How is it?
How is it?
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Rocket League was a protagonist of its times, although a poor game: to say that Rocket League is fun is like saying that Nero was a harp player (a fact that is technically true, but misleading). Rocket League embodies the quintessence of artificial art, raises futulity to paradigm, focuses on the phenomenon rather than the content, makes irrelevant the relevant, and, thus, is the epitome of everything that went wrong with western videogames.
Hit ball with car. 10/10
Do you like soccer (football)?
Do you like rocket cars?
Then you'll like Rocket League.
Rocket League is a game that I am happy exists but don't personally ever play because I just fucking suck ass at it man.
I like it, I play it a lot
It is the best competitive sports game with the highest skill cap ever released.
Unironically really fun. It's very simple but you can get pretty good at it. If I only have like half an hour to get some gaming in this is a good option.
it's okay, I got it for free via PS+ and bought it on Steam.
Best game ever
You need lots of practice but can get good. Fun as fuck
Its good and has a high enough skill cap that you can easily tell whos shit at Rocket League by these type of threads
600 hours on Steam
I'm still trash
Just got the Switch version
Plays excellent, perfect game to pick up and play a match
Joycons feel good to use (very similar to a 360 pad except the triggers are smaller and the buttons are slightly sharper)
So much fun but I'm so shit
Learn how to use the fucking brakes
And don't chase the ball if one of your team mates is after it. Give them some space so you can grab it after it goes flying.
fun game
I'm sure this is some bait-filled pasta
>but someone actually typed this out
no feeling of control/10
>435 hours, plat 1
game is 90% positioning, 9% consistency, 1% skill
i love that games are short, and the alternate modes are very fun. i hate that all the new car skins are locked behind lootboxes instead of put up for sale (unless they're licensed, so far)
I couldn't give less of a fuck for cars, rockets or soccer but I love this game and have put around 700hrs into it.
holy fuck this. why do people insist on going all the way around? just use fucking breaks
>High as fuck skill curve
>High as fuck skill ceiling
>Everyone is on a level playing field at all times
A mechanically fun physics based competitive game. What is not to like? Truly a gem
A game that in concept shouldn't have worked but did and in the most amazing fashion
Its brilliant, addicting and the skill ceiling is very wide.
Goddamn is it hard to get good though, practicing wall rebound aerials atm and it takes my goal-miss ratio is like 1-20.
Learn to break
DO NOT CONSTANTLY GO FOR THE BALL. If a teammate is going. Let them.
Defend. Defend. Defend.
Positioning is the key. Sometimes it's better to sit back then to constantly chase the ball
Fun as fuck. High learning curve. I'm getting better. My win ratio was 30% and was able to shoot it up to 41%
I fucking hate people who don't use breaks
Any switch fucks wanna play?
Also when can cross platform people play online together? I have a friend on Xbox and we can play against each other in private but we can't join a team together yet.
Unironically the best game of this generation, further proving that graphics are irrelevant.
How's switch
It may be the most agreed upon game Sup Forums has ever seen.
That alone should tell you it's good.
I suck at rocket flying
this. It's kinda weird to see
and i hate people who break reverse break reverse break reverse break reverse just to let aerial goal go over their head
Damn good game. It's fun as fuck, but God Damn is it hard
Sup Forums initially hated it because streamers but its settled down now and now concedes that its good.
Will the same happen to PUBG?
Fun but you're gonna get shit on hard for a long time. People who've played the game since launch now know how to do backwards bicycle shots in mid fucking air from across the map goal shots with no problem. You're gonna struggle just to hit the ball for a while.
netcode is TRASH
Maybe when they fix the broken piece of shit.
my 8 year old nephew wants this for christmas, my 13 year old nephew wants deer hunter for christmas, while my 5 year old niece wanted some barbies for christmas. which one has better taste?
Locking all the cool shit behind crates is such kikery but apparently they are making decryptors a drop in 2018.
Probably will be rare as fuck but at least it's something.
Fun at any level. Especially with friends.
>learn to rocket fly
>some cunt on the opposing team always gets to the ball before you
I wish i wasnt such a scrub, i have hundreds of hours on this game but 0 talent. No matter how much i improve, all the kids are improving at a faster rate so im behind anyway.
I've been playing non-stop since it was free on PS+, and 2 days ago, I won 3 or 4 matches in a row, but felt nothing. Not a sense of victory, or anything. Am I burned out? Should I take a break?
It's obvious
>free on ps plus
dont tell me i missed it. fuck
Team mates are always cancer. Either you'll get one who constantly blames you for everything, or you'll get one who kind of sucks. Seriously, teammates who bitch are the worst part of the game
It was free 2 years ago, July 2015
>almost three years ago
What the fuck. Why does this bother me
its just a fun game to either boot up and casually play with some music or go full try hard on ranked
It's pretty much THE perfect game
It's on sale for the holiday sale right now I'm pretty sure. Wouldn't show me the price since I already own it though.
Is the Switch version any good? I don't care about graphics, but are the controls/framerate/latency good?
It's fun if you can get past some of the cancerous tryhard players in the public chat that bait everyone in every game.
But it does have nice graphics. That sexy grass
Why would you hate that? It means that you can easily get everything for free through trading. I never spent anything on keys and I managed to get 100 in the last three months. I traded some of them away for stuff that I wanted and I sold the rest for 50 dollars via PayPal
How do I get keys to unlock crates?
You made it to Champion this season, right?
What date does this season end?
Trading. If you never cared about trading but have played thousands of matches then chances are that you have some sweet rare items that people would be very happy to give you keys for.
>mfw rocket boosting from defensive position all the way to score on rebound
Sup Forums said it was the flavor of the month at the beginning of the year
I'm so bad at it
Do you have a screen for 2v2? I don't play 3v3. Find it boring as fuck.
I don't play 2vs2 anymore.
I used to, with a close friend of mine. But he inherited the house of his late grandfather on the opposite site of the country, got a new GF and got her pregnant on top of that and is now a father. All within 10 months.
And the fucker still dosn't have internet in his house. I stick to 3vs3 and Solo3vs3.
2vs2 can't be played with randoms.
Should I get it on Switch, Sup Forums?
The game would be perfect if the awesome ost would play during the actual game not just the menu.
I picked it up yesterday since it was $5 off. It's pretty fun so far, but the graphics are pretty bad. Some of the fields just look like sloppy dogshit. I played in on handheld mode for a little while because my joy con died and the it looked like a fucking psp game.
Quick, post your Rocket League music.
How good?
Exactly this. PUBG is fundamentally gimmicky at its core. There's no way of 'competing' at it, so it will always be down to playing for those sporadically cool moments, like a free for all Battlefield.
RL shows no signs of reaching its limit. It will become the modern day Quake equivalent.
The key is to learn how to gain as much vertical speed out of the initial jump as you can, use to pop too, and combine those with rocket boosting at the time time. Then you'll be way up in the air as fast as them.
This massively improved my game, and it actually making aerials much easier to control, since you end up just maintaining vertical position instead of trying to climb up to the ball while also moving forward at the right speed.
the closet thing you will ever get to the perfect game
>all these positive response from Sup Forums
I'm shocked
>it isn't one of my favourite games ever
Im trying, its the whacky angles that really fuck me.
Ive got at least 3 times your hours and im only in diamond. Its true up till plat, positioning and safe plays will get you through. But to reach champs the skill factor starts to weigh in heavily. Most of the time im only winning cause a better player is carrying.
It's fun.
i quit it in february when i realised there is no point in playing without a controller. worst $12 i've ever spent
Was fun until everyone took it seriously.
there's people in the top 100 that play with keyboard and mouse
git gud
How do people trade regular drops? Like toppers and shit. Do you have to get a duplicate or something?
Man, everybody I'm against with always flies around and making aerial goals, positioning seems to be jack shit when everybody else is flying
You can get gud with a bit of practice.
What is the Switch version like?
Not that user but the graphics are worse but it still plays the exact same.
I'm not really a graphics fag so I'm not too bothered either way but it's quite a step down from PS4 both docked and handheld.
>Chat disabled for 3 seconds
Nigger, I'm in Champion and I play with mouse and keyboard.
What the fuck are you talking about?
One of my favourite games every made. Been playing it pretty much every day for over 2 years.
It’s fun at the start when you’re shit, but it’s even more fun when you git gud.