
Why did no one tell me about this masterpiece? This should've been the GOTY. Seriously, what did Accolade do to get blacklisted by the critics?

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I am curious how much the game cost to make and how much money they lost

Game couldve been good but they half assed it

You know it's bad when Sonic is making fun of you.


Yeah probably instead of making it look like a mobile game


I get the feeling that it was a "Springtime for Hitler" situation and they made the game on purpose to fail.

lol yeah probably

I'm pretty sure they just re-used the engine of another game they had already made. It has really generic resources too, most of the enemies look the same, and Bubsy doesn't have a bunch of different context-sensitive animations like he did in the original game. Even the intro "cutscene" is actually just a static image that the camera pans through to give the illusion of animation and the voice clips will start repeating before the end of the first stage. This probably had a budget that an indie studio would feel sorry for. It was made to be bad but make money by costing as little as possible to make and selling mostly thanks to the morbid curiosity of people wanting to see Bubsy fail.

>Rick and Morty sauce joke
I'm leaving the internet forever.

>Bubsy, for the PS4, a new, recent game
Wait... what the fuck? When did this happen?

A few months ago. It was the hottest game of the fall, user. surprised you didn't hear about it.

This doesn't mean anything. ANY game could be good. Do you think every single dev team or publisher behind a bad game deliberately set out to make a bad game?

this is such weak bait

Comparing any old company's jokey or "self-aware" Twitter account to Sonic's is pretty much an insult to the Sonic Twitter.
That one has actually given us some gold.

Why the pizza?

No. But there's times when you can tell that they didn't set out to make a good game either. And this is one of them.

Reference to an infamous shot from the Mighty No. 9 launch trailer that had the main character running away from some poorly rendered explosions.


Holy shit that thumbnail