My parents got me 3 $20 steam cards for christmas. None work

My parents got me 3 $20 steam cards for christmas. None work.
fuck me

>got xenoblade special edition
>dont have a switch yet

Are you parents black, by any chance?

is this a good reason to kill yourself

mom is

no lol

My dad is. Mom is half Asian half Hispanic


Bet if you ask for a receipt they will have "lost" it.

El goblino.........

La Creatura...

You deserve to be publicly banned

Serves you right, amerimutt

wait isnt this a usa board? why are americans hated now

El Diablo...

>from deformed people to goblins and orcs to demonic creatures then finally eldritch horrors
What is next?This meme is really getting scary

They shat up entire boards with their dumbass identity politics-driven arguments about who is and isn't white.

It simply ended up biting them in the ass.

it's european hours right now. come back around 6 p.m. Eastern Standard Time for superior American discussion.

Explain this shit. I see this on every thread.

why didn't they just give you $60 instead?

fuck off. Sup Forums and /bant/ faggots spammed this shitty meme nonstop as some kind of petty revenge against Sup Forums. It deserves to be banned

Yuros finally have an excuse to shitpost with their new Sup Forums mene

because it's funny. I'm a mutt myself and I post amerimutts.

That's a picture of your average American.

t. 31%

some Sup Forums meme or something criatura de las tinieblas...

It's not a Sup Forums meme, it's a meme created to discredit Sup Forums, and it's solid proof that leftists can't meme to save their lives.

>i-it's those mean yuropoors

i never browse Sup Forums so thanks

No, but the steam gift cards are.

Pol just repost it, i saw this on biz an int before

Can someone please post the Amerimutt breeding chart? I was thinking about it the whole time I was in the shower.

UPDATE: Got them to work, praise el goblino

Sup Forums fucking loves this meme though.
Shitting on Americans was labeled as the best meme of 2017 over there.

>tfw slav amerimutt

Merry Christmas mutt

I only have this one

Nobody fucking laughs at these, you can stop posting now, you retard.

can't remember the last time i laughed like this because of shitposting, loving every laugh

lmao u a fucking mutant

t. Mutt

Merry Christmas

I do
t. superior European human being

>Nobody fucking laughs at these
i don 't know user, i kinda do

Fact. If you're obsessed over racial purity you might just be a racist, and racists are subhuman.

>inb4 mutt

Stay mad Sup Forumsfag

the banana one is the only funny one

The rest of it isn't even banter.

Can I have the image with all the names in espanol?

Race mixing is fucking disgusting.

>Karen gets jewed
delete this

Is this really what Sup Forums has become?

Race doesn't exist just accept it

That shit was hilarious, i wonder if there's an archive.


The madder you get, the funnier it gets.


It's an American tradition, now mate with Tyrone or be sent to a rehabilitation center.

i work at a grocery store and i fucking love it when i find gift card wrappers that had the cards stolen. i wish more than anything that i could see their dumb fucking faces the exact moment they realize it isn't going to work. ooooooh boy that would be nice.

Sup Forums has been infested with neckbearded manchildren since 2014

united states isn't brown enough, to be honest


Sad state of Sup Forums when a fucking /leftypol/ meme starts getting posted everywhere and people just fucking roll with it.

I don't know why I come to this fucking place anymore

Showering is a suspiciously American activity user. Are you... Are you alright?

No more phoneposting teenagers you mean

>Fact. If you're obsessed over racial purity you might just be a racist, and racists are subhuman.

ITT: Sup Forums and /bant/ desperately try and defend their shitty meme


Parents got me expensive meme shoes that I don't like and will probably get jumped for since the local Niggers love them.

My Brother got me a launch day Switch and he lost the receipt so I can't return it and have to spend my time finding someone to sell it to.

You are a mutt, there is absolutely nothing wrong with preferring racial purity. Ethnic bonds help build strong communities. Not only are you probably a mutt but you're a brainwashed moron either way. Only mutts and black people see no problem with race mixing because you have absolutely nothing to lose because you have no culture worth preserving.

I thought americans usually took baths to absorb their sharts. What the hell does the rest of the world do?

>/leftypol/ meme
>making fun of americans for being mutts
are you retarded?

because most people (i.e. retards) think it's impersonal to give cash.
not like giving a fucking gift card is any better, but, like I said, retards

I just really hope this is bait.

Its not a /leftypol/ meme. It was created on Sup Forums to spam Sup Forums with and then /bant/ joined in

>didn't read the inb4

I don't understand one thing though. This meme is allegedly from leftypol, but it's racial obsession is very racist in nature. How can it be a lefty meme?

ironic self hate and euroshitposters. I prefer Amerigan Bear myself

>blonde-haired Spanish man
Yeah, okay

They tried, user. They spent a decent amount of money to gift you some joy this holiday season. Be appreciative of your ole parents, they won't be around forever and they obviously love you

>implying it's a meme

nope. go back to Sup Forums newfag. cancer like you deserves a ban

Race does exist and it will always exist. Are you one of those idiots that believe if everyone is mixed race suddenly Humans will get rid of their tribal instincts? Differences in races exist and trying to deny fact is delusion of the highest level. It's the same shit as "everyone is a winner trash". That isn't how reality works and that isn't how life works.


>calls Brits/Germans/French etc Achmeds
>calls scandis somalians
>calls eastern Euros and meds niggers
>calls Argentinians black

>others call you Americans mutts

mutts = pussies

Las creaturas...

No need to defend it when everyone can see how triggered you get over it.

I'm 99.99% white, where's the face for that?

>Sup Forums is more diverse then Huffington Post and Antifa
Even spics hate illegals

>mutt mutt mutt
>not even one myself
Guess I'm a mutt if I'm not racist like you. Wish I could be as separated from society and racist as you.
Is mutt the new cuck?

Your point?

Anything that helps her is a good idea.
Please recycle...