It's time to grow up

It's time to grow up.

childhood is buying vidya for christmas
adulthood is buying booze for christmas so you black out and don't have to deal with your shitty family

>the average gamefaqs user, a site with an age requirement of 13, is now older than the average Sup Forums user, a site with an age requirement of 18

Where did we go wrong bros?

>grow up
>buy vidya whenever I want
>but anything whenever I want
>spend Christmas Day opening random things and drinking eggnog
I fail to see the issue here

>FAQ forums
>anything but a shadow of what it was
>representative of anything
its christmas OP go spend it with your family

only someone with either the mental capacity of a child and an inability to form any other views than what they have been indoctrinated with would make knee jerk comments like "x is for children" or "time to grow up and do y"

worst part is they're convinced they've got it all figured out lol

>image board
>anything but a shadow of what it was
>representative of anything
its christmas OP go spend it with your family

whoops, remove "either."

I don't deal with my shitty famiily at all because I never see them.

what's wrong OP? TRIGGERED by an anime girl?

hello newfriend

>calling other people new after getting blown up

It's true, i don't play videogames anymore. I read Visual Novels

VN are videogames
at least you dont watch anime

Good thing I don't have a shitty family. It sucks to be you, though. My sympathies.

Sup Forums btfo

I wish I got a switch this year but I'm too old for such an expensive present

Can't bring myself to buy one with my own money but I'd play the shit out of it if it was given to me

gamefaqs style unironically encourages higher quality posts than Sup Forums does.
The lack of inline images means if you go to the message boards you have to read things and can't laugh at shitty memes. Some moderation means that garbage tier shitposts that are accepted here are usually removed there. It actually filters out the complete plebs at this point.

Are you me?

>working adult
>got myself a Switch for Christmas
>been playing BOTW and Xenoblade 2 the past while

You can't tell me what to do, OP.

the moderation is obnoxious and intrusive, you're not allowed to even imply that another poster is dumb, if you post anything besides straight information then your post is at risk of being deleted. having a sense of humor is discouraged.

>why can't I just use ad hominem attacks instead of actually discussing something?

i can tell you're a gamefaqs poster. i'm just talking about banter, offensive banter, which is a part of the video game community whether you like it or not. now go back to your message board for some shitty JRPG that came out in 2002 but you fat fucks are still talking about it for some reason.

Just buy one user. The worst thing that might happen is you'll hate it and sell it on Craig list

>shitposting is a part of the gaming community

Yeah, nah, you're just a cunt.

that's not what i'm talking about. if you preface an intelligent post with "What are you, stupid?" it's going to be deleted. people on gamefaqs can't handle getting their feelings hurt and they WILL report you 99% of the time. mods aren't allowed to delete posts that haven't been reported so it goes to show how soft the community is.

He isn't rare, you're rare.

I doubt you've been around long enough to remember but banter is supposed to show at least some tact and cleverness. Back around the earlier half of the 2000s kids at least had enough self awareness to not be complete pieces of shit, which can't be said for your generation.

If your post is not written well enough to make it clear the person is stupid without outright saying so, chances are your post is far less intelligent than you actually think.

>people who just buy gifts foor other people without asking them what they want or just giving them cash to buy what they want themselves

Why are normies such faggots?

how old are you because i'm 27 and i was a prolific gamefaqs poster in the early 2000s. there was less shit talking back then because half the posters were like 70 fucking years old and now they're all dead or in retirement homes.

here's another post with signature gamefaqs butthurt diction.

>adulthood is using chemicals to escape from your problems instead of dealing with them
Sure, buddy.

Thanks for proving the point brainlet

Ahaha woah dude, such clever banter. Man, you're fucking oozing charisma. Who wouldn't want to read such amazing, top quality postage? Those guys sure don't know what they're missing by not having someone as awesome as you around.

go back to whichever final fantasy board you came from.

sorry you're mad
have a good christmas user

OP does have a really good point. I'm not sure I understand how so many people have images of presents under a Christmas tree unless they're underage.

>waaah go away
Truly, the epitome of quality banter. Those pussies on gamefaqs could never handle a true hardass such as yourself.

report me, faggots. i know you're both itching to do it. i can smell your sweat from here.

Funny, because I didn't get anything game related either.

Because I got money with which to buy game-related things since my family don't know my tastes but respect that I'm happy with money.

My Dad got me gift cards for a game store, I got him Witcher 3 because he enjoyed the first two and Killzone because he likes a good dumb shooter now and then too.

Are you telling him to kill his family?

I assume most people bought their tech stuff on Black Friday or Cyber Monday.

Haha loser my family is dead and I can be alone today.

No shutting down Sup Forums when the chance was present. Sup Forums has literally brought in grannies from reddit.

Anime should be banned and only faggot man children watch that shit anymore.

That means either gamefags buy their own shit as soon as it comes out though out all year and use Christmas for getting new clothes or they're poorfags

My parents never bought my anything video game related for Christmas because they had no clue what they were buying. Even when I was a kid and I wanted some game, my parents just asked me how much the game was, then gave me the money and told me to go get it.

Honestly as an adult someone buying you shit like video games, or a computer, etc is silly and pointless. You're an adult. You can make your own money and buy your own video games. The only gifts that make sense as an adult are those with significance, like something someone made you, or a piece of expensive jewelry that signifies something, etc. Buying shit off a store shelf that literally anyone can go and buy is what you do for children, not adults.

Gamefaq polls make me laugh. If you looked at the results for polls asking if you have a game or system, you’d reach the conclusion that a majority of the site doesn’t play games.

You can look at past years at the same poll, and the results are damn near the same every time. Next to no one hardware for Christmas, a handful of people get games, and everyone else either gets a gift card or nothing game related at all.

This makes sense because the overwhelming majority of people who play video games grab the shit they want the minute it comes out. They're not going to wait until Christmas.

> i was a prolific gamefaqs poster


He sounds proud of it jesus fucking Christ my sides

Only game related thing I got this year was a modmic. how gay am I?
And someone going in half & half with me for a board game expansion.

I'd have been pissed if I got game shit for christmas.

>never heard of modmic so I looked it up

That's pretty nifty actually. I'm tempted to buy one just so I can never use it like all my other mics.

The only video game related thing I got was one of those awful "200 RETRO GAMES!" emulator consoles.

Aside of that I got a lot of candy, $100 in cash, a drone, some cologne, some ramune, and an edging tool for my weed eater.

I'm thankful anyone gave me anything though. I had one year when I was a teenager where no one gave me anything at all and it felt pretty awful.