What do you want in Pikmin 4?
What do you want in Pikmin 4?
4 captains
pikmin color combos. if one gets torn in half, you can combine it with the half of a different color
gimme moar dungeons
Mix of both dungeons and a huge outside world.
Really just make it like Pikmin 2. That game was amazing.
Make electricity kill again. They really neutered the hazards in 3
I want Pikmin named by color, and not anatomical features. I also want Pink Pikmin to stay.
Caves to return, but with more unique places instead of the random layouts that took up 90% of 2's caves.
Gluttons Kitchen had toyboxes, train tracks, and musical instruments. Shower Room had the one floor that took place under a sewer grate. Snagret Hole had the first floor take you up to a birdhouse that dropped you into a yard on the second floor.
I just want my tidepool level with sections becoming accessible/inaccessible as the day goes on and the tide changes
Miyamoto to hang himself
these niggers
>New captains
>New Pikmin type(s)
>Mix of cave and overworld exploration
>The return of purple and white Pikmin in the main story (white Pikmin should be able to spit acid like in the animated shorts in order to weather down metal barriers; purple Pikmin can break certain things by using their massive weight)
>New suit upgrades to pave the way for interesting exploration, such as special ice boots for scaling slippery icy surfaces, or super insulated suits for volcanic regions, etc.
>Bring back old enemies from past games, but also introduce many new ones
>Large map with many different areas to explore
>A main story campaign that isn't short as fug
>Challenge mode
So you want Rock Pikmin to be named... Black Pikmin?
They were in 3, but just in challenge stages.
Level editor
I don't want a 4. Pikmin fucking sucks and Nintendo could use those assests for something better.
Pikmin was never good.
I like the idea of suit upgrades. I'd like magnetic boots to scale metal walls please.
there should be an emphasis on creating 5 or more large lands to explore- not just 4 like pikmin 3. i want more content overall.
found the faggot
Sorry that you're buttdevastated because your shitty kids game sucks.
No Brittany in the next game, please. She is the worst character.
Keep Touch Screen controls from Pikmin 3, they were great.
Okotatians, fuck Koppai
>He doesn't know that Pikmin is a survival horror game
Stop replying to the retard shitposters.
Hocotatians are pretty much confirmed vegetarians, yet Louie is known to eat meat when he cooks the creatures on the distant planet. Is he a freak of nature?
I've said this before, but I'll say it again because Pikmin
Things I want in Pikmin 4 that probably won't happen:
>level editor
least important, but I want to be able to play the game basically forever
>interactions between enemies
Why do they only go after Pikmin? Surely a bulborb would enjoy snacking on some sheargrubs, right? And you could do some cool stuff with it, too, like leading a bulborb to a snagret and they duke it out while you run away, or sending a group of shearwigs to their tasty doom.
>a big new game mechanic that makes up most of the game and is fun
think dungeons in Pikmin 2; something like that, but most everyone likes it (some people don't like the dungeons in Pikmin 2, and the dungeons are basically the whole game)
>some more of that sweet DEEPEST LORE with the wraiths and all that shit
>more and better multiplayer stuff
but the MOST IMPORTANT thing I want out of Pikmin 4 is for Nintendo to ACTUALLY announce it in January. Seriously, hasn't it been long enough!?
A mix of the larger overworlds from Pikmin 3 and the caves from Pikmin 2.
A longer game like 2 was.
The challenge modes and multiplayer from 3 were great, I want more of that. But with online for the multiplayer, Pikmin is way too niche to find anyone to play with locally.
Return from pretty generic fruits to unique real-world items like Pikmin 2, with real brands.
Larger enemy variety like 2, I felt 3 was lacking there. Probably due to lack of caves.
I want, I NEEEEED the Piklopedia in some way, shape, or form. The Piklopedia basically MADE Pikmin 2. We NEED that shit. That is a REQUIREMENT.
Night time levels that are really hard, scary and so it's so dark you need lights in order to see and some enemies will be able to see in the dark. There'd also be pikmin with bioluminescent abilities to help see you at night.
One thing I want is the enemies acting more animal like, in that if two different species run into each other, the two different species have a chance of fighting one another.
They're more grey, but I'd prefer black to rock.
>Pikmin 1 gives you a tidbit about each enemy at the end of the game
>Pikmin 2 gives you much more info about each enemy and even how to cook it
>Pikmin 3 gives you nothing but a name
Splitscreen co-op during the main story. Yea, or nay?
Yes, please. Online would be nice too, but that's asking for too much from Nintendo.