> players travel through the Norse wilderness and use axes, double-chained blades, and swords


The sex minigame was kino though

DESU Kratos is married again and has a kid. Why would he be going out there banging sloots when he's a dad?

I mean, I know you're shitposting for a laugh, but it's believable.

>Old God of War really represented everything wrong with gaming.
>implying this is not why it sold gangbusters

More like Cuck of Soy


b-but I was hoping for an epic gay scene of Kratos slicing a dragon's dick off


>Not wanting some R&R inbetween the brutal chaos.

This but unironically.


So far this looks like they should have called it something else. The over the shoulder camera is insane


It kinda works since he's using an axe this game instead of his long distance chain swords but at the same time I just don't see the xbox huge boss battles of old happening with the over the shoulder 3rd person view.

Long as the boss battles are still good im happy but that is a little worrying.

>its ok for children to see gory executions but not bouncing exposed tits




I wouldn't doubt they'll kill the kid so they can just create another three game cycle to keep milking the franchise. But now you get to SEE your son die. That way you can feel connected to the suffering.

Like what was even the point of the third game with Pandora helping him move on from his guilt if they'll just hurt him again? We didn't get or learn anything.

I don't think his son will die, Balrog has been pretty adamant about making the entire game as "Kratos tries to learn to control his rage issues for the sake of his new wife and kid or else he'd likely turn the Norse mythology into a wasteland like happened to the Greek mythology"

Edulcorated and casualised, i'll pass

> for the sake of his new wife and her kid


>God of War without a sex minigame
Remind me again how this is even a GoW game at this point


good. finally growing up. too bad there's no nudity though. ascension had an appropriate nude scene that wasn't a jerk off mini game.

Still holding out hope for sections where he goes nuts and the gameplay is closer to the original games. Would be a huge surprise if they kept that shit secret until release.

Sup Forumsirgins this ass mad that their is no degenerate cum brains shit in their video games. Good!

Addicts stop jerking.

>it's the same god of war they said
>totally not a tlou clone they said
NO NUDITY. Come on.

God of War Ascension had no nudity and sex game first, nobody cared.

>implying the kid ain't his
>kid shoots lightning
>Zeus and Kronos both controlled lightning

since the SJW shit became rampant Sony Santa Monica has been afraid to offend
>sex minigame in Ascension was a literal trap to capture Kratos
>all of the female based monsters (harpys, gorgons) were made more monsterish and less human female as to not offend
>a trophy named Bros b4 Hoes was renamed because it offended women even though its awarded for a male character betraying his cunt mothers to save Kratos

And in the end various reviewers and shit still got offended because the 3 main bosses of the game were females (the Furies) and Kratos killed the shit outta them

Soyboys and feminists don't want anyone to see bouncing exposed tits, not just children.

I really cant tell if this is
>shilling by sjws
>someone is this braindead

May need to retire from Sup Forums lads. Almost 12 years... been a good run.

that's because everybody accepted the fact that ascension was a shit game

If you do it I'll do it too this place is full of retards now

I miss 90s "game journalism"

Its always been full of retards.

I just like the old retards. They were better.

>what is free the nipple

Ascension did have its moments.
>Orkos being a legit friend to Kratos
>some unique monsters like the manticores and elephant giants
>the boss battles weren't terrible

>Old God Of War games
Sword and Sandals hyper violence and debauchery like an 70's B movie with a proper budget because the historical research the team did showed Greek tragedy and comedy plays were full of it. All in a simple but fluid combat system with some QTEs that looked and played pretty good for the PS2 and the final game in the main trilogy on PS3 was pretty good
>Nu God Of War
"We want the last of us audience" meme and hype from people who never played the original trilogy along with neutered content because games have to be "Mature" now.

I'm fucking mad. Turning a series that already had moments that developed Kratos as a tragic character (His lust for power is because of his guilt, he couldn't save his family so he was always doomed to forever fight the gods) to Soy Boy GAF/ERA pandering