live by
Castlvania Anime
"Tales of" games
Long link
Why is it so good? It has no right to be this good for what it is
This is a member of an elite special forces unit hand picked from countries around the world
Digimon vs Pokemon
Buyers' regrets thread?
This is a 30 year old shut-in in Japan
What games require you to be over 25y/o+ years old
What are the best twists in gaming?
Which Gacha should I play?
What is the most left-wing game?
Does Sup Forums agree?
I'm going to play my first Souls game, am I in for a treat?
DOA is Dead! Long Live DOA!
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
400k Switches have been shipped in Japan this week
Damn, I really love homm4
How are you supposed to enjoy videogame stories when the games that are trying to do something good are rushed out and...
Would you date Morag?
Western horror game
What games have the most fun suicide attacks...
More games where i can fulfill my m o m m y fetish?
Why does Atlus hate transwomen?
Paris level
So at the end of Rise of the Tomb Raider, it was hinted that the next game would take place in the south of Mexico
ME: Andromeda
Incoming 12 hour flight
Floating head syndrome
He doesn't pirate video games
Did he do the right thing?
Game Development Time
*joins your server*
So are these leaks real or not?
What did Ubisoft mean by this? Is the Cartel really this violent?
Paradox Studios
What are first person games where you can see your feet
Will be moving in with my gf this week
Please understand its impossible to listen to vidya music without being laughed at...
Poppy or Tristana?
Lmao the KH3 leak was real
Alcohol & Gaming
ITT: Things that have ruined gaming communities
What are you emulating right now?
Name something better than Breaking Out
How can a Video games company be so unoriginal but so successful?
So is it possible to beat this game without being forced to play as a tranny?
Can I have a serious conversation about this game? Look, I respect Kojima-san and his shitty ambitions...
What is the appeal of this character?
Mario Kart 9
Why in the holy mother of fuck is this a PS4 exclusive?
Party member betrays you
Where did everything go so horribly, horribly right
What's the pl0t going to be about?
Guys guys what the fuck is happening
What did they mean by this?
This is Kyle Katarn. Say something nice about him
What are some games where I can (something inflammatory)?
What are some games where you can play as a Holy Warrior in service to a higher cause, smiting heathens are you go?
How do Asian developers keep getting away with sexualised female designs, Sup Forums?
Post your favorite Elder Scrolls character
"we want the genderfluid soyboy audience"
What the fuck was her problem?
This is just lazy
What are some video games with this aesthetic?
Is japan back
Free whitney houston song, code has infinite reusability
Has any game accurately captured this feel?
So anyone with a cracked wii u or 3ds been banned from their switch?
Partake in cut Bloodborne dialogue
I miss you
Excuse me, beautifull maiden, I am here to pick up my pc game, star wars battlefront two, for the pc, please
Why do retards and children love him?
*Ruins the game*
Find what you're looking for among the dead?
1 = UDG > 2 = 3 (despair arc) > V3 > 3 (future arc)
Why does Final Fantasy XIV have so many strong independent women?
What games do you played today?
Was it really THAT bad?
Resident Evil 7
2017 fucking sucked
Can we have a steam sale thread? I can't find any games I'd be interested in... What are you guys getting?
I'm not offering you an incentive as crude as money - though there'll be plenty of that...
So how is it? Utter shit or cuhrayzee fun?
Sissy wh- I mean, Steam thread
Looking through my huge backlog for something to play
The Open-world Meme
Final Fantasy Dissidia NT
Why aren't you playing リディー and スール's アトリエ?
Character creation
Why don't you ever wanna come play outside, user-kun?
What are some essential PC exclusives?
How do you do indie pixel art right?
PALfag here, why is Persona 3 so fucking expensive?? It isn’t in NTSC regions...
Any more games like this?
For those who play battle royale type games which do you prefer?
Slowpoke here
Show me an image of porn
Did you do all the side quests?
Atlus' Project ReFANTASY
Playing online
I want to buy a new gamepad for my PC and I can't decide which way to go, DS4 or XBONE S...
Webm bread?
It's ok when Blizzard does it
You fight the bosses again
Just finished pic related. What's your thoughts on it Sup Forums?
Why did she like it up the rear?
Help me out Sup Forums, I have like 50€ to spend on the EU PSN sale and I want to get some vita games...
Post a game that defined your childhood
Don't have much money to spend. Is the starter edition really that bad...
Hi there, welcome to Gamespot!
ITT: Post your top 5 favorite games of all time and we'll judge whether you're a gigantic faggot or not
Life is Strange season 1
What games allow me to have a cute elven character/companion. Hard mode: no modded skyrim . Go
Name at least 5 2017 Xbox One games that was worth playing this year
Granblue Fantasy Project Re: Link first gamelay footage taken from livestream
Slime Rancher
Hello my good man do you have copies of
3x3 thread, I want to see what kind of posters are lurking tonight
A game series I really want to try out is Persona...
Steam Sale thread
What did Sup Forums think of the PSP? What was your favorite game for it?
Is this the most overrated game in history? it's mediocre in every aspect that isn't writing/characters...
Fuck up the Cumberland quest, have to fight Spriggan to continue
One Piece: Word Seeker
Bad games that Sup Forums has recommended you
What does Sup Forums think of furniture?
This 60 IQ negro makes hundreds of thousands of dollars playing video games while you pathetic virgins shitpost about...
"A character named Erica plays a significant part in the storyline, and over the course of the game...
Steam Sale Morning in Europe edition
How's your music coming along, Sup Forums?
Monhun beta thread
GOTY 2018
I don’t get the appeal of clicker MOBAs. Wouldn’t they be better if they had direct control and actual graphics?
Will it be good?
Why does this game have such a bad reputation in Sup Forums? I'm currently playing and enjoying it so far
PM64 was better
Why was this so forgettable?
Why is Baiken so cool?
Spill water on my console
I got to the part where she hangs herself and the game bugs out in the scenes she would usually appear in after you...
Pick your poison
Why don't you have a VR headset?
Why is this game so scary to play? I get so fucking scared when playing
Hat in Time
3&K > Mania > 2 > CD > Advance 1 > 1 > Advance 2 > Adventure Dreamcast version > Adventure 2 > Generations > Rush >...
I recently played subnautica and it was fantastic, any more games like that?
And you probably knew I was gay since I always played as girls in video games
What do you want for the next Persona? Persona 5 was near perfect, second only to 4 Golden...
What even is this game
Nintendo vs Capcom
What do you think of Life is Strange?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Buy her game
Itt: hidden gems
Batman Beyond game when?
How and why did a literal hack start getting worshipped for pretty much no reason?
What's the best multiplayer game on PC right now?
Congratulations, user. You've won Twisted Metal
No gam
This is the worst thing ever
What is your favorite artsy game?
Explain This
Ground type
Why in the FUCK do I have to hold the power button for 10 seconds for this piece of shit to completely turn off?
Hey people, should i play BOI: rebirth first or just say fuck it and start with afterbirth? thx
Play for six hours
Did I waste my money Sup Forums?
Blood Money = HITMAN™ > Contracts > 2 > 1 >>>> Absolution
Is he really courageous or is he just an idiot with guts?
This is an actual official live skin in heroes of the storm
What's the most delusional vidya fanbase?
What is he staring at?
What are some horror twists that would be great for video games?
Have to collect thing to use Mumbo
Why are gamers so wacky?
Oh yeah, that happened
If you're the dragonborn why can daedra claim your soul?
Tiny loli body
This board has been captured by Chaos, start worshiping you fags
Fate of Xbox?
Party member gets depression
Oh shit, an Ancient Evil has awakened and (You) are now a JRPG character
ITT: gay characters done right
He has thrown a controller in anger
All I want for Christmas is a titty bunny
Dragon Ball FighterZ
How you holding up Sup Forums?
On track to break GOTY records
What is your personal most replayable game of all time?
I want to rant about something
Have you ever smelled a girl's farts? Do they smell any different?
Why are Atlus such transphobic bigots Sup Forums?
"Look who finally came out of his room. He sure loves his video games haha"
What is Sup Forums's opinion on this game?
How is it?
Fuck it. Guess I'm a soyboy now
Visual Novel Idea
Dinosaur level
What does Sup Forums think of the Next protagonist of the Yakuza series
Explain to my how Obilvion>> Skyrim
It was never that funny lets face it
I can´t fucking stop thinking about her
One copy of Resident Evil 7 please
Let's take a moment to appreciate how good 2017 was
Live A Live
Tiny Metal
ITT: alpha/beta/cut content you wanted to play
Copies the intro of RE4
ITT: we discuss video games like leddit
Friday nack Jackoff party
Post God tier vidya advertisements
How is it? Besides for a "lack of games" besides for its hardware specs, is it built well...
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend CHRISTMAS TOURNAMENT(S) STILL GOING
Most Blades are female
How do you feel about this game?
50% off during the winter sale. Is it worth buying now?
Completely unbalanced match
Meanwhile at a generic Sup Forumsillain's Headquarters
My guild can't beat the lupus raid on House M.D online, I'm a cuddy healer but I can't find a build strong enough...
Final Fantasy
The Advanced games are better than the Classics AND Mania. Fight me you fuckin' niggers
What the fuck was her problem?
What went wrong, Sup Forums?
How do you keep your cool when playing fighting games?
Gray Jedi
Jill IS still your best girl, right?
Would you take this nice gal to Elysium?
YOOO! transfer student! tell us what games are you playing this weekend?
Necromancer character
Fun fact: 90% of Sup Forums would fail this mission
Is pc gaming a meme Sup Forums or is it better than console?
Let's discuss MMO shot cycles. Does anyone actually think they are fun? If so what was the most fun shot cycle for you...
So, are you guys looking forward to the new Catherine or not?
ITT undeniable badasses from vidya
"Villains" who did nothing wrong
How does it make you feel this was the last Mario OC where Miyamoto put his foot down and said "no more" and it's been...
Will Japan completely dominate 2018, too?
"b-b-b-but i-it's c-c-comfy..."
E3 2018 Predictions
I bit the bullet
How is your games coming along?
What do you want in Pikmin 4?
Did anyone finish the chum bucket raid before patrick tanks got nerfed?
3x3 Favorite Games
Does Sup Forums hates deck building games?
This game had so much potential but the plot just reaches a screeching halt once the plot starts unveiling itself with...
When did video games get so fucking big?
Steam Sale
So this happened
Why doesn't Pauline recognize Mario when he first gets to New Donk City?
Those two pictures are 20+ years apart. How does he do it?
Are witcher 3 dlcs good Sup Forums? should I get it?
Which video games do you play on Hanukkah ?
How can I go back and enjoy other open world games, when BotW has such incredible physics and interactivity?
He doesn't main heavies
Why are there so many weaboos? It pisses me off
I'm about to play this for the first time. Any tips for when you're starting out?
69 GOTY awards and counting
Ryan is now in AVGN episodes
Across all 4 Souls games, which boss fight gave you personally the most trouble?
Game is hyped the fuck out for several months if not a year
I can't stop watching these
Elite Dangerous
Sup Forums praises this game non-stop as a 10/10 masterpiece
Can't enjoy vidya becuase of my genetics
What happened to actually funny vidya related web comics? Seem like they've died out a decade ago
Do any of you remember playing games here...
Convince me to buy this game. I generally dislike old-school cRPGs like Fallout 1 and BG2. However...
Ask the world's worst TF2 trader anything
What games would be perfect for the switch?
So...why does Mario still bother with Peach?
Hot female teacher
Enemies can open doors
Are there any good modern card games out there that aren't just trying to suck your wallet dry...
What is your favorite and least favorite Dragon Quest game?
ITT: Sup Forums makes a horror video game
New custom game when? And will there ever be an 64 translation?
You say they're incompetent, huh? Well then, what's YOUR idea for a good sonic game?
Do we need porn to save this game?
Why are playable non-human races so uncommon in games if they are the coolest thing?
Any games for smart people?
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Why don't you have an ultrawide monitor yet?
Official Laugh at ArcSys Thread
What game to buy on the ps4 sale
How does your battlestation stack up?
Final boss is a crazy old lady that just wants some dick
It arrived from japan. What is it, Sup Forums?
TWO (2) fully-grown...
Steam friend asks if I'd like to play something with him later
"hey user, those friends you made on the internet playing games with aren't your real friends"
What does Sup Forums think of Super Mario Bros. X?
Man this game felt so tedious to play
Pokemon Generation 6
This is a good video game
Weird fetishes thread
It can't be THAT bad...right?
You will never play an MMO as qt girl...
So is it safe to say now that this game wasn't good at all?
Tfw bought bitcoin last week. Already lost 3000 real dollars this week
ITT: Good movie games
Is it worth it Sup Forums?
First time playing Dark Souls 3. Two questions:
Why is she so based?
Is there anyone who can defeat them?
Falcom Thread
In philosophy
Atlus releases infos on their new project Re Fantasy
Rin has no genitalia and is an angel sent down from heaven to convince Vincent to give up women and become celebrate...
Wifey is getting fucked by Jamal tonight...
Webm thread?
What are some good 1440p monitors?
I legit cried for Sayori.... I´m really lonely and this ruined my Christmas
What are some games where I can fight women with a male character?
$100 to buy a single in-game car
Whats the best Dragon Ball fighting game
Glittering Gold
So what's the deal with this dude? Why is he constantly in a bunch of fighting games usually by the developers choice
First VR death
How come ATLUS spent so much money on the original voice cast for Persona 5 while they hired the English cast off the...
Filename thread, keep it Sup Forumsidya
It's christmas, user!
What did you think, Sup Forums?
Man dies from VR
Sup Forums's top 100 vidya characters of all time (VOTING)
Do you still play your PS3 Sup Forums?
This Gen fucking sucks
Doesn't do his smooth precision freight train charge anymore
Bark! Woof-woof arf! Bark bark! Bark!
You may call me... Infinite
Well, it's finally playable
Are there any good games set in greek mythology, Sup Forums?
"user, why do you always play as the girl character?"
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...