>making fun of what other people enjoy
What have we come to?
>you have conversations with these people
Nice dude Mario Odyssey is fun.
I got some boot socks and a new pair of slippers, things I needed. Nothing comfier than new slippers.
more like SHIIIITCH!1!
what size is that shirt? I'm trying to tell if you're a twink, but that shirt seems a bit too large.
>new slippers
you didn't even show us a picture, faggot. way to do fuck it all up.
No shit, it's an XL. I may be a rick and morty abd Nintendo fan but I ain't no faggy soyboy
Good thread
Because I'm cooking at the moment, you silly goose.
what's cookin' good lookin'?
Op here, not bad
Is this the soyboy starter kit?
have fun OP, merry christmas
I think I know you, faggot.
Nothing special, just a meal for the gf and I. Pork loin stuffed with spinach, mushrooms, and garlic, twice baked potatoes, steamed carrots, and honey glazed green beans. Baked a pie yesterday, just hoping the power stays on. Snow storm moved in in a matter of minutes, and the lights keep flickering.
>ywn have a wife this loving
its not fucking fair bros
some storage boxes and cashews
I'd already bought myself some new headphones anyway so that's all I needed
What type of slippers?
>the gf
way to crush my dreams, user. food sounds good though, enjoy your christmas meal.
Can any of you honestly say you wouldn't make a numale face for a single second after getting an unexpected switch + odyssey for free?
Money for Dragonball, Monster Hunter, and a new stick
Some new gloves
Nigga that's this whole board since the dawn of time
Nothing, no Christmas in my house
If only it were different....
Buy xenoblade chronicles 2.
It deserves more sales.
Good shit user.
I made buttermilk biscuits for my family
You better be the Hulk or else you gotta lay off the soy, boy.
Jesus, fuck off manchild.
Do you mean smile?
True, its Nintendo's big fuck you to Treehouse and SJW politics
Somehow very accurate
fuck off retard
>eating tuna fish sandwich for Christmas breakfast
>probably going to play tomb raider that i bought for $2
happy h-holidays, anons :(
Give it back.
>implying other boards are racist but just don't discuss racist shit on the regular
I got a Donkey Kong Arcade level 25mm T-shirt, and some important useful shit like socks and gloves. I bought myself a SNES Mini for black friday and shit's pretty dope.
i love this shit
okay nvm this system is shit
Merry Christmas, dont let it bring you down
12 year old detected
Well here are my new shoes
Switch the digits
I unironically would be more likely to eat that disgusting crap when I was 12.
Give back the presents you stole
>Nintendo's big fuck you to Treehouse
>physical copy of retro city rampage
That's pretty neat.
I have the same shirt bro, rickmorty 4lyfe
the upside to owning a switch is indie games are finally seeing physical releases these days.
Christmas was yesterday faggot.
We don't all live in Emuland or Kiwiland
>Being a eurofag
Return those from where you stole them oogabooga man everyone knows nogs can’t read.
Real talk, should I sell my PS4 and get a Switch. I don't really play my PS4 because I don't wanna sit on the couch, I wanna sit in bed. But the lack of games on the Switch makes me question whether I should do it or not.
Nice. Drop a fit pic with those.
Nice taste m8, Merry Christmas
Man you Sup Forums folk know how to Crack me up with your hate even though I'm black.
Merry Christmas man.
What country you're from? How was your Christmas yesterday? What did you get
That's a sweet haul, bro!
All boards on this site are racially insensitive and apathetic to all notions that any race is "Safe" from criticism, which creates a sense of equilibrium. Nobody can get away with being the non-hated race on the site because we hate all races here. The Sup Forums problem is that they've chosen to focus their efforts on amplifying anti-nigger and anti-jew hatred moreso than others, and seem to feel some unwarranted need to evangelize it wherever it's unneeded.
>True, its Nintendo's big fuck you to Treehouse and SJW politics
Fuck off, retard.
thats a good joke, even jokingly shitting on whites gets Sup Forums riled up and everyone starts spamming shit about WHITE GENOCIDE
I got books.
>first edition master race
look what i got!
Why the fuck would you own shit like Just Dance?
Kill yourself ruggarell, you coon Redditor
Sony fan autism trigered
>tfw saw an alleged 1st edition of The Life of Horatio Lord Nelson on ebay but didn't want to gamble on it being legit and in remotely useful condition
The life of a bookfag is suffering
Why two copies?
Finally got a PS4
I had a switch too
>rick and morty, the most intelligent show for us patrician sonybros
>together with nintenbro shitwitch
no... help me out felow sonybros, this cursed image.... its ruining rick and morty for me... i can't take it....
>mom divorced dad a few months ago, disowning me in the process
>mom proceeds to steal 80% of my dad's retirement fund, throwing him into poverty
>christmas comes, spending it with dad
>attempts to buy me a PS4 at best buy
>card gets declined
>we awkwardly leave and drive home in silence
>i give him a fitness tracker watch back home
>he apologizes for everything
Christmas wasn't the best this year.
You'd think that at least on Christmas people would stop shitposting and false flagging. Guess I was wrong.
You guys wish you had a gf that understood your tastes
I do too. I pulled all of these off my shelf and was going to pretend someone cared about me enough to get me a gift this year.
I'm so sorry man.
I know this feel. I've been your dad in that story. I wish marriages worked out.
and none of them is good... :(
Didnt get any vidya. I did get an old ass wartime shovel and some booze.
My condolences user...
Is xeno blade a good franchise? Thanks man
Gee bill
There is no better biography of MacArthur in the world. And if you haven’t read Aristotle then you are an absolute pleb.
I’ll admit Rise and Fall of the Third Reich is a bit of a meme tho.
Fuck, that's manly. Would drink with you while digging a trench/10
High test haul
hang in there, blue sheets
My local high-quality bookstore was going out of business and all their books were 50% off. So many first editions. They even had a Geneva bible from the 1600s (not part of the 50% off and wayyyy out of my price range but still shows the caliber of books there).
I haven't gone to visit the 'rents yet, but I'm certain it's going to be a gift card and a shirt.
My gift to myself was Dragon's Domga on Steam so far.
>that cuckface
Imagine being such a piece of shit that you actually steal on Christmas.
So sorry to hear that, just stay strong
something similar happened to me when I was a kid and my dad could only get me super mario sunshine as a gift. I cherish that game
Got a hat, a 2ds, a watch and a vintage star wars pin. Gotta say it was a pretty good one. This is the first year in a while nobody got me anything that was bootleg.
I would smile like a normal human being
put a tv in your bedroom? if you want to play handheld or swtich in there anyways it defeats the purpose of not having a TV in the bedroom.
Here is what I got! Nothing! Why did the family have to grow old, die, and fall apart.
I work security, and people are actually worse at Christmas. I'm watching a Wal Mart for twelve hours today, the place is fucking closed and people are still being massive dicks about it. What's wrong, did we make it so that you couldn't shoplift one day out of the year?