*whispers into the microphone in a library bathroom*
*whispers into the microphone in a library bathroom*
Other urls found in this thread:
>constantly tell him to stop calling me general
>he never stops
What the fuck was his problem?
His voice was therapeutic
Worst voice actor but best character?
>tfw no 10 hour Bao Dur ASMR videos
>ask him about Jedi killing
>he tharths lithping in pure thexual fruthtration
>tfw no 24 hours T3 ASMR beeping videos
>tfw you'll never have a grandmafu to follow you around and criticize your life decisions
i honestly could not stand his voice. it didn't match him being a zabrak
>the betht part wathnt torturing them
>it wath breaking them
>all zabraks sound the same
When will the ignorance stop
>multi-horned badass engineer with a magnetic hand
>sounds meek and bland as fuck
When they all stop sounding the same
Sara Kestelman (born 12 May 1944) is an English actress.[1] She is best known for providing the voice of Kreia in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, and for her role as Lady Frances Brandon, Lady Jane Grey's mother, in Lady Jane.
Find what you're looking for among the dead?
>my waifu party was Kreia + Visas
>kept having femdom dreams with Kreia
Is dark side or light side better in this game? is dark side stuff well written?
>It is good that you have never wondered what lay beneath her robes, if her alabaster skin was as white and unblemished as her face. Or if perhaps she bore the scars of slavery... and if that would stir you more. Perhaps her deferent tone would change once you held her by the throat, and showed her how far a Jedi can fall.
Stick with whatever you want.
Dark side stuff is much better written in this one.
I did a full lightside once, now doing a grey one.
It gives your character a little more depth
Well he did have PTSD
dude pazaak lmao
what did Avellone mean by this?
>intending to go light or dark instead of making decisions based on context and as a individual
To be fair, KOTOR 2 still has a system that rewards extreme alignments while giving no benefit to neutrality
Pure pazaak
Who said anything about neutrality? It's almost impossible to be neutral anyway, unless you're some sort of flip-flopping retard or an apathetic fence-sitter
I have destroyed planets for you general but now this once if we could save something in this galaxy...
Is pazak a really retarded game or what?
Yeah I tried to be neutral when that guy on Nar Shadda asks for credits but when you say "I don't have anything for you" he continues to beg and you literally have no choice but light or dark which then leads to unavoidable reprimanding by Kreia.
I think it's fine, but too easy to cheese
And thus if you're not neutral you're intending to go lightside or darkside, whether it be by purposely seeking out those options in dialogue or by roleplaying a character that will gravitate towards one of those sides. And that intention of alignment is what the previous post was reprimanding
That's just KOTOR 2's gameplay in a nutshell
And anyone acting slightly reasonable will end up being light side because the ds options usually involves being a massive cunt or killing people
>And thus if you're not neutral you're intending to go lightside or darkside
No, you tend to gravitate towards either side if you play consistently, the only way to be neutral is to be a flip-flopping retard
e.g. if you aren't an asshole, you'll end up light, if you're being a pragmatic mercenary, you'll end up dark
More like thuggish
Gotta make those credits somehow you know
>muchu chaka paka
I've noticed you don't even have to be overly nice to get light side. If you're even remotely polite to people you get light side.
>Hey stranger got the time?
>Yeah its half past 3
>Light Side Points Gained
>Influence Lost: Kreia
>kind actions like that show why I will follow you always, General
>influence gained: Bao Dur
Daily reminder that pure and mature lady Atris > used up slut Visas > "I'm playing hard to get but I'm actually a whore" Mira > literally who bimbo Shitmaiden.
>when you realize the game is actually making a point that being a centrist is the worst thing you can be
Apathy is death.
>He needs to shit on other characters to make his whore looks good
The sign of a failed waifu
A centrist would be light side though
i would pay literal money for this
Well you should've let him clueless so that he could learn the time on his own and grow as a person.
>Game focuses on the dangers of dogma and philosophical extremism
Shut up Sup Forums.
Well if he were a spaghetti dropping autist then simpley mustering up the courage to ask someone for the time could be considered growing as a person.
LS is selfless. Centrists are far too self absorbed and arrogant to be light side.
"Grey Jedi" makes me cringe, whenever I hear it. I don't know why. It just physically repulses me, I hate how this stupid Dark Side Light Side Yin Yang shit has jumped up, instead of Sith being an unnatural manipulation of the force.
>Strike me down!
>Influence Gained: Visas
>Influence Gained: Visas
>Influence Gained: Visas
>Influence Gained: Visas
>Influence Gained: Visas
>Visas is immediately max light side before any other party member
Kreia didn't want you to fuck the Handmaiden because she is her daughter and she would feel the pleasure of you plowing her daughter.
Just watch anything with Noel Fielding in
That's really hot
>self absorbed and arrogant
That sounds exactly like light side, nigger.
All the other females in the game are hardly characters at all in comparison.
that one always makes me angry
>Not living a comfy life in the outer rim with a pleasure palace or something
"Apathy is death", (lol fuck off Keira
it literally does though
He didn't sound meek. I though he sounded confident and sure of himself.
Why? Sometimes you don't get to stay """neutral""" in IRL situations and the same can be applied to videogame logic.
"Do you remember the horrors of Malachor, general? I still see their faces behind my eyelids. What do you mean, 'tingles'?"
You're a faggot you are
>Bao Dur wasn't at Malachor V with everyone else because he was killed off screen during the Telos invasion on the way to the HK factory with HK-47
Its not fucking fair! Even if you turn him into a jedi he'll still die.
The thing is you can visit nar shadaa last, listen to everything kreia said and understand the lesson and you still end up shitting on it
its more that you can't not make kreia bitch at you
What, Atton? I thought his voice was fine.
>Nice outfit. What, you miners change regulation uniform while I've been in here?
>In my point of view, the jedi are evil
Is the Clone Wars CGI series worth a watch? I loved the cartoon made by the Samurai Jack artist. Will this scratch that itch?
>Hey can you break a dollar?
>*Kreia breathes down your neck*
when I was a young man I was caught in the flash of the double bladed saber and the excess of dual wielding
now I am older and I have come to realize the single blade is best. Time to replay with my hard earned wisdom
>"hey I found some clothes"
>"Damnit- I mean, that's great. It was starting to get distracting... to the droids"
Atton was the best
Time to charge those power couplings and loading ramp...
Was Kreia right about the Jedi, Sith and the force overall or was she a pseudo-intellectual cunt?
I have
my mother-in-law
Its not fun at all
she have few months top
CGI Wars is nothing like the 2003 Samurai Wars, it's more focused on character development (read: Obi-Wan wanking), introduces a lot of new faces and gives some of the Jedi who have no screen time/lines in the movies something to do. It's fun overall but if you want something with ties to the movies then you might as well consider it filler.
Single saber is life, but blasters are hometown.
Don't forget Grevious begin badass
She was right, but she also allowed her own guilt to shape her perspective and philosophy.
Dual wielding pistols was OP, they were more useful than my lightsabre.
>pseudo-intellectual cunt?
>Dont forget Grievous being badass
That's Samurai Wars/2003 Clone Wars, I was talking mostly about the CGI one.
That being said, it's a crime what they did to Grievous in the CGI version, at least when the 2003 one was canon there was a reason as to why Grievous was coughing/a way worse fighter than he was in the cartoon. Now that the CGI one is canon he's portrayed as having always been a pushover.
>sometimes you dont get to stay neutral
>therefore you either give this homeless man your hard-earned money, or threaten to murder him
I never noticed a lisp with this guy.
She was right to a point, but she too fell to trap of dogmatic absolutes. That's why she passed her teachings onto the Exile, who could make something better from her philosophy.
>Dual wielding pistols was OP
>mfw atton rapid shots fools in the back for instakills
Yes it was, my dude.
>consular with that feat that lets you add wisdom to your AC
It's not a lisp as much it is a bad microphone.
You can hear it in this when he starts getting mad
Why is HK so BASED?
Yeah, that is pretty bad now that I hear it again.
Someone please post updated restored content mod
cant get it from steam
I've read that CGI Wars makes Ep 3 more bearable, and actually makes the bro break-up between Obi-Wan and Anakin kinda sad.
>Not realizing that the binary extremes of the force's balance and it manipulating or outright controlling your actions in the name of this balance was the entire point, and this was a lesson in the illusion of choice, how little you actually have, and how the force will balance out whatever you do irrespective.
Have you tried google?
He sounds like he knows what he's talking about, but as emotion enters his voice he sounds like a little bitch.
pazaak is a good game, it's just shit and hard to win in kotor1