It really feels like it.
ME: Andromeda
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Can't say I agree since I still play the multiplayer and look for porn of the aliens
Plenty of people had a job before, and didn't after.
>unironically playing a game made by Bioware past Dragon Age Origins
I bet you #resist Trump and cry for the death of white people on Twitter, too.
I wish I never even existed.
>not playing Mass Effect Andromeda in first person
No shit I forgot it even came out or was a thing. At least some good shit came from it that we could all laugh at for like two weeks.
is this game any good?
Just as well.
>the game is so shit it has to try looking like No Man's Sky
I miss Shepard
>games that never existed
its alright,6/10
>tfw I bought Andromeda for $60
This game feels like EA wanted to kill the franchise so they loaded up the dev team with shitty people, both terrible what they do and how they act to the fan base. It seems like it was set up to fail.
I am truely sorry for your lots
EA are masters of doing this.
You deserve it.
>4.99 on origin
Play it if you care about Mass Effect, otherwise avoid it
>end trilogy with "pick a color"
>suprised when people don't pick up the follow up
more news at 11
Not really. Memes aside its a technical and visual nightmare.
Kind of bit them in the ass after the whole Battlefront 2 shitshow and the fact that absolutely nobody cares about Anthem
Will ME series ever recover from this?
no its not
EA intentionally do things like this. The reason Titanfall 2 got fucked was because they wanted to buy the studio.
sure,right after ultima and wing commander
everytime I hear this I think of this
skip to about 19:10
Dragon Age 2, hilariously enough, was absolutely anti-SJW on every single level possible.
>gay character shoehorned into your face is a fucking radical terrorist destroying the only chance for a peaceful talk between faction
>female leader is batshit insane
>minorities are all absolute assholes and degenerates
>refugees literally march on a rape crusade across the city
The gameplay is alright, but doesn't lend itself well to open design. When you know what you're heading into with every fight, you play every fight the same. Graphics are nice, so there is some appeal in exploring.
Anything related to story is complete and utter shit. Worst writing of any Bioware game, least interesting characters of any Bioware game, and the generally interesting concept of going to a new galaxy is undermined by the fact that the galaxy is basically inhabited by the ships that got there before you.
No it's completely dead. Maybe there'll be a crowdfunding attempt in 20 years when nobody remembers ME:A or the ending of ME3
bought it for 10 bucks. I think that is a fair price to find out how it is.
I know they'll try just about every angle imaginable because they're shameless shills for the industry, but I'm trying to decide if this strokeoff wrote this article as a gentle way to start ushering in the sentiment that the new pile of shit they dump out with the ME name on it will be a completely new reboot and "just forget about andromeda, guys".
These articles are almost never organic and almost always have an industry agenda.
>the best characters are once again the Krogan and Turian
Can we just have a Mass Effect game where all your party members are Krogan and Turian?
They completely fucked it up, that's why it's such a disaster. No matter how well it did financially, they killed a potential cash crop franchise.
>defending a bad game because it conforms to your mental gymnastics
Andromeda is basically just a spinoff so there's still plenty of room to recover from this, if it weren't for EA.
Also, it's free on Origin Access, so it might be worth giving it a try. If you have very low expectations it might entertain you just enough to see you through to the end. You won't want to do another playthrough after that, though.
I was reminded that Deus Ex had another sequel not long ago when I saw it for sale on PS4 recently.
They cucked the nearest supermassive galaxy out of its awe-inspiring name
Now whenever you say "Andromeda", people think you're referring to "that popular shit game" instead of "the greatest concentration of stars, small galaxies and potential life that mankind has ever witnessed"
Its potential is used up. Andromeda tried to go to a different galaxy but fucked it up. If a second identical attempt is made and they try to make the new galaxy completely different, why even call it ME? ME isn't TES, Fallout, Star Wars, Dragon Age, Warcraft. It's a pretty small scale franchise.
I swear you retards get dumber every day.
How can a franchise be such a fucking trainwreck?
That's kinda cool, actually.
Shame it's not for an actually good Mass Effect game.
>ever buying anything from EA
you got what's coming senpai
>An insult to their old home.
But at least they got Anita to make their game women friendly!
Mass Effect was bigger than Dragon Age
Didn't that turn out to be an unfounded Sup Forums rumor?
>EA are masters of doing this.
Indeed. I forgot they even did a Battlefront 1 when Battlefront 2 was announced.
You should play it, pretty fun game.
it was ok for the $5 I spent on it
I recently started playing this.... and I really like it.
Gee, wonder why
Tie in someone who is worthless with the entire "white" race. No wonder Sup Forums is so brainwashed. They constantly live in fear.
Mass Effect was never good
i almost did. i was going to buy it along with BotW so i could take advantage of best buys preorder discount, i dodged that bullet thankfully.
>western games
Wasn't talking about sales.
Gets better/worse the more times you watch
The fact it came out around the same time as Zelda BOTW, Persona 5 and Nier Automata didn't help either.
First one was a good space action rpg
Second was a fairly ok TPS
Third tried too hard at being both and failed
Andromeda just sucks
>me1 was your favorite game and filled you with hope for sequels
Nah, it's a genuine 4/10. Worst game BioWare put out, including DA2.
>Not having a bottle of jello shots
>First one was a good space action rpg
>Second was a fairly ok TPS
No, they were both extremely mediocre. 3 was just trash.
>Mfw you bought Andromeda for $60
>get btfo
That's what happens when you acknowledge feedback from someone who can't get pass the tutorial of Cuphead
Good! Let's keep it that way!
>mass effect could have gone anywhere after 1
>then we got something else
It Feels Like Mirrors Edge Catalyst Never Even Existed
It Feels Like Outlast 2 Never Even Existed
It Feels Like Agents of Mayhem Never Even Existed
It Feels Like The Evil Within 2 Never Even Existed
It Feels Like Wolfenstein II Never Even Existed
Somebody please hire me, I do good work
I think I've died inside a little watching these back
Friendly reminder they even downgraded the game.
Nah man, me1 really was good at what it was, but not at what people wanted it to be. They tried to fix that with me2 and only made it into an admittedly middling (but not completely mediocre) TPS.
Exactly. The one thing I personally learned from testers is that you should only listen to them when they find actual bugs in your software. Everything else is just their personal opinion and that is usually not a good idea to follow.
I love how their game got worse and worse the more they forced the diversity meme.
Am I really Anonymous on this? Ok.
It's a good thing we didn't forget about the badass game Battleborn! I still play that badass game!
Andromeda is an example of poor management and a team of developers tackling a project that was beyond their abilities. I might have given it a chance if the story and characters were good; but they're not. I was kind of put off from the beginning by the player character who has to prove to their daddy that they can be a leader and strong space marine too. I think these 'coming of age' stories don't lend themselves well to strong sci-fi. Playing as Shepard was great because it did away with that crap and instead focused on the politics and discovery.
>get btfo
>Original Bioware talent leaves or either gets fired in order for EA to diverse-hire
>All subsequent games become worse and worse as it goes on
It wouldn't shock me if 75%+ of the Andromeda team was female and untalented, hired simply to fill a tickbox.
Why do they all look the same except color
Why do they all look like guys
Why do they not look like asari
>that ending
this CAN'T be fucking real! Five (5) years and that's it?
They all seem like great people actually.
>it was suposed to be the catalyst that would spawn an era of kotor-like rpg's.
I was such a fool
Jessie Chris I miss those threads