Other urls found in this thread:
It's over
>mobile game
Have you accepted Platinum Games as your Lord and Savior yet?
All style no substance games for brainlets
>mobile game
Fuck everything.
holy shit this is worse than DMC as a whole being dead lol
Swear to god capcom did this on purpose to fuck with DMC fans.
Hacks who have been rehashing bayo for years now. They forgot how to make action games that don't have the same old light attack heavy attack shit.
Apologize to Tameem.
W-We did it DMCbros!...
O-Our motivation had paid off!...
Post yfw you aren't a DMC fan
I fail to see how this takes DMC V off the table.
Are you people just retarded.
we are all just pretending to be retarded
It doesn't but really though, why doesn't Itsuno just fucking announce his game already and put people at ease?
People will shitpost about anything
Can't wait for Sup Forums to be ultimately BTFO in E3
he's the one who did this to us by creating a game no one wanted; thereby giving Capcom the ammunition they needed to say "see, no one wants DMC anymore!"
how can nu capcom be so fucking retarded
Wouldn't it be obvious right now that DMC is being held hostage and hanging infront of gamers as a punishment?
Screw it. The worst that can happen to Capcom is that it turns out to be a good game.
He's probably in development hell and whatever he's doing got stuck
It's fucking hilarious it took this long to recover from the DmC shitshow
Only way I can see it being justified is if its a Switch exclusive and Nintendo is keeping it for their direct/E3. In which case, just fucking kill me.
So? The rest of Capcom announces games when they get greenlit. Why fucking not tell us?
What is DMC
>chinese devs
>mobile game
Can't wait to play Bayo3 on Switch.
For the lazy
>According to reports from China, a little-known games studio and publisher known as Yunchang Game (云畅游戏) has obtained the IP rights from Capcom to develop the first mobile game based on Devil May Cry. Currently titled as 鬼泣:巅峰之战 (Devil May Cry: Pinnacle of Combat), the mobile action RPG is expected to launch in China in 2018. Powered by Unity 3D, Yunchang Game is focused on the combat system, and confirmed there will be online modes, including team battles and real-time PVP. Only a few small images of the work-in-progress game is available, as seen below.
Tl;dr It's made in Unity by an unknown Chinese game company for mobile phones. Wew.
For the past 16 years every circumstance where Capcom reps have said 'buy X and we'll make Y" regardless of sales Capcom has never actually made whatever Y stretch goal they said they would.
How much longer is the entire consumerbase going to fall for this?
They hate us
Fake. I've seen this footage years ago. It's from a knockoff Chinese mobile game.
>Capcom wants to get into the mobile game buisness
>Everyone just wants them to keep making actual games
>Hands their IP's out to literal who's
>Has to have other companies fund their games
How is this fucking company staying afloat?
Their big 3 (SF-MonHun-RE) carried them hard. Especially MonHun
DMC and Dead Rising are the closest to those 3 and both are fucking dead
It hurts to live.
Street Fighter, Mahvel, and MonHun I guess. What else are they up to these days?
Good you're fucking annoying. Dante isn't mickey mouse, quit saying every game should have dmc combat to, the entire game's focus is the combat and scoring system.
kill me, pete
Mother fucker what the god damn fucking fuck you stupid fucking fucks!
This is why i quit being a fanboy of capcom. For me, it started with marvel vs capcom 3. Fuck capcom.
>"Pinnacle of combat"
Oh, this is going to be good.
Ok, I'll go kill myself now
What the fuck are you even trying to say, you autistic fucking mongoloid?
That user is trying to say that people who complain about every action game not having DMC combat deserve this for complaining so much.
You know I thought the franchise couldn't possibly go any lower than Ninja Theory.
Goddamn. This is a very sick joke.
How is any of that related to mickey mouse?
I've been playing DD and i'm loving it
The leak said that DMC5 would take hints from DD right?
How would that work?
I think he might've been referencing their popularity, but I don't really know.
Merry Christmas tho
you know i've argued for a decade now this shit was gonna happen because FScucks don't actually play any video games other then SF, they don't give a singular shit about anything and they are literally the call of duty fags of the fighting community, its sad.
No one even said that and I don't think you understand what DMC is either
by not existing
>The leak said
I wanted his game.
Don't ever fucking reply to me disgusting trip faggot
See above
I don't even have an accurate reaction image for this shit
>hahaha oh this is one of those fake news links right?
>oh Sup Forums you card
>mfw opening the link
Shut the fuck up, reddit. Go masturbate over the new Mario vs Winnie the Pooh crossover I just "leaked" on resetera, you fucking retard.
Not in a million years.
It's okay dude, i know you feed on replies
Here, have one on me
did the leak come with a blurry and tilted screencap?
Is this the future you wanted? Do you rike it?
Christmas is cancelled
and on Christmas too.
>Capcom ruined Christmas
It was going nicely until now and everything. God fucking damn it. This is the opposite of a Christmas miracle. This is a Christmas massacre.
Thanks! Don't forget to post funnyjunk "hype" gifs in my resetera leak thread while you are at it!
Goodnight sweet prince.
I don't know anymore, this timeline is fucking bonkers man.
Are you satisfied, cucks?
Only good thing they ever made was Anarchy Reigns. Which they killed by being SEGA's little bitch.
Because posting means no one wants a reply? Come to think of it, you are right. Don't read my post. I don't want a reply. Aren't you just mr. Cool?
What is this?
>Santa for christmas I want love, peace and maybe a new DMC game! :3
Why's everyone losing their minds over this? Itsuno still has his own project to announce.
We all know this is where it is going. I mean that in the most serious way possible. No shit. This is the future of the series.
>state of dmc fans
this will be a glorious week for a shitposting
The Kingdom Hearts gacha mobile game. It's canon and pisses everyone off.
Might be cool if done right
Abandon all hope
Edgy mr cool.
The rest of us are just fa-guts. Posting and replying in a thread.
>SFV was shit, SFVAE fixes nothing
>DmC still the death of the series, now MOBILE
>RE7 is not an RE game and killed the series, gold edition fixed nothing, dedicated shill posts on Sup Forums about the game STILL
>MVCI is an abortion
>MHW looks like shit
abandon all hope ye who enter here
>2018 -6 days
>being a capcúck
What about Mega Man 11?
Do you think we might be overusing the word shill tonight?
Skill ceiling of their games is far too low.
Posting and replying to a shitposting thread, fatty