"I want to make another billion dollar IP."
--Cliff Bazinga
"I want to make another billion dollar IP."
--Cliff Bazinga
Other urls found in this thread:
>more posters in this thread than people playing Lawbreakers
Fuck you, buy the game
Nobody playing the game. Surely they have to go f2p now right?
They could just do another f2p weekend. Last time it coincided with the cod beta so obviously hardly anyone would try it.
Also heavily discount it for xmas.
>new generic looking IP
>make it F2P
>put it on every platform
>make microtransactions and loot boxes purely cosmetic
But noooooo, Clif was adamant that this game needed to be PC only because muh PC moose turd race. God, what a fucking retard. What a fucking cuck.
Last time they did a free weekend, Lawbreakers' maximum CCU during the event was 420 players. I shit you not.
Also, obligatory:
as much as I love to meme on this game that 0 count was during a patch or maintenance or some shit when the game was literally unplayable r-right?
Yeah gotta put it on consoles because those plebs would eat that garbage up.
Yup. If it worked for Whoreframe, it’ll work for Cuckbreakers
Does that mean you will finally stop spamming these threads?
I doubt it would work because why the fuck would anyone want to play a free weekend of a game that's never going to come back to life.
I think it's too late for f2p now
warframe can market itself as "destiny but free" lawbreakers is only notable for being a huge flop with (literally) no one playing it
>If it worked for Whoreframe it’ll work for Cuckbreakers
I miss being this young.
How do so many men look like this guy now? So beta, the glasses, ugh.
and we can focus on my sicknasty BADASS game, now with playable ($2.99 DLC) DUKE NUKEM (he's so badass)
Man I bet Cliffy B wish he hadn't included those unisex toilets now.
>less players than an old game in a dead genre
Not saying the game would DO Warframe numbers, but if it had been F2P since launch we wouldn’t be seeing his game doing so poorly. It still would have flopped for sure
Even better when you realize that old game was essentially made by three people, with the director doing half the work (including stage layouts and composing the soundtrack).
hopefully. alot of threads've died because of it.
I'm curious how many shills there were and how many still defend the game? fuckyoubuythegame guy excluded.
You do realise on console it's wildly popular. All anyone on pc plays is Wow, pubg and fucking gta 5 still because they haven't got a clue what to play. Other than trouble shooter of course when their machine crashes. Again.
Battleborn and Lawbreakers are some of my favorite things to happen to Sup Forums in years.
and the million other titles consoleplebs cant play or at silky smooth 30 fps if at all
and you have to also factor in that games like R6 Siege are also doing gangbusters on their own separate things like uplay so this is far from comprehensive but even steam has a good variety
It should be illegal for Randy to own Duke Nukem. That IP deserves to be in better hands.
God, I wish Devolver Digital's contract to make Megaton Edition had included some kind of secret clause that turned over ownership of Duke to them.
This isn't the first time it hit zero.
Is this picture meant to be impressive? How many millions upon millions of pcs are out there, yet 2 mil play fucking pubg and the rest are barely a drop in the ocean of pc owners. What a joke
maybe NDS will make that Blood EX we have all dreamed of a reality exclusively for the ATARI Box
kaiser was apparently pretty far along in it but he's worked for them on Turok and probably other things recently
So is Dota 2 dead?
>6 times the number of players as GTA V
yeah it's ded jim
Forget all that.
I want a Serious Sam & Duke Nukem crossover game, god damn it.
>wildly popular
This hurts my soul for some reason. Should I buy it?
No. Just let it die in peace.
Dota 2 has half the numbers it had a few months ago so I'd say it looks pretty dead to me.
time to debut a bots campaign, Cliff
or go f2p
no, Cliffy B deserves it
Is this the trash PC master race has to offer?
fuck you, buy the game
>World of Tanks Blitz
What was wrong with this game again?
the beta was mediocre and didn't warrent 40 bucks so no one bought it.
>not knowing how to fix it
So, is the only thing keeping lawbreakers alive the console version?
does anyone have stats on the console versions?
What killed it so hard? There's still people playing Evolve.
Yeah, the aesthetic was utter trash, but it can't impact it that much. People did say the gameplay was decent enough, right?
Consolefags barely have any games on their """systems""" that they'd play any garbage that's served to them so it's possible.
>3rd party scripts
>3rd party frames
>2839 game owners
What the fuck, did the game actually flop even harder on console than on PC?
>recent players
> 5
>recent players: 5
my sides are in another dimension.
Why would the PS4 audience care about this game? It's not like playstation owners know who cliffy b is since he always made xbox stuff.
I knew it would die near Christmas when everyone got busy with the holidays and bought other games. I'm so happy. You guys told me it wouldn't.
Come on mate, give the 3 guys still playing it a break, they can't be online 24/7.
>tfw laughing at blunderborn and Lawbreakers
>then remember your favorite MP games are also dead or on the verge of dying
Im so bad at this game, Ive played for nearly 30 hours and never gotten post stage 3
The problem is that Cliff is a pathetic man-child who is trying so hard to be cool while having some sort of mental breakdown over Lawbreakers that he really sealed the fate of the game before it had a chance.
The man is a cringe wizard.
>You guys told me it wouldn't.
Why would you lie on the internet?
poor russians
Well everyone thought the devs would keep idling.
Only a child could be this unaware
Don't you need third party scripts to post without a pass?
t. brainlet
Lawbreakers did not had chance to success. Bland characters, bland settings, multiplayer only shooter, not f2p. Cliffy B ego was too big to see reality. Only reason we even know about this game is Cliffy B.
>"those Xbox fans are pretty salty"
Yes I'm sure they are
aka Cliffy B has no fucking clue whats going on
Because it was the WW2 beta. If they timed it better, and maybe let it run for more than a weekend, it might take off. Might.
f2p would have unfucked the situation but its a bit late now, I expect it will end up on the free section of the ps store like APB reloaded.
and barely anyone will get it then even.
No, that's first party script.
>tfw your favorite game wasn't dead but community proceeds to kill it with petty childish drama anyway out of boredom
No numbers were always the same if they added chinks to steam like PUBG instead of having their own client like DOTA 2 you would see 10 million players, same with CSGO.
Those are the games with the most players.
So if it was PS4 it would be FIFA and Madden, Switch would be Odyssey and BotW and Xbox would be nothing.
>Auntie lives in Japan as a teacher
>brings me hyper dank shit as a kid every time she visits
>one day its this game and a dreamcast
>get obsessed, beat the game finally
>revisited as an adult, get creamed
Extremely nostalgic times
It's concurrent you dumbass
It is on consoles though? Granted, it's still dead, but it's on PS4 as well as PC.
Cliffy's an idiot though. He may as well have called it "Underwatch" with how blatantly he thought he could piggyback off of the current crop of hero shooters.
That's a third party site that you have to go out of your way to sign up for. That's not a good source.
It should be f2p from beggining. Than it would survive. Cliffy B did his best to turn everyone away from it anyway. It is all his fault.
I read that last one as ''revisited auntie, creampied her''
>wants to make another billion dollar IP
>its a multiplayer only shooter
KEK, if you want money just make cinematic walking simulators like last of us
Cliffs thought spouting childish console war arguments like "lol xbox fanbois are so salty" (he literally said that) would give him more popularity among PS4 players. Truth is majority of the people don't give a single fuck about console wars and he just comes across as uneducated to them.
if only user, she had the most bangin tits and never aged
>Muh consoles
it's still a dead game, cliff bazinga.
I don't know if they sell more but MP games are way more played.
No shit no one is playing. It's early morning in America (the only country that matters). Lawbreakers is fucking trash, but you're a subhuman retard for making some clickbait youtube video.
I use uMatrix and never bothered figuring out uBlock's advanced mode but the captcha requires third party content from Google.
Ya know, I was browsing PS4 games when I was out Christmas shopping, and I legit didn't see any copies of Lawbreakers out.
Was hoping to see how much the price had dropped so I could shitpost about it here.
It's going to end up going f2p in January and competing with that indie Tribes clone (Midair) which is releasing around the same time. I bet it will lose there too.
>Battleborn has more players
I don't know why people point to everything but the gameplay when shitting on this game, when that's probably the worst part.
How much do you think this was affected by Cliff's arrogant and cucklike attitude towards his fans?
The game's on PS4 you fucking retard
>billion dolar franchise can't even compete vs a dying outdated MMORPG
Remind me of those idiots who apply for a coding job without knoledge of any framework