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How? This has nothing to do with pc
It actually would probably do well since there's only 1 other shooter on the console/handheld/whatever we're calling it now, and that shooter doesn't really have an arena mode.
There was a rumor that pubg would be published on switch too, I would like both games on the console.
That doesn't sound like it'd be possible. Isn't that the game that does a 50 v 50 mode or something?
If some tech wizard makes it happen and it has gyro aiming I'm in. But I highly doubt that would function.
Splatoon is a fucking great arena shooter
>Isn't that the game that does a 50 v 50 mode or something?
That's only one mode that got added recently
you talking about doom or splatoon
You can always just half-ass it and jam it in as hard as possible hoping the hardware doesn't explode.
I mean, look at what PUBG did.
When I say Arena I mean last man standing. Splatoon is good fun, but it doesn't really scratch the itch for that particular play style was my point.
I've never heard anyone talk about Doom's online only it's singleplayer. Does that actually have a last man standing mode?
It's real ? how ?
Fortnite is not an intensive game at all. Toasters run it just fine, tho spagetti code could potentially fuck everything up.
I don't see how it would work without the switch going full 240p
It's not from the official Fortnite twitter.
If the xbox one struggles to barely run PUBG it would never be on switch...I saw this as someone who loves their switch.
Maybe fortnite? No idea how demanding it is.
Is that even an official Twitter? It only has nearly 12k followers and all it does is post when servers are up
It'll probably run better than PUBG on XB1
The Switch port of PUBG is already on Xbone though.
1/10 got me to reply about a non-official account
yes there's a last man standing mode
There was a wink by the developer about a game coming to the switch but they didn't confirm it was pubg, maybe there are doing something different. It's not crazy to think maybe another developer it's making pubg with another engine to make it run on switch like activision with the cod games in the wii era.
If an even half competent dev took a twenty minute look at PUBG they could probably make the PC version able to run on things that are not supercompters. Realistically there's no fucking reason a game that looks like that would be unable to run on Switch. The PUBG devs are just hilariously incompetent
Not bad
>switch owners making fake announcements to make up for their system of no games
But will it have gyro aiming?
Doom for whatever odd reason does not. And it's the biggest waste.
>Steam controller has an ID made layout for DOOM that comes with trackpad+gyro for aiming
>They didn't fucking bring it to the Switch version when they clearly know of it and it's benefits
>Switch supposedly has no games but there are too many I want to buy on it that I can’t afford
How dare they? That's the master race's job.