Use your videogame skills to save the princess

>Use your videogame skills to save the princess

Other urls found in this thread: dash_tanks for the memories_comparison_do i look angry_just one bite_meme_spongebob squarepants_squidward tentacles.png



/stp/ threads were killed by thicc and trap fags
furrys are just here to rape the corpse

you have to be subtle
the mods are starting to catch on that these are furfag threads since you make one or two a day

in my opinion, /stp/ threads became shit after instead of editing the OP image and trying to find your own solution to save the princess, it devolved into waiting for porn or a specific drawfag or it becoming a comic.

Unless you're gabshiba himself or plan on continuing his OC, I suggest you put it to rest.

oh, im not the one who were posting them before

>That image
Why are shibas so weird?


there is just something so weird but not in a bad way, like they can express many things without changing their face

thats surprising considering there are 2 or 3 blatant ones a day and they hardly get pruned

shiba thread? What would a shiba game be about?

Too detailed to edit

>this thread again


Kill yourself ban-evading Argentinian.
KILL YOUR FUCKING SELF AND DIE. dash_tanks for the memories_comparison_do i look angry_just one bite_meme_spongebob squarepants_squidward tentacles.png

how the fuck is a spongebob screencap pony-related

You clearly didn't look at the fucking links dash_tanks for the memories_comparison_do i look angry_just one bite_meme_spongebob squarepants_squidward tentacles.png

Shibas had to be man-made, there is no way a dog breed can have so much charisma by having a very stoic face

>being (you)-level new

Merry Christmas Lee, you incredible autist.

I wanna fuck that worc

>give him a sloppy bj
>then let him fug muh boi pussy

shibas are a mystery like most of japan

All dogs are man-made

>Use your videogame skills
go to gamefaqs or something and just read up the best and easiest way to do shit.

I wanna fuck that big dogman

I wonder how can you train a shiba to do silly things like the ones you see on the internet? I want to believe is already in its genes, all what's left for them is being able to talk

I meant like science involved, like genetically modified


im feel like them doing silly things is that they are smarter or more independent than the average dogs
they are like cats in a dogs body

Time to ignore the slut

What if I want that hunky ass Wolfman instead????

they sure are photogenic

can i stay a human and fuck him?

Why not have the two wolfmen fuck you? One fucks you in the mouth and the other in your boypussy.

Why not fuck the wolfman in the ass. Assert dominance impress the chick.

>not fucking the giant wolfmen

You can make both Wolfmen beg for your cock, then.

>Call the local vet and animal control
>Tranquilize that furfag
>Neuter him while he's still asleep
>Untie princess before she becomes barbecue

Jokes on you, the vet and animal control are wolfmen too. Your boypussy is gonna get demolished by their knots while the princess burns to death while she has an awkward boner.

>this thread became a comfy bara thread
what a great way to spend my saturday before christmas