Why are there so many weaboos? It pisses me off

Why are there so many weaboos? It pisses me off

I don’t know man maybe because this site is inspired from a japanese one and thus anime is bound to have a huge relevance here?

anime is gay

You don't belong here

>on a site that's literally an English version of a Japanese otaku discussion forum
Really gets the neutrons firing.

>site with literal japanese name 4-CHAN (yes, chan is a japanese word)
>funded by anime fan for anime fans
>bought by japanese man who also likes anime
>hurr animesss

I do. Those manchildren don.t

Why do people get pissed off at demographics, then instead of trying to make the board a better place, choose to spend their time shitposting about a subcommunity, wasting everyone's time and board space?

>why are there so many animals at the zoo? it pisses me off

OP, try a place like reddit. I hear its better for someone as special as you.

the same goes to vg

>anime website

>instead of trying to make the board a better place
I am actually trying to make the board better by telling weaboos to fuck off. If they are all gone, this place would be much better.

>BOTW, Odyssey, Persona V, Nier Automata

The best games this year are all Japanese, really makes you think



>anime is still normie kryptonite

>stupid ass slasher which people play only because the main character has semi naked ass

>i am proud to be a neckbeard virgin who loves cartoons for childrend XD

holy you guys are pathetic

get out.


>it's so fun to keep being retarded! XD



>hating drawings of cute girls
>not being a faggot
Choose one.