It's time to discuss the best 3d Mario

It's time to discuss the best 3d Mario.

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Literally ruined by its controls tho.

That's not Sunshine.

worst controls in any game ever

Its really not tho




>no analog controls
it's garbage

>it's a luigi spinjumps to stars he shouldnt be able to get episode

Anyone excited for Star World

I think that dinosaur is more in line with how the original team wanted it to look. The one on the left looks realistic and retarded. Doesn't fit in the universe. Not sure what's going on with that shitty spider though.

>it's a wario doesn't get additional coins from punching enemies episode

I mean, you use the thumb stylus!

It really is though. Trying to play a 3D platformer with a D-Pad is a horrible experience.

the biggest blunder in Nintendo's History. It's no wonder they pretend it doesn't exist

Boy I remember playing that game way back in the day; now with the 3DS and Wii U supporting it via virtual e-shop, it’s a better time than ever to play it.

That’s not Metroid Prime Federation Force.

Best mini game coming through.

SM64DS isn't shit because the levels are slightly redesigned. Most of the levels are the same and the slight differences are mostly quality of life fixes.

SM64DS isn't shit because it uses modern enemy designs. The game isn't significantly worse because bowser doesn't have a rainbow texture, and most of the enemy designs are improvements other than scuttlebugs

SM64DS isn't shit because the new stars are lazy. Most of the new stars are pretty innocent and some of them (king goomba's level for example) are really cool. It is weak that stars mario could get by himself (collect the caps) now require other characters, though.

SM64DS isn't shit because of Yoshi. The new characters are fun to play and if you want to just play as mario the whole game you pretty much can. Luigi breaks the game in some interesting ways if you feel like using him, and Wario and Yoshi, while awful, at least provide a radically different gameplay experience, which is fresh.

The reason SM64DS is shit is 100% because the control scheme takes the best 3d platforming controls TO DATE and makes them mediocre, which makes every single component of the game more mediocre since you experience everything through the controls.

The biggest blunder is you nostalgia fags

Not him but there are other 3D platformers that play alright with a D-Pad. SM64 DS however is not one of them.

Wario was the worst character to play as.

Good idea, OP. Should we discuss 64, Sunshine, Galaxy, Galaxy 2, or Odyssey?

You seem to have posted neither of those, but that's okay.

>It’s a everyone complains about the D-pad episode even though the controls weren’t bad at all.


The damn loch ness monster actually looks better on ds
This was a lot of fun in multiplayer. Not so much alone

sm64 has true analog while the remake doesnt


DS babys are the new sunshinefags

This desu. Best part about the port is that it made me appreciate the originals controls much more.

That and the kickass minigames.

>pretend it doesn't exist

Quality > quantity
Touch screen minigames and hand-holdy scavenger hunts don't make DS better

But it does?
>But the D-pad
None of you ever use the touchsceen for movement?


user, that's still digital input

Literally I'd rather use the imprecise dpad. Using a touchscreen to move mario feels like shit

which do you prefer?

i miss the colors and contrast of the n64. have you guys seen mario kart 64 on a crt lately? that game looks fucking amazing in terms of color say what you want about the graphics though

Didn't this game invent the 5 Silver Stars mechanic that the Galaxy games carried over?

Also I think it's pretty significant that this is the only main-line Mario game Wario has been playable in.

>a darker green has soul
New looks worse there but it has nothing to do with soul. You only think it does because you associate washed out colors with soullessness because of other games. New looks better in 90% of screens in the game.

>mario land is a main line mario game
>mario land 2 is a main line mario game
>but mario land 3 isn't a main line mario game because you play as wario

"soulless" because it makes more sense considering its supposed to be a warzone between bombs.

>its supposed to be a warzone
But both sides were launching water balloons.

fucking huge water balloons, the over hydration would weaken the roots and the force of impact would damage them.

People who think the aesthetic change is worse are probably brain-dead. The new textures and redesign in the DS version fit it's tone way more. Also all the extra content as well as a fun multiplayer mode.
>But bad controls
Yes, but now you can play it on the 3DS the way it was meant to be.

I can't believe I sold it

>Touch screen mini games and hand-holds scavenger hunts don’t make DS better
The video briefly touched on th m and was more focused examining on how the game plays on both systems, how the camera works, how the sound works and how it looks.

>but now you can play it on the 3DS the way it was meant to be
Man, I don't give a fuck which version you prefer, but can you retards stop pretending an analog stick magically changes digital input?

Everything except the scuttlebugs and bomb-omb battlefield's color pallete change looks better

>art has nothing to do with soul

I disagree. How is Dorrie in anyway realistic in the left picture?