Final Fantasy

Kitase said there won't be anymore turn based FF games anymore


Thank god

Just a reminder that Xenogears' budget got shafted because Kitase wanted to live out his failed dreams of being a film director by making an hour long CGI ending for FF8.

That's fine and all but for the love of god bring back the job system. Imagine Dragon's Dogma 2 with XV's budget. That could be FFXVI.

Sounds shitty, they suck at action combat if XV is anything to go off.

The only thing SE is consistent with is inconsistency with their fucking products.

Was it really that long?

It's okay, Dragon Quest still exists and is still the better series.

Shame they are too shit to make anything other than turn based. This company continues to sign their own death sentence.

it was more like 15 minutes

Good, turned based is fucking dead and just doesn't work anymore without adding some really off unique thing to it

VIII really was the beginning of the end for them.

Funny how Square went to shit, and then went bankrupt, after going PlayStation exclusive.

>Persona 5

>without adding some really off unique thing to it

why is FF12 called Zodiac age?

Bravely Default and its sequel were better than the other games they've shat out though

8 may have been wacky but at least 9 was nice and toned back

FF 12
There are 12 animals in the Zodiac

Its not really a hard concept

Square objectively cannot design turn based combat to save their lives, nothing of value to be lost.

The remaster is called Zodiac Age because it combined the International Zodiac Job System version with the main game. Wich if i remember correctly it was only available in japan?

>action-combat FF games
just fucking kill me

combat yes probably, story could use some work and a better scale. I liked them but imagine if it had a FF budget... fuck you square

>"Turn-based combat is outdated!"
>Meanwhile Persona 5 has received critical reception in Japan, America and the rest of the world
>Square Enix were even afraid of Persona 5 releasing on the same month and held a poll in Japan, asking if fans would skip FFXV for P5
>Get hold O to win combat because the director said he doesn't want to try with games at his age

Nothing about P5 is unique. It just has the best UI design in video games. (aesthetically not necessarily functionally)

buy ocotopath traveler then and don't buy FF16

FFXV worst aspect was the combat by far (even worse than the story), no clue if member switching in the dlc improves it though

Reminder that FFXV lost to persona 5 last year.

Karma at its finest

>This is a quote from the director of FFXV

Thanks guys


>Persona 5
>The same title that got outsold by even Nier Automata
>The same title that plumetted out of the top 20 games sold via NPD a month after it's realease while NierA, another ARPG still had legs in it's second month in comparison.
>Arguing about reception being worth a shit in this day and age

Take your meds

FF will never return to true turn based combat.
It hasn't been true turn based in 13 mainline entries.

It was basically their entire gimmick in the franchise utilizing ATB.

So did Tabata get really lazy or something?

Type-0 might have had issues but each character was unique as fuck. Ranged characters turned the game into a 3rd person shooter, your Monk-archetype had input combos, your Samurai-archetype was built around sheathing and unsheathing the katana.

He's not a great game designer. Type-0 has the same problems FFXV has for the most part. But like you said, T0 has more unique combat and that's a handheld game.

Turn based is old and busted. Action is new hotness.

Haven't into FF for a looong time.
What,in your opinion,is the best/funnest somewhat modern FF?
Is it turn based,semi turn based?
Can I pause it at almost any time?(old fella,if the phone rings,the oven timer goes off,can't yell for momma to get it.)
What is your favorite FF?

Kinda depressing to be honest. I guess final fantasy is truly dead now. I want square soft back

I'm still amazed that he couldn't be bothered to implement 4 playable characters into XV or a working magic system, especially after all the details put into T-0's cast.

FFXIV. Free trial up to level 35.

I don't think that is the first time they confirmed this


I've been trying to get into XIV but everything just seems so dull about it. The gameplay is monotonous and boring, the story is given bit by bit in between monotonous quests, and getting around is horribly dull.

I don't really care for MMOs, I'm only forcing myself to play it because I'm a huge FFfag. I'm probably halfway through Realm Reborn, I'm really hoping it gets better. The boss battles are fun but that's about it.

>the story is given bit by bit in between monotonous quests
It's a shame because Heavensward is so fucking good, but ARR is a boring as fuck. The grinding doesn't help either.

Why did kingdom hearts make this shit okay? Fucking trash combat that is only interesting on the hardest difficulty

FF never had good combat prior to shifting towards real-time, good riddens.

>Outsold it in a single month
>More GOTY awards than even any FF
Personafags are truly a special breed of autism.

Good one user

Objectively false. Combat was easily one of its better aspects and absolutely shits on past turd based/ATB garbage in previous FF titles, especially XII which fucking plays itself.

He's a very good designer and shipped one of the better FF installments yet. Consider choking glass Sup Forumsirgin.

Hello Barry!

There was no telling when the attack was gonna come out but he was in a ready position before he unleashed it. That would have prepared you to be on guard but I find it hard to see what the enemy is doing during combat sometimes because of motion blur, sparks, or other effects.

He added character swap in the latest update retard

Yeah, I'm going to try and force through because I'm really enjoying the story and the aesthetics.

Honestly if XV was just KH's combat copied and pasted it would be more than twice as good.

Action is as old as turn based you fucking toddler

>Type-0 was announced alongside Versus XIII
>Type-0 came out as a full game in 2011 with a full combat system and story
>Multiple playable characters aren't even in XV's base game and neither is the entire story while is half in supplementary material

good jrpgs brand of turn based combat has always been dogshit because of the drawn out animations and poor balancing
they'll never reach the pinnacle of """modern""" turnbased combat that wizardry 8 achieved though

And it's not good either:

>Combat is too short with them
>Once a battle is over, you switch back to Noctis

I can't say it doesn't get better, but I never wanna say it does because playing something you don't enjoy to get to parts you may enjoy has always seemed like a dumb rational to me. Having said that, since the level cap is 70, you're only seeing a fraction of the abilities for each job available. The questing/story formula stays the same through Heavensward and Stormblood though. If you're not enjoying the story telling, it's hard to imagine you enjoying it more down the line. However, I do here things like where people enjoyed this or that expansion more than the other.

If you do find yourself enjoying it at any point enough to keep going, remember to take breaks. There's more than 4 years worth of game at this point within a base game and 2 expansions. Even if you did enjoy things, it'd take you a while go get through it all.

>FF1, 2, and 3
>not turn based

Thanks for the recommendation.
Am looking it up now.
One thing I liked about FF ist some games seem so alien,love D&D because I know the rules so much,love FF because some games are so different than others.

Also,why didn't I get a (you)? /does that not exist on this board?

I'm enjoying the story a ton, it's the monotonous MMO stuff that I don't really care for like the endless fetch quests or the constant backtracking to NPCs.

That's fine

FF1 and 2 are turn based. That is what I'm a saying.

For some reason I thought 3 was ATB, although that started at 4

Thank fucking god.

wasnt interested in the franchise since ff10 anyway. no great loss.

Check out Bravely Default and Project Octopath.

Square can still make good games when they want to.

After 15 I'd be shocked if the FF15 team is ever allowed back again, it was almost as bad as 13 and 10

The power of 10 years of advertising and E3 publicity is a powerful thing.


No matter what style of game the make, it will always be mash A to win.

>Fucking trash combat that is only interesting on the hardest difficulty
I seriously doubt that you honestly believe this

It's true though, KH is only fun on Proud/ Critical mode. Outside of that it's mind-numbingly easy.

Easy games can't be fun? RIP entire Mario franchise then ..


That's a platformer though, that's a whole different style of gameplay.

You can't complain that turn-based games are boring because of "press X to attack" but then defend an action game for being "press X to win"

Holy shit....I just realized this means the FF 7 remake won't have turn-based combat

we've known that for a while now. Have you been under a rock?

What about the mobages ?

How did you not already know that?

Yeah the Realm Reborn Arc is the second worst in the game (second place goes to 7th Astral holy fuck what were they thinking). Fetch quests go away a bit once you reach Heavensward and Stormblood, but until then enjoy returning to the Waking Sands eight billion times.

yeah and never saw you guys talk about it so...
not sure to tell you the truth

>but until then enjoy returning to the Waking Sands eight billion times

That's what is happening to me right now. Ah well, looking forward to Heavensward and Stormblood, I heard they are great.

Default was the best FF since 12, Second was a lazy cashgrab with worse writing than FF X-2.

You don't think it now, but you'll miss her when ARR ends.

How do they go from Heavensward being one of the best FF stories, to fucking Stormblood?

Because for a third of the adventure you didn't have the smarty pants with you. The WoL REALLY shouldn't be left alone with impulsive people.

Man there was really something magical about Final Fantasy FMV's back in the day.

>caring about this dead franchise at any point after FFX in the first place

Enjoying that Christmas event?

I blame Mhiggers, honestly.

Yea, let's just forget how the ending of ARR got shitconned in it or all that time we spent with the fucking moogle arc or how the WoD tease at the end went fucking no where. Also, fuck Heavensward zones before we could fly around them. They were ASS.

I just can't fucking care for them at all. They brought it on their selves and the descendants won't disavow them properly.

Oh yeah, it's not perfect, but I still enjoyed it:

>WoD tease
Oh my god, this. I really wish they did more with them. They were much more interesting than many other characters.
>Also, fuck Heavensward zones before we could fly around them. They were ASS.
Definitely. Flying should be allowed whenever you access a new zone. Don't fucking force people to admire your work when they don't want to. It comes off as a way to stop players from powering through the game.

Not even as long as your seqeunce of digits.

good. turn based is shite.

Too bad they're doing fuck all for marketing and when XI flops it will give them another excuse to not localize the main games

It has the 1more system and the Personas themselves, although I'd say mainline SMT has the most unique turn based battle system, can't really think of any other game series that has the press turn system

>Kitase said there won't be anymore turn based FF games anymore

let's just hope they have good combat.

XV's was lacking.

There hasn't been a turn based final fantasy since 4.

XV wasn't lacking good combat so much as it was lacking good enemies.

final fantasy has been getting more and more like pure dogshit over the years and this surprises you?

>XV wasn't lacking good combat so much as it was lacking good enemies.

It was lacking in both.

>There hasn't been a turn based final fantasy since 4.

Good. ARPG are superior to turn based.