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Video Games #4011
Video Games
Tell your family to fuck off - Jan 7th - 14th is reserved for AGDQ
Christmas Gift GOTY
Find a flaw
How was your Christmas Sup Forums?
Post dead Sup Forums memes
ITT: soyfun
Sup Forums play game Dev Part 3
Post your just survived the family dinner face
Which are some games where you have to survive and build stuff in a realistic environment?
Now that Touhou has appeared on a Nintendo conaole, can Satori join Smash?
"errm no sweetie, I won't buy you the new Monster Hunter game...
ITT: Worst Games of 2017, hands down
What do you think of jrpgs?
*blocks your JRPG*
What do you choose?
Why is this regarded as the hardest of the classic games...
Buy game
Defeat the final boss
Tail's Gets trolled Storytime
I always started these games with a STR build
Should I get it now or will there be an after Christmas sale right when I purchase it?
Is Nier Automata combat good? I was thinking of getting it...
Why soyboys like manchild entertaiment like videogames so much?
Get $100 steam bux for Christmas
I've got 150 bucks for Christmas and I wanna buy a Switch really bad. Convince me to not sell my PS4 and Wii U for one
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea
Should Ryuji have died on that boat?
New weeb shit coming for Ps4
ITT, screw you I liked it
Japanese Psyops
When will 60 FPS be the norm on console?
Sup Forums play game dev tycoon
Grinding: how much is too much?
Open game
Survival Horror
What is Sup Forums‘s opinion on Binding of Isaac?
I just refunded cuphead, ask me anything
If you had to choose would you rather have Hispanic or black women in video games
Why is Roblox slowly and painfully committing suicide?
Now that Star Wars is dead raped and buried I'm looking for games that evoke that good old feel of going on a space...
Did it really sell that poorly?
Have you ever fallen in love with a character from a videogame?
Will this beat BioShock Infinite for most pretentious game ever?
One copy of Crazy frog racer, please
Claim this is a horror game
Redpill me on Kalindra chan
Killing Floor General?
Kingdom Hearts 3
Hestia game has been delayed
Sup Forums play game dev tycoon
I will pay 3 people from Sup Forums 10 bucks an hour to complete all quests with me in monster hunter generations...
The elder scrolls 6 release date leaked holy shit
I'm gonna do it
So..when do you think the ps5 is coming out?
This game is literally "It gets good 50 hours in"
Is it good or not? Discount 75% right now
PC Gaming
Find a flaw
What games are best played when smoking the good old green?
Will there ever be another shooter as epic as MW2's online was?
Should I stick with the base game or are the DLCs worth the money?
What game are you currently playing Sup Forums?
"oh there he is! out of his man cave at last! i almost forgot what he looked like haha! put the nintendo controller...
Mario Retardy
Okay, I'll fucking say it, this game is better than Divinity
I cant believe i lost again the only side they breached through was closest to my command center and i couldnt walk my...
What are u guys playing Sup Forums
What's the worst game you've ever received as a gift??
Monster Hunter: World is due out worldwide for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on January 26, 2018...
Did Pokémon peak during gens 4-5?
I've never played an XCOM game. Should I get XCOM: EU or XCOM 2?
Dumb shit you did in vidya
Wheres the charm? Trying to get into this and I dunno, there's no charm to the characters...
What is the best zelda game and why is it twilight princess?
Anony! Come and get your din dins sweetie-pie!
What are some games with aesthetic turbosluts?
*six of them blocks your path*
Yakuza 2
I just bought it. What am I in for?
There will never be a single-player superhero RPG where you can build your own hero and abilities and choose a...
It's not fair bros. Even Japanese outlets are praising BOTW and Japan doesn't even care about Zelda
I gave this game a try today, and I've gotten the impression that it's just a bare-bones 3D arcade fighter
This image makes my weewee feel funny
5 years later, now 28 years old...parents still making me feel like a kid. Thanks Mom and Dad!
What did you get for Christmas, Sup Forums? I got Yakuza 0
2018 the year of Xbox
They're still shilling this girl in 2018
So before I got Circle of Scorn, as a PLD, I would start off a wave of mobs by using Flash about 3 times...
What dating simulator are you playing this Christmas Sup Forums?
Got Killing Floor 2 for Christmas, have never played the first one
Who got a switch today?
Does Sup Forums know this feel?
Im going to post some screencaps of my current Morrowind playthrough, just because
When will video game grafix surpass real life grafix?
Most anticipated game of 2018
Where are some games where I can play as a cute goblin girl?
It's time for the Doomguy Christmas Story
Was thinking about getting KoToR 2 but had some questions
GOTY awards
Who do we blame for this?
Times when you press alt+f4
Merry Christmas Sup Forums, I and a few others are gonna be giving some vidya out today...
So the main reason I like this game is, um... gameplay!
New DMC (DMC5) is a phone game
When was the last time you played a Far Cry game you liked?
Can't even romance best girl
Elder Scrolls VI
Hey guys. Just got this for Christmas. What should I play first?
1 > 3 > 2
Dwarves = Dark Elves
Stop playing games
Yoko Taro said he would continue working with Platinum games
A barrel roll?
Any of you fags want to do a give away thread? I spent all of my money buying games for friends so I'm broke as fuck...
Someone please give me a steam key
This game is really good
Rate my Christmas
What are some games where you can actually fuck up/lose really hard, Sup Forums?
Do you hate the dark elves? Are you here to bully us and tell us to leave?
Persona 3&5 Dancing thread
Estronaut ready to """man""" the Soytendo Soytch
How is Final Fantasy XII Zodiac Age? I’ve only finished FFVII and IX so I’m not familiar with the combat system in XII
When did this surpass Diablo?
Left: games for low IQ, support liberals/leftists
Ann invited you up into her room and her parents aren’t home
I will fap to Nepgear this Christmas. You cannot stop me
Steam Sale rate thread, what did you buy?
ITT: Subtle vidya clothing
ITT: Console Fun Facts
You can't defend this
Trying to find bug fix
32 isn’t too old to get a video game for Christmas from your mom, right?
Its Christmas
No More Heroes 2
Buy a lootbox or fatty gets it, user
What did you get for Christmas?
Hear song from a game you played long ago
*blocks your path*
Whole game is on a time limit
I just finished babby's first VN, what's next, Sup Forums?
How is this game related to the earlier Xenoblade games?
Dragonball fighterZ
Say GoodBye to the 3DS family
Name my group, Sup Forums
Memes aside, what kind of games fit perfectly on the switch?
What is the worse Final Fantasy game and why is it 3?
Open game
Why was XC2 so much more successful than it's predecessors?
Which one are ya L A D
She is the better robot
How do you go from this
Why is putting gay characters in your game ok if Japan does it?
So we all agree 4 was better, right?
Dark Souls: The Casual Filter
Was she justified in her actions?
Player with a smug anime face profile kills you
What games have the best character creator around...
This is Guzzlord, also known as UB: Glutton. Say something nice about it!
What went wrong?
Merry Xmas Sup Forums
*blocks your entire ability to even remotely enjoy this game*
Truly the greatest of allies
Ok so I'm a brainlet and couldnt find this info online so I'll need the first user that knows obscure mechanics in this...
Be a recovering Mac faggot who saw the light
The west can't design cute looking gir-
Let's talk about the real GOTY
Why were there so many shovelware titles on the Nintendo DS?
How do you fucking play this game? Am I supposed to never sell to little girls...
GOTY is a Sonic fangame
Is Playstation Network Free
Final boss is so scared of his demons, he goes to sleep with a nightlight
Did you get any retro console vidya for Christmas, user?
Good games Sup Forums recommended you
What are moments in vidya you didn't quite understand at first, but now you see positively?
The character design in the new Valkyria Chronicles is atrocious
Nights of azure 2
Dont mind me, just running my way to page 10
Coming from sales numbers via Famitsu, the Switch (as of Dec. 17) has sold about 2,988...
I've just finished all 3 Arland games. Should I try Dusk series next, or jump straight into Mysterious Book?
Lesbianism is the purest form of love. Max is NOT for hetero
Gravity Rush Christmas Thread
This is official art
Sup Forums gets annihilated yet again
Best switch game coming through
Jesus christ
Is this heaven?
It's OK when ________ does it
What games are you playing for Christmas?
Open twitch stream with just a few viewers
Fucking hell, bought this for $8 on PSN. Holy shit am I having a blast, where the fuck have games gone...
Why is this game so praised?
Giving Steam gifts
"lol you mad xDDDD?"
Darkest dungeon bread
How will you be spending your Christmas money, anons?
How does this not have more attention? it is as fun as doom
Let's get some hidden gems guys. Tell me about that game you love but you never hear anyone else talk about
If you dont like a game that many people like and enjoy and is acualy considered a good game by critics and users the...
What did you get for Christmas? Any good video games?
This is my Episode VII
5 years later, now 28 years old...parents still making me feel like a kid. Thanks Mom and Dad!
Why do spics get so many boners with this?
Super Mario Land 2 DX
I present to you:
How do you get pro at genji?
Christmas Steam
My favorite mouse died on me today
What's driving him?
How do you feel about the future of rainbow six?
Is there anything better than playing new videogames and eating terry's oranges on xmas?
Character attractiveness factors into his enjoyment of the game
What went wrong?
Steam beg thread
Why have you not gotten the new GOTY?
My parents got me 3 $20 steam cards for christmas. None work
Play New Vegas
Games that make you feel like this
I got a ps4 for Christmas how about you?
Why aren't people hype about this? I thought Sup Forums would cream their pants for a Halo 3 on PC...
This is Oda Nobunaga, one of the greatest and most feared warlords in Japanese history
Should i?
Your yearly reminder
Its Christmas, why are you here?
Paper beats rock
RoR - Risk of Rain
ITT: Sup Forums makes a vault, and all posts ending in 5 add to the lore...
Can a single guy ruin an entire console generation?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Describe your last bowel movement with a video game quote
I've never been more happy that I have a Switch
I got a switch for christmas
Ask Mommy for breath of the wild for switch
What's the best Yu-Gi-Oh game?
*ruins a perfectly good stage*
Fun fact...
GTA IV is the best GTA and you know it
Bloody wanker
Breath of the Wild is a masterpiece
Fuck this shit, I'm so sick of the bitter sweet ending meme...
Use your video game knowledge to save the IDOL PRINCESS from the evil mastermind DANGEROUS SKELEDAN
I just got one of these lil fuckers and it's pretty good
I have $37.68 microsoft dollars, what do i get with that?
Eeeeeeh? user, you spent the entire Christmas playing games? What a creep!
I got a PS4 instead of a Switch
Game Informer gave news before Square Enix
I have some steam keys to give away as a present, gonna drop them in the next few minutes
He's clearly just shocked at the fact she's naked
Should I play this if I haven't played any of the other Resi games?
Would it kill western devs if they put in cute females into their game just once?
Christmas vidya girls thread
Who has the best ass in all of gaming?
/RimWorld/ Thread
Cheeky smile
Steam profile green flags
Why did Fortnite fail?
FEH thread
Asked for a switch
Merry Christmas, Sup Forums!
Steam games giveaway
15 mins in and abby is already shitting up the podcast to an almost unbelievable degree
It's not my turn with my daughter this year...
What's the best station to have ever been featured in a GTA game?
My slice of heaven
Physical collection thread?
Skyrim player character
What are some games with realistic jiggle physics?
You should be able to name this gun
That's right, pc gamers... Continue to buy those games because of Steam sales
Shittiest chrismtmas EVER
Defend this
You don't play global dokkan, right Sup Forums? Your LR Vegetto Blue is obsolete while he's still to be released
What do you think of Doremy becoming an important character? She's like Mamizou but more smug
Tell me what your favorite video game is and i will tell you why its shit
Re-release of almost 2 year old game with no extra features and no snapmap
Shit games Sup Forums tricked you into playing
One year later
Is this another soyfun game or is legitmatly good?
There will never be a good LOTR game again
What's the best XBOX ONE controller model for PC gaming?
The perfect 3D platformer
Western release please
Nier Automata
Ìf you were able to erase one game from your memory so you could play it again, what game would you choose?
You want to pirate a copy of Skyrim©, for the Nintendo© Switch©? Fine! Come! Steal it if you can!
Alright fellas, it is that time of the year again
Merry Christmas Sup Forums
Gravity Rush thread
Been dropping loud ass hints that I wanted a Switch for Christmas ever since Zelda came out
I bet none of you can find a flaw
There are people that are spending christmas on Sup Forums
What can we expect from boxing days sales lads?
What does Sup Forums think about LGBT in vidya?
Why was this game so ignored compared to anything else in 2017?
Post Christmas hauls Sup Forums
Make game, sells like shit
Kingdom Hearts 2 makes you grind for basic skills like dodging or double jump
Good female game devs
So Sup Forums, what are you doing this christmas?
Dwarf fortress
25 and older thread
Game is so hard that you need a five stage plan to get through it
Waited months for these. Aw yiss
Is there any fun games left?
Christmas haul thread
Im going in comrades
Look who's decided to join us
Now that the dust has been settled. Can we agree that P5 is worse than P4 and P3?
It's christmas, the perfect time to discuss Hatsune Miku and her games the Project Mirai series...
It's time to grow up
Shes a mega cunt prove me wrong
Dragon Ball FighterZ
What lead to the relative success of Doki Doki Literature Club (2017)?
Rome: Total War stories
Is it your GOTY?
There are people here who wouldn't creampie this tight pussy and make her breed a litter of their young
Merry Christmas, Sup Forums!
Mom got you a regular PS4 instead of a pro
Is CDPR dying?
She deserves more
ATLUS is at it again with them stylish UIs
Peace Walker vs Metal Gear Solid V, which was the better Metal Gear game
Remind me of a game
3x3 thread
Whats the fuck happened to art style/atmosphere of DQ11?
Post Overwhelmingly Positive games and explain why it is / is not
What is the Sup Forums equivalent of the kinoplex?
Historical figures in video games
We make Sup Forums''s dream game with one suggestion per post
What are some 'RPGs' that don't involve "grinding" aka fighting the same monsters dozens of times just for slight stat...
Need help remembering an old game
What defines good quest design, Sup Forums?
Witcher 4 when?
I live... AGAIN!
Damn, this is what Monster Hunter World looks like?
So Christmas is a bust for me. My best friend is too busy to send a message and I have nobody else to talk to really
So, which one is the superior series and why?
Have you ever beaten an Idolm@ster game?
Steam sale thread
Valve pioneers lootboxes
Japanese game
*blocks ur path*
The game and the DLC are on sale is it worth a buy?
Screenshot thread?
You're gonna pre order her game right?
What happened to console design?
What am I in for?
You didn’t get your kid a Nintendo Switch for Christmas, did you?
Im a Persona 4 only babby and REALLY loved it. Just downloaded this, because fuck paying £89 for a copy...
Vergil should have won
Is 100% Orange Juice worth 2 bucks on steam...
Hey guys, hows it going, Kripparian here
Pretend to be poor in gifting threads
Are you excited for the upcoming PS4 release?
Post your 5 most played games on steam and others rate you
Webm bread
Playing vidya alone on christmas
What did you get for Christmas, Sup Forums?
Will Rockstar ever make a GTA game as good as San Andreas...
Want to play vrchat
Why aren't there any good games based on the Bible?
Persona 4 Golden
There are "people" who unironically prefer tf2 to overwatch
ITT: Games only YOU played
Why was this game so fucking horrible...
Thief Thread
Though they suposed to be savin' our asses
Shadow is cool, Sonic is lame
No styles
Nier>>>>>>>Nier Automata. Prove me wrong
How did a medic who's been in a coma for years suddenly learn the skills to become a highly skilled super soldier?
Is it gonna be another New Year's eve without a girlfriend Sup Forums ?
I play games for fun!
One of my friends got money for Christmas and he's gonna buy the Switch...
Suppressing Fire
>'Star Wars: Battlefront II' May Reveal The Secret Of Snoke's
Happy Christmas Sup Forums, what did you get for Jesus' birthday? I got some fresh underwear and socks...
This is the best DLC from New Vegas
This vayne just fucked my on top and then fucked our team
Build a $5000 pc
What's the appeal of Mount&Blade games...
*blocks your path*
Am I retarded for actually enjoying an Assassin's Creed game?
BotW still nowhere close to The Witcher 3
I am buying a PS4, which parts of Final Fantasy are worth getting?
Enemies that unnerve you
What am i in for? Has it aged like fine wine or milk?
Get gifted terrible Steam game
When are cases where RNG is okay? When is it not okay? Give an example if you can
Why is it considered racist if you don't wanna play with 60 IQ chink cheaters
Is it gud?
What did your steam friends get you for xmas?
Chrismas Morrownd thread
GTA 5 Online money dropping capped at $60,000? What gives?
Hey, you're not Alexander!
Would you guys say you are more into video games as an adult or less?
80 GOTY awards!
What are your thoughts on Battlefront 2? I've come to enjoy it
Move has 90% accuracy
What games did Santa get you for Christmas, Sup Forums?
Pyra/Homura (Xenoblade 2) figure announced
Am I cheating Sup Forums?
Persona 5
What did Sup Forums get this year? You still have a loving family right?
Merry christmas, Sup Forums!
Protagonist thinks killing is badong
I love you Sup Forums thanks for spending christmas with me :)
Rex pants
What's the greatest SEQUEL to any RPG ever made?
Any video games where the bad guy canonically wins in the end?
This game came out a year or so ago, right? Why is it so horribly optimized? I'm doing 1080p with max graphics...
Find what you're looking for among the dead?
Name one Japanese game that features firearms in a serious manner. You cannot. Why?
Fuck you, I liked it
Little Devil Inside
You know, looking back, it wasn't REALLY that bad
So, i just decided to join the master race, what games should i play?
Which game should i spend my money on? suggest other games for ps4...
This is Guzzlord, also known as UB: Glutton. Say something nice about it!
Post your weaponfu
Remember, Sup Forums
What's the better space game, Stellaris or Endless Space 2?
Who else here plays this shit? The community is very easily triggered by even the smallest criticism...
Can someone red-pill me on wtf this is on the PS4 controller? What do I do with it?
Why does this shit not have Bluetooth? Thanks for the present mom but I’m returning this abhorrent cancerbox
Is this what heaven looks like?
*blocks you're path*
Video games can be anything
Filename Thread
Unpopular opinion: Sans the characterization and story...
This is fucking bullshit
Is Persona 3 and 4 just a rip off of JoJo Part 4?
Christmas Haul 2017 thread
Words you always mispronounced in video games
Starfighter assault
How come Troy Baker went from one of the most chill and talented dub VAs in the anime business to calling anime faggots...
Is this the game of the century ?
Xenoblade 2
So is this it? I'm blocked from progressing now?
Bayonetta 2
Post your favorite video game character designs
This is the one game I asked for X-mas
Describe your ideal game that doesn't exist with 3 tags
Battlefield: Hardline
What game made you realise that you're a brainlet?
Have you ever dropped a videogame because you were too much of a brainlet to understand it?
I'm Arthur, King of the Britons
The best of both worlds
Considering Bamco's contract with Microsoft has long expired and they don't mind not dubbing Tales for international...
Why did you kill him Sup Forums? He just wanted his daughter back
Merry Christmas Sup Forums, I hope you all have a wonderful day
ITT: "fuck you, I liked it"
6 months
Female protagonist
This is Jeff Kaplan
What is the greatest faction in fallout new vegas and why is it caesar's legion?
What game items looked the tastiest to eat?
2017 is almost over
Happy Honoka
If you pick destroy (you know that thing you've been doing for 3 games now) we'll kill EDI and the Geth for no reason...
Could you survive and escape from the Raccoon City incident?
Jedi Knight Thread
When is RPCS3 going to be finished??!?!?
Christmas Steam Gifting Thread
What games done grendae launcher right?
ITT: Video game characters that literally didn't age well
Don't play dorf fort for a few years
This ending is my Christmas Gift
Should I buy this meme game?
Super Paper Mario was the last good Paper Mario
How is Slave Knight Gael not the best boss fight in any video game ever?
Merry Kurisumasu
Get music that puts you in your best state of mind
Under Night Thread
On December 25, 2004 (13 years ago), this was a thread on Sup Forums
Anyone here like playing online game while drunk. Its the best feel
Fuck off Chito and Yuu poster
Well Sup Forums?
Gamestop the large video game store chain
Which WESTERN vidya character has the biggest boobs?
Did anyone actually like this game?
10 more minutes
Can we have a Pillars of Eternity thread? Started playing a few hours ago on my PS4...
Squadsight or Snapshot?
Is there anything worth playing on this thing yet...
*blocks your path*
Licensed to work with underage children whilst moonlighting as a literal hooker
What the fuck am I even playing, man
ITT: Protags who has hard life
Just finished it. What did I think?
So there is actually a mod sitting lonely in front of his computer deleting shitposts on Sup Forums
Now that this is down to ~$40, is it worth buying?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
So which Zelda has the best combat?
Who's your favorite daedric prince?
What would you change/add to the Switch port?
RIP "Akira Kurusu"
This is the state of PC gaming
I can't think of a single game to buy on this fucking steam sale
There are kids who are going to open up a copy of Mass Effect Andromeda on Christmas morning
Merry Christmas, Sup Forums. Post your favorite game
Anyone have the Devil May Cry parody of this with Vergil in the pic?
Sup Forums's 2017 GOTY list
Rest in peace sweet prince
What store do you go to to buy your video games/consoles?
What game would you design based on this person?
Tfw browsing Sup Forums on christmas eve
This is Axl. He's the first playable the Megaman series. Say something nice about him
Let us air our grievances
Me on the left
Freedom Planet 2
Merry Christmas Sup Forums
I'm drunk at a xmas party recomend me a game
So not only was Monster Inc leaked but apparently some other new worlds have leaked. And surprise Frozen is one of them...
Street fighter game comes out in 2016
Why are gaymers so defensive about their hobby?
Christmas Haul 2017
Why are older graphics so appealing?
Reminder that Persona 5 is the worst game in the series and that Yoko Taro is an infinitely more intelligent and...
What the hell did i just find, Sup Forums
Which is the harder genre?
How do I enjoy Fallout 4?
Is PSVR worth 300 bucks (including remotes and camera)?
Post rare Lanky Kongs
Draw a girl
If you were a character in a Japanese fighting game, what words would you scream when you throw your projectile?
Are there any fun games with awkward controls?
PC gaming has lost the war on DD games - aka it is often cheaper to buy DD games on console than PC
Merry Christmas, Sup Forums. Hope you have a good time
Did dragon quest 11 mishandle artstyle/atemosphere?
ITT: Describe a game with two words. I'll start
Being on Sup Forums on christmas eve
Steam Sale
When will we finally have a good mech game?
Harvest Moon/Rune Factory/Story of Seasons thread
Why do we hate Yukari again?
Which tales of should I buy?
Hi, Sup Forums. What's objectively the best hitman game? I got 20 bucks to spend on steam...
What's a game that will make the sadness go away? Something happy and exciting
Good Christmas break PC game
Tfw no smissmass update
What are some games with KINO gameplay?
Recommend a game based on this image
Who here making friends in VRchat on Christmas Eve?
What are your thoughts on a non-twinkish Link?
Should I buy a Switch?
Characters on Sup Forums that nobody likes except you
What is your favourite game of the xenoseries, and why?
So vee what are you looking for in the next year
Shit you'd like to see in games
Look who finally came out of his cave for the holidays!
What's your favorite character archetype?
What do you want to ask SantaNep for Christmas this year?
Everybody has a favorite game
Why does this game not have lighting or shaders
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumskend
Merry Christmas Sup Forums! I hope all of you have a great day and play some fun games!
Beeen here everyday just need to say i love you all
Yfw the next Paper Mario gets announced in January but it's a sequel to 64 and TTYD
How would you react to Goku being in the new Smash game?
He's sitting at home playing video games alone on Christmas Eve
Games only you played
Should she be a small feminine dicked trap? of a 9 inch trap with high sexual drive?
ITT: IRL fighting game characters
Is Final Fantasy dead?
What game is she buying?
Is Breath of the Wild the only game that actually matched its pre-release bullshots?
Why would you need a pair of scissors attached to a robot?
It is Monday...
Are there any western vidya girls that are just as fappable?
Should I do it? I enjoyed Bioshock 1 and 2
The greatest rivalry in vidya
I just got gifted a x box one x... is it worth keeping?
Dawn of War 3
Proposal: Nier Automata thread
What are some Sup Forums-approved streamers?
Is this game good and should I buy it?
What are you playing this fine Christmas Eve?
Uncle user, why are you just playing on your Switch during the party?
Nice DPS fag!
Vidya character that is beloved
Open world game with collectibles
Christmas SaGa Thread
As a veteran gamer who owned both the original Xbox and the Gamecube, completed Gears of War on hardcore mode...
How do we fix horror genre?
Hey, I’m about to play my Nintendo Switch!
Have you ever considered fapping to a vidya character?
How do we get Atlus to acknowledge their problem and potentially fix it in the localized version...
Does watching pro games help you learn to play at a higher level?
You are the Eggman and you've got the master plan
Merry Christmas Sup Forums
Merry christmas virgins
Don't mind me, just being the HOLY TRINITY OF JRPG SERIESES
This nickname is already being used by another player
Play games 3 hours a day
You guys looking forward to the Granblue Fantasy console game?
Why aren't you playing the best Star Wars multiplayer game Sup Forums?
Hey dude, im Todds big brother Chad. Go buy my lil bros game or ill fuck your girlfriend
Merry Christmas, I love you!
This is JC Denton. Say something nice about him!
Persona 3 DMN & Persona 5 DSN
Rank the yakuza series
Why Bloodborne replayability sucks so much?
What the fuck was his problem?
Why in the fuck are you here during Christmas?
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
U mad?
I want to play VRChat and be an autistic roleplayer over mic without people in my house hearing me...
Witcher 3
It's just in pre-alpha yet bigger than 99.9% of games out there. why is Sup Forums disliking Star Citizen again?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...