What do I need to know about caravans and world map missions as a beginner?
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Also I managed to make a base that doesn't fall apart at the smallest inconvenience after just 40 hours of play, I'm proud
What are the best mods to go for once I get bored of vanilla?
You travel faster on roads, you travel slower during winter, you travel WAY slower over mountains and other non-flat terrain, always bring more food than you need, small caravans are best, be sure to account for carry weight, and always configure which side of the map to exit on in order to save like half a day of travel.
What about encountering enemies at locations? How does that work? Do you actually fight on a map?
Fuck off to /vg/ where you belong
learn by doing. its much more fun
I tried that when I first started playing and it hit my 1-man-1-alpaca caravan with a fucking manhunter thrumbo.
And you fuck off back to the "let's pretend we're on reddit" thread, where (You) belong
Just a friendly reminder that if you use Call of Cthulu mod, don't go recapturing sacrifices after they get burped back up by the sinkhole, just fill in the sinkhole right after the sacrifice like I didn't
Well then. I thought it was hostile since it bit my prisoner to death.
This might be awesome
is there combat extended for B18?
forgot pic
See what happens when it goes near another colonist?
Oh fuck
if this is going to be the daily/"last thread died new one" rimworld thread then we should keep adding shit to OPs image and make a collage
btw my nazi anti-furfag colony got fucked rip
Nothing so far. My animal guy has been trying to train it to no luck, has like a 5% chance for obedience. It has advanced intelligence too so it could be useful. I can only imagine how OP it will be once its fully grown considering how tanky the 200 yo daddy in the sinkhole is
And I just realized the star vampire in my freezer is giving my guys a -80 morale debuff that I didn't notice before because most of the colonists that went in the freezer were very happy from marriage
fixed ur image OP
praise the fur
Any good mods that are NOT on the workshop and only in the forums for whatever reason? I don't really want to browse that place for stuff.
rimjobworld is on loverslabs but not the workshop for obvious reasons.
EDB Prepare Carefully
SS Damage Indicators
Facial Stuff
Custom Music
Health Tab
Relations Tab
Hand Me That Brick
Prison labor
Locks(for locking your doors)
Combat Extended
Apparello 2
Simple Bridges
All of the Vegetable Garden modules
Dubs Hygiene
Prison Labor
Animal Logic
A Dog Said
beat me to it.
can't play without rimjobworld
Which module adds all of that in?
Turns out man cannot outrun huskies. Fuckin' Randy, he spawned that silver metorite and then spawned a manhunter pack in the same area when I sent my guy over there.
There is an unstable version for B18. Mortars do not work.
This is the official CE Discord. You can report bugs here if you feel like it.
Rim of Madness I think.
>Fishing Industry will never update to B18
I fixed it even more.
Gotta love Randy, it's the new meme. we need a drawfag to illustrate the life and thought process of Randy
You don't want to get sick on the road, make sure your caravan person is on penoxycyline.
Caravan speed is determined by colonist and animal speed. Don't use your colonist with a bad back for your caravans, and don't use pregnant animals, they move a lot slower.
Terrain info will tell you if animals can graze. If they can graze you won't need to bring food for them. You don't want to bring food for them.
>Install tons of mods
>Waiting for it to load
You can do it, dont you crash on me
>hey guys can you recommend me some mods
>trying to eat that thing
what is wrong with you
Are scyther blades shit now that they have reduced accuracy?
Idk I like to save stuff
There's got to be a use for this other than making my pawns go mad, right?
They've always been moderately shit, but now they're extremely shit. EPOE lets you craft power arms that have scyther blades in them but don't decrease your pawns' manipulation which is really nice.
Feed it to prisoners
>the life and thought process of Randy
Holy fuck. You should feed that shit to your colony's mayor/dictator/top warrior/person who is in charge and gets the best of the best shit. That's some high class gucci shit right there.
>raider shows up without a head
Gone? Just... gone?
Revive him. He was strong enough to make it to your colony without a head.
>His head and pain: Gone
When do sacrifices resurface? I've sacrificed tons of people no-one very mind I remembered I always buried the hole right aftwrwards
Yeah I have so many fucking mods it takes like 10 minutes to load up the game as long as you see the dots moving its fine
Hate that shit. Then the idiot pathing system sends you in some retarded direction, completely losing any head start you had.
I can hardly ever make it in time to rescue them, even if I immediately draft the entire map, animals included. They all seem to stick their fingers/claws up their own assholes and dawdle there slowly (also pathing like total fucking retards).
Maybe I should just build some small panic shelters all over the map?
ahaha, wtf is this?
Also fucking hunters standing next to 9 boards and shooting one in the distance, its begging for a manhunter
What are some good energy mods that aren't end-game? Building shit loads of solar panels or using chemfuel is just a chore once your base grows a bit
>start new game
>open spooky area
>wall them off
>some time pass and one of my tribegirls gets damaged badly by a wolf
>scythers spam me nonstop with their rape urges
the sound makes it quite annoying
This is my base. Rich Explorer doesn't have enough steel to survive on the ice sheet so the trick is to bring 3 people, build the base, and then kill off two of them.
tranquil northern comfiness
Oh and all four of them want to rape her
There's this one mod that adds in water turbines light houses and some other power item I love using it in small bases near water
circuit breakers lets you have a giant battery farm without having to worry about zzzt events as long as you make enough breaker boxes, that way wind and solar will be all you ever need.
I thought scythers could break through walls
It gets ridiculous towards the end game though, with my base having about ~50k energy consumption, half the map would be fucking solar panels
They don't attack if you don't provoke them first
Well shit I never knew that same with centipedes? I got a horror room right next to my base that I'm wanting to open but don't think I'm ready
Only if you don't fill the hole
I didn't realize I could fill the hole without the worm popping up if it was inactive from the sacrifice so I didn't, it was just about a day or two after the sacrifice that he came back, still in restraints.
A couple days after that an alert popped up saying he had strange worms in his brain. Couple days after that and now I have my own baby Shai Hulud
just do it
Sweet gonna do that next thanks
>Solar panels are a chore
Living Battery for when your slaves lose too many limbs, but you still need to make them useful.
Dead body for fuel machine, for when your battered slaves are killed inside of the batteries, but you still need them to be useful even in death.
Improved Vanometric Power Cells
Anti-Furry Nazis here
we just did our first victims and I'm burning the survivor
Imagine. He's the one /r9/ robot that actually managed to escape the thots, whores, and roastie sluts. GG.
there's no way that's enough food
>power output 10000w
What the hell am i supposed to do with that much POWER?
>My only doctor gets Flu
>Treat him with my shitty doctor with 1 skill
>They both get the plague and backup doctor dies
>Main doctor still in bed with Plague AND Flu
>Raid with several pirates runs in to kick my shit in
>Fuck your killbox we're just going to grenade the wall down lol
>One of my guys randomly gets aggroed by a bear at the same time
>He's on the other side of the map, literally in the corner
>toxic fallout
>only have starting revolver and hunting rifle
>rough randy decides to give me a psychic ship on the far corner of the map
Y-you too
He actually has no social skill. Traders came and I could do nothing. It's really all just him, no help.
Rice grown at 230% efficiency for one guy suffices.
That's when you set up a caravan and fuck off
what walls don't catch fire?
>That much Power
That's enough for ~3 sunlamps.
pls no, provide with github or some other links
they consume about 1250-1700 iirc, so no
I only have an eldritch goat, two tiny neko maids and a baby cthunian worm, no pack animals
>corpse mood debuffs
I'm done spoon feeding for right now, fren.
Granite and limestone is best, granite literally being the best with limestone just 50 or so health less
i want you to think hard about what a stupid fucking question that is.
It's better than taking your chances against mechs and fallout, just grab what you can and go a tile over.
can't find anything for body power deluxe though
im using that gardening mod that reduces the power consumption and even heats up the room though
they don't matter on early game
imagine throwing a molotov in there
>just go a tile over
>only tiles next to it are desert and salt fields
>Be well-trained, heavily-armed group of nine space pirates
>Have been through several missions like this before
>Always come back home with everyone alive
"Hey Lewis, you ready to light these fuckers up with the incendiary shells?"
>"You fuckin' know it, brosky!"
>While unpacking the mortars, Tulky brandishes his club and begins strolling around the perimeter of the camp
long live the fighters
>tfw some faggot colonist randomly has a slaughter mental break and immediately murders the spooky black goat right next to him before I could stop him
Still have my Cthulhu worm though
rate my furnace chamber
Tell me about Combat Extended and why everyone gushes over it
i forgot can you fire ballista bolts and arrows diagonally yet?
>have automatic rifle
>oh look I see enemy
>I stay in place for 4 whole seconds to fire three shots and hit NONE
vanilla combat,with it's burst fire and aiming time is shit
also it fixes meelee combat and other stuff
steel walls catch fire in rimworld
>steel and granite walls catch fire