Beta coming, fellow Dissid.
Beta coming, fellow Dissid.
>4am-9AM EST from JST
Please be a lie I dont want to be up in the middle of the night
It's not a lie so set your alarm clock buddy.
Thoughts on the 3v3 combat? Also, do you think it's worth it if you don't play multiplayer?
Probably skipping this if the beta doesn't wow me.
I think the 3v3 is fun and NT is very heavily focused on multiplayer and competitive play.
Is this a PS4 port of that arcade game from a while back?
The first dissidia was probably the best game on the psp.
>3v3 combat
Why does Japan insist on this? It's not fun at all.
If it's not fun then why is it so popular?
There's gonna be a na/eu beta why go through the trouble of making a jp account and staying up all night?
Also she's all but confirmed, right?
>Not already having a JP account
I'm actually in JP so this works for me.
I hope we get her, but after Ardyn
kinda bad. 3v3 wasn't worth losing moves and character supers imo.
i got into the closed beta awhile back
>Most fighters are 1v1
>People play games like Smash as a 1v1 game, despite being 4 players
You'd think they'd know better.
Okay, when are we going to find out more about the story mode? Upon release? I was reading somewhere that more story segments in that tree open as you level up. Level up what, exactly? Level up your online character? Level up story mode characters? The way they’ve been NOT talking about the story segment makes me think it will be horrifically tacked on...
I know not to expect anything similar to the first two games, (which blows, by the way) but the lack of communication seems pretty clear they don’t want to discuss it.
All we know is that there's cutscenes so far.
Go play Opera Omnia if you want dumb story bullshit.
Story should be a priority over multiplayer that will be dead soon.
Go play an rpg faggot.
No. I except a 20 hour story from this. Multiplayer comes last.
Why dont they just port the Psp games famalam
All games don't need a story...
here’s hoping there’s atleast a labyrinth mode
Games like Rainbow Six and PUBG? For sure. Final Fantasy though? Yeah, they do. If the story mode isn't high quality enough, I'm skipping the game.
I wish they'd done that to hype up this release. 012 on PC would be great; given how easy it was to mod on PSP, a PC version could last forever.
Fighters, especially casual ones like this don't really work without them though.
They want the neckbeard esport audience. That's why gameplay's gotten simpler while involving more people.
why the fuck is y'shtola in this game
she's such a minor character in ff14
She's the mascot of FFXIV.
It's funny because the Esports audience won't care about this at all.
Because they don't care about relevance when it comes to the MMO characters. Shantotto is also a minor character, but she gets in for XI because she's a fucking meme to the Jap playerbase.
they should have added based alphinaud instead
Alphinaud and Gaius are the characters Yoshi wants as DLC in NT.
The gameplay isn't simpler at all.
Alphinaud is the closest thing we have a to a main character rep, so I'd be all for that.
Thy showed more of it and the menu in a stream. Basically by playing the game offline and online you can get Memoria which you spend to unlock the cutscenes, which are on a big tree with different paths. There's actually a hell of a lot of them.
>losing moves
Everyone has at the very least more bravery moves available than they did before, and most characters in the previous game had very few alternate bravery attacks actually worth using, and 1 HP attack is better when you remember it's a 3v3 game, and many characters have extra or changing HP attacks as well. Not to mention Ex Skills add a lot more to it as well, and speaking of 3v3 it works extremely well with the system, at a bare minimum it's a much more fleshed out and better version of how assists worked, but having a real team allows for so much extra interesting decisions and play.