Discuss anything about these upcoming games.
Persona 3&5 Dancing thread
Persona 3 Dancing Moon Night
Persona 5 Dancing Star Night
Need an HD picture of Yusuke's outfit. My thirst has reawakened. How does Atlus always get lanky twinks so right so consistently?
I can't wait to play the game with Fuuka's smile on HD!
Don’t think there’s one yet. I’m still looking for one for Haru
Amazing aesthetics on girls.
Atlus wins as always.
Will they offer anything new or different than DAN or are they exactly the same game but with different charachters? Granted, rhythm games dont have much space for originality or new mechanics, it would still be nice to see something new.
Never played DAN but being the Personafag I am, I'm really looking forward to this. I don't know what to expect though. Does it have a story mode or something? Multi-player? Can someone tell me?
No info yet but hoping for new things as well
P4 DAN has story mode but supposedly P3 and P5 don’t. No, there’s no multiplayer
Ah, okay. So it's just playing remixes of the soundtracks by pressing buttons at the right time? As this is a series with phenomenal soundtracks I'm sure I will enjoy that. A lot. But what more is there to it?
Not much more from what ive seen, they are just rhythm games, and im not sure if DAN´s story mode is that good.
Waiting for the Elizabeth reveal. But it does make sense to save the best girl for last.
Also hideki Naganuma hype.
That guy has the best taste
Also, Elizabeth is right fucking there in the cover doing the egyptian, of course she is gonna be playable.
What I hate is WHY dancing spin off games? why did this have to become their "thing" ? I'd rather play fucking persona 3 KART than some crappy dance rhythm game, they're so boring
They’re rythm games. It’s pretty much just choosing a track with a character already chosen for it, and dancing while listening to amazing songs. They’re fun but not a lot of people are into them.
Yeah, I meant I'm waiting to actually see her. Her dancing is gonna be great.
Kart racing, really? Dancing makes more sense since Persona is known for having a top notch OST and it’s fun to play a rythm game while listening to it
>P5 Hero
>Ren something something
what the fuck is this canon? I thought it was akira kurusu
It isn't. Manga names have never been canon. You knew this already. Who fucking cares?
Akira Kurusu is the manga name. Ren Amamiya (as much as I don’t like it) will probably be his canon name in the anime as well
so the dancing game name is canon? my entire P5 run was a lie
Its as canon as Akira, in that neither of them are canon in P5 itself so again who cares?
Dude just don’t let it bother you too much. If it does then just replay it and name him Ren
kart racing is funner than hitting a button when a DDR arrow hovers over it for 10 minutes. If I want to listen to the OST I can listen to the OST
Here you go user, enjoy it.
akira kurusu sounds way better than ren and stimpy or whatever
>10 minutes
More like 3. I loved P4 DAN so I’m happy I’m getting 2 new ones
Just look up gameplay of Persona 4 DAN to see what you’re getting
hyyyyype trainnnn
Wtf was Atlus thinking with this name?
>DLC confirmed
Who do you want to see from both games? I want Takaya and Tae/Kawakami.
I love everything about Ann's outfit.
This is what I expect will happen.
The most you’re gonna get will be costumes of them for the P5 girls. They’re not gonna be in the game. Same with Takaya and Strega members
I would probably add Ryoji to the P3 side. I assume Lavenza will be a part of the twin warden songs where they fuse into her during the performance. I'd add Sae and Sojiro to be likely choices on the P5 side.
Yeah, I know. What I want and what will happen are two completely separate things. ;_;
Shit I forgot about Ryoji, he’s a possible choice too. I only added Lavenza since I couldn’t think of anyone else. Makoto will get a Sae costume and Joker will get Sojiro’s. P4 DAN had a Dojima costume given to Yu.
Anyone else super fucking happy that P4DAN is getting ported to PS4 too? As someone who put off getting a PS TV forever, it feels good to just be able to get it on PS4
Already got it on vita and will be getting P3 and P5 on it too but I’m glad PS4 is getting it too
>Implying the P5 protag's canon name isn't Sho Minazuki
I'll be happy if just for the fact we'll get 1080p videos.
Guessing they won't update the models though
>a fucking dancing game
literally why
why why why whywhy
Because they’re fun
go away homosexual
I'm planning on picking up the Vita versions of these games.
I hope they come to NA physically so I can have the trilogy displayed.
Because I want to see my waifu dance in a variety of cute outfits.
So this is the kind of shit purseownerfags buy huh?
It won't be commercially available outside of the PS4 LE and will most likely remain as an LE exclusive in JP due to DAN selling really well in the west. Something like how Cyber Sleuth is being packaged together with Hacker Memories in Japan.
>no story mode
I know P4DAN's was shit, but I have no reason to shell out money for this.
Works well considering how Persona is the priority now
We will don’t worry. I’m also getting vita versions
People really like the soundtracks in these games for some reason. Maybe it's all the broken english or something.
I like them at first but after 10 hours i'm tired of them, after 30 hours i'm angry at them, after 80 hours i play with the sound off
The music in these games typically get praised a lot. I don't think the music is bad or anything but I personally don't think it's that great either really.
it's kind of catchy i guess, it gets grating really quickly. i like the songs that don't have any vocals desu
Fuuka Bump
What songs are you guys looking forward to?
>Ren Amamiya
I've noticed that they seem to be going for 3D animated dialogue rather than character portraits. I wonder why.
probably cause there won't be many real cutscenes and they want you to still feel connected to the characters
Because it's almost 2018 and Atlus is still using 2D artwork in their games.
For whatever the reason it’s better, I always fall asleep looking at portraits all day. Main reason why I chose P3 FES or P3P
Ren busting his moves againts Pancakeman
>Akira Kurusu
Yeah these might just be little clips before dances rather than proper cutscenes or long dialogues.
Akira Kurusu sounds like shit, braindead retard
Even Ren Mamma mia sounds better
There's definitively some type of cutscenes made with the 3D models
Why were the guys in P5 so much better than the girls?
Why do they give everyone that generic urban kind of look? Gentleman Thieves are supposed to be elegant, only ryuji should wear ljackets and jeans.
>no story mode
>will still be $60
Does it at least have a larger track list?
Because I get to see Fuuka's smile better that way!
So does Joker
They're replacing the story mode with a new one. Maybe we'll get new details tomorrow with the new Famitsu
Its basically full price in Japan, so it's a safe assumption.
Maybe they'll both be $50 though, since games have a price of ¥6000-8000 and these are ¥7000ish for PS4.
25 songs for DMN, 26 songs for DSN. It's a bad value for $60/each yet I'm still getting both
The Famitsu info is already out.
>Instead of a story mode, there are many fun elements such as a new mode where you can enjoy interacting with the characters.
>There are plans to develop DLC.
>This time, a different partner can be selected for each of the Fever Time sections in a song.
>Unlike the previous game which takes place in a different world, this time the stage is focused on familiar places from the original games.
>Hair color and colored contacts can be individually set, alongside accessories, allowing for more variations and combinations.
>This time, in order to emphasize the individuality in the motions of each character more than in the previous game, each character has their own specific [motion capture] dancer.
>Partners will express their relationships while dancing, each with different choreography.
Are Vita and PS4 the same price? Or is vita cheaper?
Vita is slightly cheaper
Muh benis
Vita is cheaper than PS4 as always, but only by like ¥1000 or so.
I'm sure the Vita games will be $40 in the US, though. I don't think they'd cut them down to $30.
Haru makes my penis happy
it is the canon name in the anime and in everything else
Given that Wiping All Out is in base game, FeMC may be in here already.
I also noticed a remix of Time
Soul phrase is in too
Fuuka is so god damn cute I'm going to cry
>shota Ken instead of teen Ken
Picked up
Fuuka is the cutest!
>Ann giving that come-hither look
Fuck, she is perfect.
>Another reminder that no hobby from Japan is healthy
I needed that, almost got sucked into something addictive again. Whew.
Them deciding to do away with the story mode was the right move
Jesus, imagine trying to reconcile P3's plot with the dancing game.
>Aging up a character literally only liked by the shotafags
What a mistake that was.
>switch gets mainline SMT
>3DS gets Persona spinoff
>PS4 gets two shovelware Persona games
thanks Atlus, time to get a switch
>game is not even out yet
>DLC already confirmed
>fags are excited for it
God save us.
You honestly couldn't have stopped it. This wasn't the future want of us chose, but it's what we have.