>10 years old
>Looks better than most games in 2017
>10 years old
>Looks better than most games in 2017
Name one (1) other game where a grenade will blow up vegetation and trees around its explosion
It looks like 2007 game fag.
>gameplay is fantastic
>everybody only praises the graphics
>devs butcher gameplay in the sequels
Makes me sad.
Battlefield 4
Wow that was hard.
Nah, many of its graphical features look outdated at this point.
That said, it was easily the best looking game for 3 years. That's a remarkable feat.
>lied about graphics in their """""demo"""""
fuck this game
>if crysis looks this good now, i cant wait to see what games look like in 10 years!
>looks better
It can still hold it's own in some ways but technically it's outclassed by modern big budget games. The scale, detail and level of interactivity with the enviroment are what still makes it impressive though
But it doesn't. You can tell it's old.
Quite a big leap t.bh
Consoles were a mistake.
Why does everybody ignore Crysis 3
It didn't stand out as much as the first game. Crysis is popular because there was no game back in 2007 that came even close to it in terms of graphics.
Crysis 3 was released in 2013, the same year as battlefield 4 and metro last light. It didn't seem anything special compared to other games.
Plus, it was very short and seemed more like a demo for the engine. Factor in the butthurt by pc gamers and you can see why it was forgotten easily.
also had to buy it through origin
Because is just another linear, set-piece driven console shooter like so many others.
Gonna be honest here lads I don't really think Crysis is a good game but it's a good tech demo
I think theyre talking about the graphics in which its much better looking than the first game.
Gameplay isn't the reason why Crysis became popular, though. Back in 2007, you needed a dual 8800GT setup to max the game out, and even then, it didn't run perfectly at 1080p.
It was only after a couple years later that the attention shifted to gameplay. Some liked it, some didn't.
That's the same sort of shaders running on somewhat more detailed meshes and textures, so it doesn't look qualitatively different from Crysis anyway. Show your best 1997 game forest for comparison.
It looks like those downscaled bullshots for crysis. Real gameplay graphics never came close to that.
Crysis hasn't agred well visually at all unmodded.
Even Halo 3 looks better when running at a comparable resolution
just what?