Okay so(n)y bois, go ahead and try to convince me why I should buy your soy inspired console.

I refuse

don't, the controller has a bunk battery life because sony is a bunch of cheap faggots. wait until it gets a better controller or wait until its 100 dollars or wait for the ps5.

It has botw and odyssey. TWO 97 rated games

Buy later when its cheaper.

It has games unlike the shitch and other plattforms.

I'd rather not, i'd hate to share a fanbase with a retard of your calibre


Can anyone explain the soy meme?

if a $200 video game console purchase is a life altering decision you need to be convinced to make maybe video gaming just isn't for you

woah soy really does turn men into catty roasties

you can play (good and bad) games on it


and so does Sup Forums but i dont go parroting it on every thread

soy has been recently proven to tank testosterone levels + hipsters love soy products = meme

Where did it say it was life altering

A huge amount of nintendofans are soyboys (nu-males) and they are desperatly projecting.

everything has soy in it nowadays including the meat you eat so unless you eat squirrels and stray pets you are also a soy consumer

it's a Sup Forums alt right meme bascially that estrogen found in soy, which virtually omnipresent in all processed foods, is what makes men gay and liberal.

its a /fit/ meme retarded newfag

They are pushing some random study of many incorrectly researched ones claiming consumption of soy-based products decrease testosterone levels in the long run. Which is somewhat ironic since most products in the US inadvertently contain soy products.

Yeah, and soyboy is definitely a Sup Forums meme. Fuck off you disingenuous cunt. You know Sup Forums is forcing this as hard as the mutt meme.

Wherever it came from, it's stupid. Given how omnipresent soy is as filler in processed foods, every last one of us here would have turned into a girl by the age of five if it was so emasculating.