Grinding: how much is too much?
Grinding: how much is too much?
grinding is for japs and soibois
Let's get right to it:
Where's the porn?
I want to grind that pupper's knot
why did cuckley draw a furry
If i can't get all my levels via sidequesting then it's too much.
Furry characters need to wear less clothing
1 hour tops for every new area.
When you have to do it for many hours fighting the same amount of enemies over and over again.
For the slant eyed fuckers, death is the only release from the grind
Grinding was initially popularized by MMOs as the main way to add artificial longevity to videogames in order to make the subscription business model work. It was never actual game design, made to work within a game. It's just a tool to milk more money.
I dare you to find me a game with fun grinding. Grinding has no place in videogames, and the fact that MMOs that come out nowadays are still based on grinding is proof of that, since the MMO genre is dead as fuck.
When you don't have any sidequests or interesting enemies, you are just doing it to reach X level oe else the boss will rape you.
Grinding isn't meant to be fun and outside of games with devs that don't understand difficulty curves, grinding isn't normally added as a mechanic. Grinding is the solution for kids or people who never try to understand combat mechanics.
i unironically find aoe grinding in tibia fun
Why the FUCK do we have to grind out months worth of rep just to fly in legion? Why cant we just straight up buy that shit like in MoP and older ones
Ragnarok online was too much for sure. I still remember finding one area and killing the same thing for at least a week to level up.
Never made it to end game cause id burn out and quit every few weeks. Played the game on and off for years.
It's not designed for flying and the "months of grind" is just to make sure you've actually experienced all the content and thus it doesn't matter if you can fly around so you might as well be able to fly around.
Upgrading some of the armor in botw was a little too grindy. The Zora, Snowquill, Rubber, and Flamebreaker required way too many materials.
Some of them were good. I'd collect elemental keese wings naturally as I play, but having to grind 20-30 elemental Lizalfos tails at endgame was just too much.
The worst was the Zora armor. It needs around 30 or 40 stealthfin trout, which can only be found in a few remote places. I remember I had to swim around that little island next to the lost woods for ages, just swimming back and forth to respwa the fish and trip the sensor. Why the fuck do I need to do that? What's the point?
If it's a single-player game, there shouldn't be any grinding. Just doing basic exploration and combat should get you to the boss strong enough to win with a bit of effort. Just fighting straight through to the boss should also have you strong enough to win with a more challenging battle. You should only be getting your ass completely kicked if you're running away from every enemy, and if you're doing that you're probably a speed runner who has plans to break the game anyways.
Of course some games have situations where there's multiple avenues of progress you can make, but fundamentally they should each be balanced as if they're the player's primary focus.
He'd be long dead from heat exhaustion about 300 kills ago in that pic example. Would have to be in a loincloth at best so survive 1% XP.
probably a wow comic and its those worgen guys
This nigger knows what's up.
When it's Korean to be honest. When it takes a week of hard grind to go up one level, I feel that's a bit much. You should still have to work for your progress, but it shouldn't be month long job to get 1 level on your char, subclass, or item in whatever game you're playing.
There aren't that many recent games I can think of where grinding is necessary. Unless not grinding means not doing any sidequest and running from every encounter. I think the experience system is a good way to force people to get good, you have the choice of fighting monsters for hours or actually learn the mechanics of the game. It's way better as an incentive to improve than just a difficulty slider, while still allowing kids and game journalists to finish the game.
Any. Fuck grinding. I still hate EQ period and WoW's leveling specifically because I hate grinding.
When it's in a korean game
pokemon is literally the only game where I grinded, to get a fucking lvl100 pokemon, and I still regret it as the rest of the game was fucking boring 1hit kills
>I dare you to find me a game with fun grinding.
meant for please understand
>months worth of rep
Just do your Daily World Quests for the day and that got me flying and I took a break just after Emerald Nightmare was Opened.
Don't know where you got the idea it is that bad from.
>being an unironic PC secondary
Even the Switch is a more viable platform for Jap games than PC ever will be. Step your fucking game up.
The entire series revolves around grinding to level your characters to 9999 to create utterly retarded and game breaking combos out of any retarded group of characters you want
When did I say I didn't own a switch you retarded projecting weeb?
I just posted my favorite game from the series which also happens to be on the most accessible gaming platform desu
>I dare you to find me a game with fun grinding.
I'm going to say Monster Hunter. And not because the grinding is fun, but because the grinding is the game itself. If you enjoy hunting monsters, then it won't feel like a grind, it'll just feel like you're playing the game.
>level 1
>mountain of dead bears and rats and ogres and shit
It's not your favorite in the series, it happens to be a game from your favorite series on your platform of choice. And with how dismally D2 did, you will never get anything newer.
Nothing great has ever been achived without grind in one form or another.
If anything this anti-grind sentiment is part of what is destroying videogames. Everyone just wants shallow instant gratification from games that don't expect you to learn any skill at all.
What is any online shooter?
Beat me to it, monster hunter is the perfect example of grinding made fun.
What is it about Bum Tickley's art that I can spot it from a fucking thumbnail?
>Asagi farming
Land Decimator RNG is bullshit
>not just using double plip overload
>B eyes
>Thick outlines
>Basic/gradient shading
oversized outlines, shit shading, exaggerated expressions (usually smugness or that dreamworks half-eye open shit)
the fonts he uses are always the same so that doesn't help either
Most arpgs or any fps or fighting game that requires meta leveling
Just buy a lootbox or some premium currency, is not that much of a big deal, you'll spend more on the electricity used during all that grinding anyway
You dont know true grind till you play this
earth and beyond was great because it gave you a lot of options in grinding
An acceptable design is making it so that you only have to do 1-2 sidequests to get enough XP to be properly leveled between main story missions
Also I want a wolf man to cuddle me at night
me too user
Wow you are really smart. What is grinding?
There was no grind in that fucking game you retard
>Get iron blueprint that drops all the fucking time in the early levels and don't upgrade it
>Use scavenged weapons until floor 31
>Past 31, use the Iron to armor break enemies, because armor durability is based off hits, not damage, and the iron is a fast, multi-hit weapon
>Now that enemies have no armor you can literally punch them to death without issue
>Pick up some decent drops for bosses and then repair them with the fun fungus
LITERALLY zero grind
I agree in most cases grinding is terrible but back when I played RS it was pretty comfy watching movies while semi-afking some skills in the background
ragnarok online on a private server
Acceptable design is making it so that all sidequests reward money/items and not xp.
In fact just do away with XP all together, it's an outdated mechanic.
>not using metallica's capture overload for ultra efficiency
Persona 4 did it well: if you explore every floor completely you'll never be underleveled and you'll only have to grind if you want special things.
When you're having to repeat content and not having fun doing so, killing thousands of the same creature over and over, and generally committing to these actions for the majority of your playtime in order to feel like you're making progress in the game.
plus the stupid card drop rate
Any. I have never in my life played a good RPG that required you to grind. If you have defeated every monster on your way to the boss and you still can't beat him after changing your strategy up multiple times with the best equipment and must stop and grind XP to beat him, you are by definition playing a bad game, or a side-boss for people who autistically grind. This is fact.
>how much is too much?
I have only gotten ONE 5-star banner character during featured summons and it was a fucking healer
Blew almost 100 summon tickets today accumulated from over a YEAR and got 1 top 20 character. Not even a top 10.
I think I'd rather do Chinese MMO combat grinds than a fucking f2p gacha one.
I'd honestly take grinding with cooldowns where I have to regen mana, eat food and drink, and heal, and chat for awhile than the themepark mmos where people just spam rush all the content like it was a singleplayer game and never bother talking to anyone
Getting a 99 in runescape
Grinding in runescape was fun. The world felt alive and you were a part of that. There would always be someone else there with you or different people at the bank. Watching people run by on the road doing their own thing, hearing snippets of others' conversations.
Look at any mobage. They're truly the worst of the worst.
>ITT niggas who never played ps2
You want to know grind? Imagine spending days playing as the medic class in Ps2 (which is the go to class for farming ingame currency called certs) to get enough certs to buy the 2 c4 brick upgrade for your suite slot. This will be 700 certs aka 175,000 xp at 250xp a cert which you can get for roughly every 2.5 kills or revives not taking base captures into account. Mind you that having 2 c4 bricks is VERY important as you would need it for almost every combat situation. Congrats you grinded hard and unlocked the 2 c4 bricks the class of your choice and now you have to go do it again for 3 more classes.
>Top x character
Quit using unit rankings, theres only like, 4 5* units that are actually trash
>One 5* unit that was a healer
Ayaka is far from being one of said trash units, unless you're talking about Rem who is not supposed to be used as a primary healer anyway
>100 tickets accumulated over a YEAR
I can get that in 4 months. Hell, I saved up 80 normal tickets and 7 guaranteed 4* since blowing everything on halloween. And thats not including EX Tickets.
Maybe Fire Emblem Heroes is more your speed, champ.
t. Been playing for a while
>Only good 5-star I have is Ayaka
I just want good chainers and finishers
That's a cute worgen.
Honestly grind is the thing that stops me from getting into MMOs of all kinds, and it annoys me that it's become such a staple even in other games. There shouldn't be fucking grind. The "grinding" phase should be equally engaging and rewarding as the endgame. A simple way to do this is to actually make the sidequests interesting and engaging - like in the Witcher 3. I was actually overleveled in W3 because I was so interested in doing the sidequests, and it's rare that I end up overleveled.
Grinding is just such an obvious game design failure that I can't understand how it ever got mistaken for a feature.
Any game that lets me figure out and set up an afk farm system.
>>FFXII's ai moves that you can set up and use together to keep your party alive indefinitely
>>Bravely Default's money man/afk farm system
Not sure why, but I love when I can do this in a game. I guess it's just satisfying to see numbers go up with minimal effort.
>theres only like, 4 5* units that are actually trash
more like t. never played an ELT event/latest story chapter boss
WHY do barafags have to fucking ruin every thread
Any Disgaea after D3. When you get deep enough into the mechanics, the grind paradigm changes bit by bit and encourages more and more wild statistical abuse.
>I don't want to fuck a big fluffy wolf man
t. fag
>Grinding: how much is too much?
When the lack of variety in the experience becomes noticeable.
All those timed events are piss easy. I have 4 more Xons for those ELT story missions. Getting TMs fucking sucks though.
>f2p btw
Runescape and Vanilla WoW. I don't know how adults played that, but now I know what neets are. As a teen I had all the time and even quit sports to play more.
>This part is too hard for me, better go kill fauna until I'm stronger or I drop some rare item.
Because bara is great.
And pic related is actually from a videogame, so you can't even complain.
>tiers don't matter user!
>party consists of top 10s and several top 10 backups
Those units are for trials.
Got plenty of trash too, just for fun :^)
That could only be more stacked if 9S was 2A/B
i like fox femboys
And just what videogame would that be?
I know you're here popfurs. Crank out the fucking sketch already
>And just what videogame would that be?
Why, Himitsuri no Lagoon, of course.
It's not free but I remember pirating it off U 18 chan ages ago.
it really isn't. how would you go about making a stat heavy RPG without xp?
Give stats for using moves/skills/abilities repeatedly. Plenty of games do this.
>grind out months worth of rep just to fly in legion
It literally took me two days of casual playtime.
Breath of Fire 2.
That's too much.
And Everquest is right out.
so you have to grind moves/skills/abilities to improve your stats? I don't think you really got rid of it, you just turned into skyrim.
>unironically defending gachashit
Too bad that's a lie because rep yields (especially on broken shore) make this mathematically impossible in 48 hours.
League of Legends is the biggest grind game going right now, at least in terms of popular to grind ratio. Every game feels like a chore, even the games I'm winning
They're slowly boiling the playerbase to accept flying as something that no longer happens. By cutting customer service and deflecting legit complaints, they will accomplish no fling by the expansion after BfA.
I don't give a shit about grinding desu I just want them to stop using exponential XP requirements and let me level linearly
Oh, gacha is terrible. However, FFBE is still better than FE:H where you can still get fucked by the IV system or FGO where getting an actual unit is like winning the fucking lottery. You can clear all content in FFBE with only 4* bases and some 3* and no trust mastery equipment (end game-ish grinding).
Shit sucks, but the game has enough depth that clearing end game content with trash is satisfying, and thats all I can ask from a phone game.
Also I'd rather defend gacha than bara
>FFBE is still better than FE:H where you can still get fucked by the IV system
Never happens
IV is for pure autismos and I've never had a single encounter where this level of min/maxing mattered.