Someone on Sup Forums made this picture with the express wish that Sega would actually port a rhythm game whose entire interface is tied to the Playstation branding (square, circle, triangle, cross) and that the switch joy-cons aren't total fucking garbage for a controller-destroying, input heavy game like this.
What goes on in the heads of port-begging retards like this?
This, which makes me think Project Diva could work on Nintendo's console
Justin King
You've never played project mirai, the note charts are completely different, it's much easier and totally boring if you're used to real diva games. There's only like 4 extreme songs and they're not even that demanding.
Kayden Turner
I agree 100% on Mirai, but what's stopping Sega from making an actual Diva game for Switch?
Joshua Wright
People bought these games in spades on the PSP and Vita, and you would've just been fucked if any of your buttons died on those. I don't see the problem with putting it on a handheld where you can actually swap out the controllers on the sides. Also, you're a fool if you think changing button prompts is an arduous task.
Brayden Campbell
>port begging retards
I'm pretty sure they just spend two seconds photoshopping a logo in the corner to trigger oversensitive autist like you, OP, without any real consideration for the realism of that particular game becoming reality on the switch.
Andrew Young
>a series that has been mostly exclusive to a particular platfom will always be exclusive
That would be true if Miku's Project Diva games didn't also appear in Arcade cabinets.
Angel Parker
DX is like 30+ GB at this point, would this even fit on a switch? There's no point in shipping out high res textures when it can't even handle them anyway.
Julian Hernandez
Well Switch is bad but Miku is no better.
Eli Taylor
Bentley Watson
Someone on Sup Forums made this post
Gavin Brooks
gimme port
Connor Sanders
the Switch begging is getting out of control
Kayden Foster
Xavier Baker
>PS4 is $200 on a good day and has a huge library >switch is $300 and doesn't ever go on sale >despite having literally nothing worth playing >people will defend this
Jonathan Turner
This post isn't biased ;)
Oliver Jenkins
I'm all for switch ports but having a diva miku on anything but a Sony console would be uncerimonious imo I'm too used to the buttons
I could get behind a spinoff miku like mirai but for fucks sake stop using the full length songs
Adam Fisher
Yes, this year was a great year for us, sonybros
Asher Rogers
>how many fucking years out >still no fucking announcement for future tone DX US version >Still no announcement for DJ Max respect US version >MFW an american rhythm game fan at the VERY FUCKING LEAST round 1 is making a charge across america and bring DDR ace with it.
Kayden Gutierrez
>entire interface is tied to the Playstation branding (square, circle, triangle, cross) You can change the icons to directional arrows.
Ian Howard
>playstation has no games >100 threads of "man wouldn't it be great if they ported this to pc/whatever"
Benjamin Price
What price did the PS4 launch at, and when did Bloodborne come out?
Anthony Fisher
>how many fucking years out future tone DX was announced for japan literally less than a month ago. I give you the others.
Isaac Garcia
This probably wouldn't bother some people but I've been playing these games since the psp days and I feel like it would bug me Like playing BoTW on Xbone
Parker Reed
future tone DX was announced for japan before spring, and it's just a repackage of a game that's been out for years on PS4.
Oliver Diaz
>still no fucking announcement for future tone DX US version Not going to happen, the DX content (2 songs for only 7,99!!!) is already available for gaijins.
If you're a rhythm game fan you've got expect you'll need to import.
Samuel Torres
>Still no announcement for DJ Max respect US version It was recently announced actually
Dylan Hill
No i mean you can already do it, right now. just map the face buttons as d pad buttons and the icons change while having the same config.
Dylan Cox
>mfw I played the Future Tone arcade cabinet for the first time and suddenly the multi-notes made sense
I'm going to spend so much time at Round 1 it's not even gonna be funny.
Wyatt Scott
not for the release date.
not that we're getting a physical fucking copy because pentavision is a massive goddamn fuckup
Jose James
I bought Asian version on release and don't give a fuck about burger version anyway.
Joseph Jones
What about this it's on switch
Aiden Foster
I'm curious too. It any good? I kinda want a rhythm game for my Switch.
Isaac Baker
>Sony has a monopoly on geometric shapes
Kayden Cook
I haven't played it on switch but played a lot on vita when it came out for months. It has a very decent tracklist and a solid gameplay although it is not as good as djmax/bemani style.
Hudson Wright
Never tried it tbqhfam
Ryan Young
Well, considering they're supporting the Switch at all - I'll wait to see if they port RESPECT then. I could see it happening.
Nicholas Turner
so did I , but there's a fuckton of DLC packs from previous games >WELL I DON'T CARE ABOUT suck my dick. Xonic suck my dick too
Ayden Rogers
>they are different publishers. >I could see it happening. It will be barely playable on joycons and especially with their shitty asymmetrical layout so you'd better not even think about it.
Parker Robinson
>but there's a fuckton of DLC packs from previous games And I bought them all from the same Asian account I don't get your point.
dont you need a japanes epsn card to redeem on the jp store
or can i just use a EU psn card and redeem it on the JP store
Zachary Rodriguez
Its cute and comfy for on the go, but the original diva games are better i agree
Xavier Parker
>for on the go I seriously hope you don't play Miku games outside your house
William Jones
I don't even own a Switch, but are you seriously implying that changing the symbols to letters would take more than an hour of work? Fucking autism.
Kevin Peterson
Buy a Vita then and play the full thing
Thomas Gutierrez
I just bought Hatsune Miku with all the encore packs (season pass) from the Sony store for $50. I'm coming from Project Diva X.
Owen Rivera
and what if i do?
Ryan Roberts
yes, that's a pain in the ass. I did it for future tone. And the hong kong version of DJ max requires a separate account from my japanese and my american account.
that's a huge pain in the ass. You're a pain in the ass too because you're acting like it's no big deal to buy marked up PSN credits off playasia.
Isaac Torres
Dominic Mitchell
Yea you cant just use european psn store cards to add credit to your japenese psn account right?
Zachary Howard
Project Mirai is cuter, that's all that matters.
Xavier Reyes
THIS. Fuck gameplay, all you need is cute characters and bright colors. Bing bing WAHOOO
Evan Diaz
yep. And i can't use my american credit card, or even my paypal account to buy japanese PSN bucks.
That's why i don't have any future tone DLC. Playasia offers PSN codes that are emailed to you, but there's a bit of a markup.
Julian Garcia
>Want to get a Miku FT pack >Also want a BDOZ costume for the samd price >Can only get one >Probably wont play Miku much Help
Dominic Wood
You make those other accounts primary on ps4 and then can play their games from your main account. The only hassle is to log-in to the right account and redeem appropriate region psn cards from play-asia or seagm. You do this very rarely and it is not that big of a deal if you are not a poorfag and can afford to spend 5-10% more on those games.
Adam Gonzalez
If there's ONE argument for Miku on Switch it's that the Joy-cons have four buttons instead of having to use the PS4 janky mush-fest d-pad.
Adam Flores
>You make those other accounts primary on ps4 and then can play their games from your main account. Future tone blocks itself from being played on other accounts.
Jayden Phillips
kill yourself already
Bentley Ortiz
You can't play it simultaneously on more than 1 account obviously.
Wyatt Edwards
Double-edge sword. Your hands are gonna be awkwardly placed when mashing buttons and the Switch Pro controller won't alleviate that either.
Alexander Hughes
I don't think you understand what i'm saying, the main account is blocked from playing it. Even if you're logged out on the japanese account, the american account can't play it.
Future tone also blocks all music audio from being streamed with the in-console streaming program.
Levi Carter
There's no "only on PlayStation" logo. Then again, most Japanese PS4 games don't have this.
Michael Morris
PS4 is the home for anime games, not Switch. Deal with it Nintendo fanboys
Isaac Campbell
Because it's an arcade port.
Jace Young
Are you sure that jp account is set as primary? It should work.
Alexander Collins
> Even if you're logged out on the japanese account, the american account can't play it. I play it on my main American account. Have you tried setting the Jap account as a primary?
Brandon Morris
i'll try it again later i guess.
It's already a pain in the ass enough getting the mini-arcade controller to work with it.
Thomas Ross
Those arcade cabs still use sony button symbols though. Who the hell would want to destroy their switch with FT though? Even hard mode songs would be too intense for joycons, and most people haven't bought a pro controller
Logan Foster
There's a working sega ringedge emulator, so if someone manages to dump the arcade game, there you have it. You can already play Arcade Stage 6 and 7 in it.
Luke Sullivan
It's only been out for over a year user, we got the vanilla game localized within a year as well. Stop exaggerating and just be patient, or do what I did, and import if you can't wait for a game that requires no knowledge of moon to play
Daniel Foster
Patenting shapes is ok when Nintendo parents it
Jackson Barnes
>It will be barely playable on joycons and especially with their shitty asymmetrical layout so you'd better not even think about it. I don't see why not, I've had no issues using the joycon's dpad. And yes I played porkjet diva on psp.
Oliver Rogers
I think a project diva game could work, but it's probably not optimal. There is this tho
Most people that play DIVA would buy a controller for it. As evidenced by the arcade contollers selling out in minutes and the diy arcade scene.
Sebastian Ross
Speaking from personal experience, I prefer Mirai to Diva. Diva might be harder overall, but it feels more aggravating due to the notes just spawning in wherever they want during a song instead of the track that they follow in Mirai. It wasn't as bad on the PSP version of Diva that I played a while back, and I think that mainly boils down to the screen size. In a rhythm game like Diva, with notes popping up all over the screen and then notes flying across the screen to meet those notes, it becomes a visual clusterfuck on a huge TV.
Also it might just be my system but Diva on PS4 seemed kinda choppy to me in places, which is a major issue with rhythm games that demand pinpoint accuracy. Also also I just prefer Mirai's chibi characters to Diva's more realistic ones. It always feels like the Diva models don't really show any emotion, and it makes it harder to enjoy them. Also also also I honestly like the full-length versions of songs in Mirai better than the cut-down versions in Diva. Some of the songs just end up butchered compared to their full-length counterparts.
But hey, that's just like my opinion man.
Oliver Rogers
>Nintenbros expecting Project Diva instead of their Project Mirai shit
Carson Lopez
No. no they do not. lol.
Alexander Morgan
Please refrain from using something low res.
Noah Myers
You'd think that but just remember the amount of braindead ironic weebs that would buy this for their switch and destroy their joycons. I'm still fucking furious about the FT controllers being sold out the moment I could afford the pre-order
Gavin Bennett
I do what I want.
Eli Powell
why is Miku kissing my waifu
Camden Thomas
Imagine trying to play Two-Sided Lovers like that
Dominic Phillips
Your waifu is gay as FUCK, sorry bro
Michael Scott
You can't even say PlayStation is the only home of Jap games anymore, all they have going for them are Sega games, and that's only because the current management was alive when they were completely eviscerated by Sony and don't want to find out what would happen if they go multiplatform.
Isaac Diaz
Is getting an arcade controller for FT even worth it if I can already manage 10s with a Dualshock?