What did Sup Forums think of the PSP? What was your favorite game for it?
What did Sup Forums think of the PSP? What was your favorite game for it?
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Really nice system. Feels nice, great screen, nice selection of games.
Favourite game was Tekken: Dark Resurrection.
i prefer the Vita
i guess Danganronpa 1 was kinda ok, but i couldn't stand the "Super Duper Highschool X" bullshit
twisted metal head on
Never bought one, when I was in school there was only one guy with a PSP, it wasn't popular around here.
I played just a couple games in emulator because I was curious about them, like SAO Infinity Moment, deprecated after the finished version was released for PSV (which I own, with all 3 SAO games).
Gundam Battle Universe
SD Gundam G Generation Overworld and Kamen Rider Super Climax Heroes are tied for 2nd though
Patapon is great
the patrician choice, of course
Really? I was like 10 but I think more people had a psp than ps3 since everyone got a 360.
Patapon, Loco Roco, Monhun
Dissidia is the best game on the PSP in my opinion,never played much of the sequel but from what I understand it's basically a bigger and better version of the first game,so that's cool.
Peace Walker was cool too but you can get that on 360 or PS3 now.
For a period of a few years my PSP was more or less my main system. I've got a ton of memories of getting addicted to Monster Hunter, loving Motorstorm: Arctic Edge, playing the everloving SHIT out of Dissidia and Patapon, and more. also using the web browser for porn back before the javascript menace made even mobile versions of websites a goddamn resource hog
I loved the Vita as well, but the PSP was something special for me. That's not even getting into CFW and all the glorious shit you could do with it. The 3DS has come somewhat close but it really was a product of the times before smartphones really were a thing.
Anyone else play mh on psp? I always felt like I was the only one. Nice to see that the seris isn't dead yet
It was a great emulation station and good number of games too like PS/PS2 level of just trying random shit.
Either Patapon or the original Coded Arms.
MHFU was my entry to the series. It took a while to click for me but when it did, hoo boy. Been dropping hundreds of hours in every game since.
It was probably like that, just not in my school, consoles in general weren't a trend.
You can play the PSP monhun online with the emulator and this hunstermonter.net
It works amazingly well and having a blast with friends playing 3rd portable
A few months back I had a lan party between a few computers running PPSSPP and my hacked Vita, all playing MHFU on the same session. Shit was fun and kinda blew my mind.
Fucking technology, man.
way ahead of its time
Such a great screen, Better than the 3DS even and this system is 10 years old.
Hack this and it's a great device to have around. Definitely one of the best handhelds ever made.
The Vita might be a piece of shit but it can run PSP games, so it's alright in my book.
PSP was great.
tag force 4
The Vita was an objective improvement in every conceivable way.
TITS easily
I liked it a lot desu
Favorite game was megaman powered up
Lumines 1 & 2 and Crystal Defenders
Have you played all of them? I downloaded TF5 yesterday because I heard it was good.
I have the PSP 1000, 2000, 3000 and the NDS and the NDSi. The PSP is the best handheld portable gaming device of it's time DS only owners will tell you otherwise with their large library of games. The 3D on this thing is incredible for its time and most of my favorite games are on the PSP. The D-pad is divine and the buttons aren't like hard on or off switches like on the DS. The triggers on the Phat is kinda shit but the later models are clicky and great. The Phat's weight and its ghosting are my only issues with it.
only up til 4
if 5 continues the trend of being basically exactly the same as the one before it then it's probably good too
Excellent taste, friend
I pretty much only bought it for portable ops which I probably played though more than 30 times.
I still use mine tons, psp, ps1, snes and gba... My favorite game libraries
One of the best handhelds. I use my phone to emulate it now just so I can speed up time. Also it's hard to find good batteries for them now.
the multimedia features wer too good for it's era, I broked the stick many times playing freedom unite
actual game with a plot: trails in the sky
actual favorite game with no plot: taiko dx
alright d-pad, shit nub, very good to emulate with a regular ass controller and upscaling games. compatibility with some (most?) ps1 games was great, having plenty of rooms for saves instead of swapping out memory cards
I still use my PSP to listen to music.
Kinda want to put Zettai Hero Project back on too.
I bought my PSP for MHF2 back when it was nearing release, in part because of threads on Sup Forums.
exit 2
mgs portable ops
mgs portable ops+ when servers were up
loco roco
loco roco 2
persona 2 (both versions) (eternal punishment, & innocent sin)
persona 3 portable
wipeout pure
wipeout pulse
ridge racer 1 and 2(EU)
socom fireteam bravo 1-3(SP)
MGS ac!d 1 and 2
god of war ghosts of sparta and chains of Olympus
ps1 games in general
super stardust portable
patapon was OK
monster hunter freedom unite
monster hunter portable 3rd(with team maverick one english translation)
GTA vice/liberty city stories
Anons, maybe somebody can help me out. I wanted to play Hamtaro Ham Ham Heartbrake on my psp, the GBA emulator works fine, but the game freezes after selecting the names. I know it's a common problem, but I don't know how to fix it. Can somebody help me out?
I like Vita better, but I did like MonHun games and one of my favorite games was GripShift.
I just feel like that most of the games were too clunky, because of lack of sticks, and even the one that was, it was pretty bad.
>All these Vitashills
No Patapon, no MH, no Dissida, no Prinny, no Mega man, no Castlevania = No buy
The absolute comfiest game on the PSP
Just listening to this track gives you a completely new perception of reality. Try it
Sounds like Rune factory. You need some ar tonelico in your life if you like that kind of music.
ps1 jrpg
Post PSP games only you played
>tfw 2stix
PSP is fine, but most PSP games suffered from the limited system design
Also add Jeanne D'Arc
Great selection of games (i love rpgs and it had many fighting gamed), the graphics on some games were outstanding and monster hunter is the best.
I still have my 2000 model that I bought in 2008, but last year I went to japan and got the MH portable 3rd special edition that has a bigger battery. Amazing.
Great console
I think it's a good game. Has a good library of solid racing games, which I personally enjoy greatly. But it also holds up in other genres. It's nice once hacked.
It's great that you can map the second stick onto PSP controls.
Every now and then I find my charger, charge my poor old psp up and have a blast.
Dissidia 012 is still my jam, probably the best game on the psp.
I had fun with Soul Calibur Broken Destiny, Kratos is fucking broken though. Tekken Dark Resurrection and Tekken 6 were alright. Dragon Ball Z Shin Budokai 2 was fucking rad, best version of Trunks I've played in a DBZ game.
Once I modded it, that's when the real fun began, downloading games you can't get anymore or Japanese games.
My all time favourite game that I still play every once in a while is Kamen Rider Super Climax Heroes. Just a good fan service game.
My faborite game was a gba emulator tjat let me play pokemon, and final fantasy tactics.
Still playing god eater burst till this day !
Never owned a handheld.
Played a bit of GoW on my friends' one though
I tried IM a while ago after going through HF.
Damn it's near unplayable, too slow.
Literally took the meaning of a point and click MMORPG
Do you still play LS and HR?
>he doesn't know
that game was the shit
I am looking for a non-JRPG game... any recommendations?
great screen, great handheld. i got the extension that made the battery last 9hrs, and as a bonus the 'hump' the battery made had the effect of making it feel like a nice handle for a better grip
i'd play snes/gb/gba/genesis/psx emulators on it
Great system with variety of great games. Favorite game is probably Tekken 6 because I used to multiplayer with friends.
I am actually playing MHFU with my friends right now because they wanted to get into the series because of MHW. Local hunts is comfy as fuck. Also feels good teaching them the basics of the game.
snes and gba emulators were shit
not on fat 3000 model, retard
>fat 3000
The best handheld ever made.
>Great design
>Great screen for the time
>Good battery life
Huge, and i mean HUGE selection of great games
>Could play movies on it
Listen to music
>A web browser which was amazing at the time
>1 analog stick and 2 shoulder buttons but devs made it work pretty well
>Extremely easy to hack in it's later years
>Built like a brick shit house
The list goes on
psp released different models, 3000 ran them better. Overclocking the cpu and using a good sd card also made the snes emus run perfect, you could test what model they were by running DKC for snes. If it didn't lag you had a newer one
Peace Walker
3rd Birthday
Birth by Sleep
Need for Speed Underground Rivals
Megaman Powered Up
I got into the PSP pretty late, always had one since they launched but I played the DS a lot more.
3000 was not fat, dumbass. I own a 3000.
Either way, it doesn't matter. DKC still has intrusive framedrops even on the latest builds of snes9xtyl_mecm.
except where it actually counted
I just bought a used PSP. It's pretty good.
Don't blame me if you're too retarded to run those emulators and are bonus too poor to buy a real sd card, dipshit
You're so retarded you can't even toggle a frame counter to see how much shit you're talking.
>The best handheld ever made.
lol you stupid dumb fuck
How has no one said Crisis Core yet
DJ MAX Portable was a mistake.
Crisis Core was trash
I gave it 5 minutes and it was bad
I forgot to include it in my post, hard as fuck from what I remember but really fun
I haven't played the game since I got it around 2009, was it really that bad? I seem to only remember the story being kinda shit. I still listen to the OST regularly
the gameplay was lame too
the ost was decent though
The web browser was a piece of shit but my mom didn't know about it and therefore didn't check the history. 10/10 would fap again
I loved the PSP and was amazed by its capabilities when it came out.
Use to actually watch movies on it and shit on the bus. It was my first portable digital music player too, use to have to use a CD player.
Loved Metal Gear AC!D, Peace Walker, that one Killing Floor game, Monster Hunter
When I was 15 or so I remember my mind being blown that Crisis Core and TWEWY both had the same composer, Takeharu Ishimoto. Love both of those OSTs
Oh i'm sorry, did i leave out the 'Bing bing wahoo' machine when considering my alltime favourite handheld?
Can i turn my psp street into an emulation machine with just usb cable? Idea of it seems nice
Your mom would check your internet history to make sure you hadn't been visiting porn sites?
Sounds like a right cunt.
Yeah. It's pretty good for PS1 stuff, and anything Genesis or earlier. SNES and GBA aren't as good.
It's one of the things the PSP is best at desu.
Who else here /kept a lot of porn in their gallery/
she probably didnt want to find weird shit
someone post user's furry stash
I didn't get it either. Why look for something you don't want to find?
PSP was a great portable wank bank. The screen was fantastic for the time.
>Didn't play FF7 before
>Didn't know what would happen to Zack
Still crying
PSP was glorious. I mostly played cavestory on my PSP
That was an excellent port.
get a PC, poor-y