Gray Jedi

>Gray Jedi
How do people defend Kotor 2? What did Avelloine mean by this?

That's a thing. They decide to not be Jedi or Sith.

To be fair, in universe both are pretty clearly retarded.

No dumbass, there's only good and evil, jedi and sith and if you're not a jedi you're a sith.

t. George Lucas

Technically most of them are still Jedi, but they don't strictly follow the Code like most of the order. It's not something introduced for Kotor 2 or even the Expanded Universe- Qui-Gon Jinn was one, along with Jolee Bindo in Kotor 1.

Some Jedi are perfectly okay with murdering fuckers that need killing, that's not just EU nonsense Mace Windu fucking decapitates people to avoid them getting away in the prequels.

Not EVERY force user fully drinks their faction's koolaid

Oh, then I guess gray Jedi are also retarded. Qui-gon was dumb as hell.

The concept was introduced in the first KOTOR with Jolee Bindo and probably before that in some other EU shit. Blame BioWare.

>making an obvious bait thread

Literally, what is wrong with this concept?

It makes OT purists mad

>Only a sith deals in absolutes

The only thing wrong with it is that it opened the floodgates to a storm of "legitimate" Mary Sues when the idea of Grey Jedi was introduced to the EU back in the day. As a concept it's fine and makes sense.

Also it super pisses off purists.

I think the only example I can think of is maybe Katarn but people seem to forget he's not a perfect character and actually fucked up a fair amount. Remember the time he fell in Mysteries of the Sith and had to be redeemed by Mara?

>Mace Windu fucking decapitates people to avoid them getting away in the prequels.
Jedi don't kill prisoners.
A dude with a gun isn't a prisoner.

He's a well armed prisoner

honestly i like character who are force sensitive but not jedi more than any kind of sith/jedi. like the old blind dude in rogue one who singlehanded saved millions of lives by sacrificing himself to place a force hex on all stormtroopers that destroyed their ability to aim.

oh shit




This is what happens when you try to add depth to what are basically fairy tails.

Anyone who takes Star Wars seriously is legitimately stupid.

Star Wars can be deep though, I think it's stupid to think that you can't add depth to a universe

Gray Jedi were a thing a long time before they were mentioned in Kotor 2. If you go by the EU, the original force users were technically "gray" and didn't see the force as being inherently good or evil, just a tool some people could use.

Lucas is a fucking hack of a writer, the extremist views of canon star wars are horrible.

>Doesn't hold up to any scrutiny and clearly operates on magic
>Can't even go 3 films before starting to fall apart
>Still decide to pimp it out
Either you're a Disney shill or a genuinely deluded fanboy. The original trilogy is fine, but anything else is like trying to make a Snow White expanded universe.

I really like the concept of gray Jedi and I really wonder why they never explored it more. Someone who understands both the danger inherent in both the dark and light side and makes a conscious effort to maintain a balance.


What is what happens?

>Doesn't hold up to any scrutiny and clearly operates on magic
That's been clear from the very first movie, though.


>muh avellone
gray jedi were not exclusive to kotor2