Oy vey, goyim. You better pay up for those top-tier DLC characters.
Diddy is free
>Competitive Smash
>b-but people who don't buy the DLC have 1 entire character to play! based Sakurai!
>children's party game
>tier list
>My main is a solid B tier
On the one hand, feels good. On the other hand, I worry over a potential nerf in the next game
>Tfw I got to Sm4sh tournaments and consistently do well with Zelda
Never won a tournament, but my tourney record is pretty good.
Please. Anyone that plays my Robin stops putting stock in this tier nonsense real quick. Only blatantly OP characters are Bayo and Cloud though, ill give you that.
>dedede so low
dededelete this
>My nigga Wario is E-Tier
Fuck you Sakurai
You shouldn’t really care, if you’re a tier whore.
>Roy in E
>Kirby in F
>Dedede in G
Roy Superior to Marth in every way... Somehow 4 tiers lower.
Who makes up this shit?
>making "tiers" for a children's party game
Got a Shrek Super Slam tier list too?
Marth got buffed a lot.
>my Robin
It's not hard to stand on the edge and throw projectiles.
I don't play sm4sh much, but posts like these make me wonder if anyone here really does
tr4shfags on suicide watch
Greninja deserved better. He was fucked the day they put decided to put him in for some reason, I'm surprised he isn't lower on the list.
>"durr my character isn't bottom tier I beat my little brother even though he uses Cloud"
>ITT: Sup Forums doesn't know how tier lists work
I still remember how Ness was considered top or at least high tier, and how I kept trying to convince people that he's mid tier when people start realizing how exploitable he is.
Looks like I was right, and not just salty all along.
The real question is, how much are DBFZ DLC characters going to go for?
The smash ones were 10$ each, so were the GG ones. Assuming this trend continues it'd be very worth getting the 90$ DBFZ edition that comes with the DLC character pass.
That's 30$ for 8 characters, you'd be saving 50$. I'm thinking about doing this but I'm not sure what the eventual price for the characters is going to be.
I usually want my games complete anyway so it doesn't matter to me what they release I'll want to have em all anyway.
Every time a tier list gets posted you always see 12 year olds come in and act like the big bad competitivefags are bullying them and their characters. Of course all this shit isn't relevant to most levels of play, it's not a bold observation.
>DLC character is average at best
>no one buys them
>DLC character is strong
>decried as p2w bullshit
DLC in fighting games is a precarious path.
>even Shrek Superslam players are more open towards banning Reding Hood than brawlfags were for banning meta knight or ice climbers
Smash 4's actually pretty balanced all things considered. Real shame that the game is doodoo though
No, Cloud and Bayonetta are called P2W because they are literally paid DLC, they aren't part of the base game, AND they're the strongest characters
Damn dark pit not even tier worthy
How the fuck is DK at C tier? I thought he was like E-F tier.
Ok m8 lets play sm4sh then I’ll be Bayo/Cloud and you can play Ganon and I’ll take 9/10 sets from you with atleast 4 2 stocks
I recall the bundle with all seven DLC characters being $35 for Smash, which is pretty fucking ridiculous when two of them were 70% reused assets.
Ok hitboxes and combo game off of grab
He is, he's only in C because he is a niche counterpick to certain characters
daily reminder
Villager could stand to go down a few spots but results haven't gotten to that point yet.
ding dong
>competitive autism
>Sheik mains
Fuck off Mew2Cuck
I don't have Smash 4 anymore :(
I was defending the tier list. I don't know what level of play you're at, but at my shit tier level you can win against Bayo with Ganon.
>I main honest low tiers like Ganon!
Moving in this game feels so fucking weird
Roll, Run and Air speeds are actually pretty fast (i think even faster than Melee), but the slow Fall speed and no momentum when jumping from a run all combine into a really strange experience
Why aren’t you playing a real fighting game/10
I recommend that you visit a doctor, spending so much time on such a bad game is a sign of brain damage
Host Tekken
>characters I hate
>characters I don’t like
>characters I have no preference
>characters I like
>characters I love
>liking greninja, rosalina, ryu
Awful taste
As a fellow Zelda main, I pray for your success
> transcendAnt
>I consistently win with honest low tiers like Ganon
I really REALLY hope that Corrin returns despite her initial bad taste in people's mouth at her reveal
>next game
As a fellow corrin main, I worry about whether she'll be in the next game at all or if she'll be pushed aside for the fe18 protag
Reading some shitter's panic roll and killing at 60% with an fsmash isn't that impressive user
do you play smash with your boyfriend?
Cause that list is gay
I don't have a screencap on me but it's something like:
And so on
so are we seeing SOMETHING from this series next year
maybe january or E3?
>Villager main
> returns
> DLC char
Literally 0% chance
yeah, I somewhat regret maining him. He was originally seen as high tier but it's been painfully clear for a long while now that he's mid at best.
There will be a Smash for Switch
You can screencap this post if you doubt it
Mewtwo Roy and Lucas returned, and they were DLC characters
>losing interest in your main just because he turned out to be low tier
You picked a boring character to get free cheese wins. Serves you right.
They returned AS DLC characters
>Even if you hit perfectly spaced attacks with Shulk they still have enough time to run in and slap your shit if they shield
I wish Shulk was good, hope he gets in next game.
He'll be replaced by the kid from XBC2
Nah, it was just clear to me that's he wasn't that good, and I didn't have fun with him anymore. I'm fairly tired of Smash 4 in general really.
Nah I picked Villager cause I like Animal Crossing.
Him or titty sword
I'd rather have Pyra desu. That soyboy's fake cockney routine gets old quick.
>Shrek in D tier
Shulk is still relevant, even considering the story of XC2.
shrek is shit tier in his own game
>Meta Knight
>high IQ
>Link will never be viable
Ganonbros, where you at?
How long till people realize how much better Lucina is to Marth?
Where's Ike? Guess I'll Just place myself beyond transcendent.
ICs are beatable in a way that MK and Red are not. MK is soft-banned but Brawl has no common large community so the levels of ban differ between tournaments.
It depends. Marth is better against opponents that are easier to space, or opponent who themselves are good at spacing. Lucina however is better for fast opponents who are always jumping around and hard to get a good accurate swing on.
Always and forever
Don't let the haters get you down
I can explain
you disgust me
So I think we can all agree that C tier is the most respectable tier for having fun?
How are those meteors going my man?
Hello, fellow jiggs main. Who do you pick for the Cloud MU?
Your'e retarded
Haven't even played Jr. in months, wew
It sure is fun though
The best thing is the world is Upsmashing people's shields and watching them fall for the follow up ftilt every single fuckign time without learning. It's like scrubs has some sort of mental deficiency where they can't recognize patterns.
>Olimar and Rosalina genius
kek fuck off Dabuz
>all but two third-party characters are A or S tier
>Megaman in C, but at least had a player get to grand finals in EVO
>Pac-Man forever stuck in low-tier
Fuck you Sakurai
Roy is the only fun character to play in this shitty game.
>Hitler Mii not on the list
She's a lot cuter too!