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Video Games #4012
Video Games
Home the ta/v/ern
Well, whats your excuse?
ITT: games that brainlets can't enjoy
Tfw RAM prices will never go down because of phones and collusion between companies
Is this game really as scary as people say it is...
Why was this allowed?
Mediocre Bragging Thread
Two copies of Skyrim for Nintendo Switch, please. One is for my dear friend, user. Say hi to the cashier user. Oh...
Is it worth going back to? I'd get 60 days for it. Is the new leveling system fun?
/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday
Unboxing thread
Created Characters
Okay, I put all my character points into Intelligence, Charizma and Wisdom. Did I fuck up? Everyone is whooping my ass...
Remind yourself that Darkest Dungeon Thread is a slow and insidious killer
Embarrassing Vidya Faps
Name a better soundtrack to a video game RIGHT NOW
Where's the spaceship genre????????????
Name every game that's worth it on PS3. Even multi-plats. Pretend I have no other way of playing the game(s)
Skyrim budget: $85 million
We need to fucking boycott Falcom. They've released Yx 8 and Tokyo Xanadu Ex+ for PS4, PC...
Holy fuck. Is this the only gaming company that puts effort in feet...
How the fuck is this game considered good in any way...
Who's your favorite black person in games?
What was even the point of this twist?
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
This is not a meme thread
Is Kingdom Hearts a good series with some bad games or a bad series with some good games?
A game I made for a certain kind of person. To hurt them
Sup Forums hates Persona 5 now
Playing anything in NieR
"Videogames Can Never Be Art" – Serj Tankian
Marie won the final Splatfest
Does this unit have a soul?
What games let me play as a black samurai?
Battlestation thread
Japanese game
Hi, Sup Forums
Switch + BOTW + Minecraft + Skyrim
Which one is better
Sup Forumsirgins BTFO
Pokemon Switch leaks
Most boss themes last 4-5 minutes without looping
How do you feel about this character and her official outfit?
Whats up ladies and gentlemen, this is Boogie 2988 coming at you live, through the power of my wife's husband's internet
What did you get for christmas Sup Forums?
Honest opinion on monika?
Open-XCOM Files Thread
JRPGs are by far the worst genre
So I've been replaying Kotor lately, I'm almost at the end of the second game and want more. How shit is ToR really?
How can anyone even prefer consoles over pc?
7 year dev cycle
Give me your best Sup Forums
Why is it that jap RPG protagonists that are male are always some femmy fuccboi or twink?
Was it shit?
What video games does she play, Sup Forums?
Replaying Half Life
It's gonna suck dick isn't it
Why do open world games always have to be so grounded and "realistic"...
ITT main characters who are canon virgins
60 dollar budget help a poor fag make a good choice tonight Sup Forums
ITT: essential soyfun games
Which cat is better?
What is the "Chad" of games? For me, it is Uncharted. The most Chad videogame franchise
100% Orange Juice
Daily reminder that VN's are not video games
But its (((fun)))!
Fuck off, why are there ads in the home screen now?
Lewd Harvest Moon
Splatoon 2
It was good after the patches
Your go-to RPG Class
What is /v's on opinion on one of the greatest Star Wars games ever made?
Choose your class
ITT: actually good female protagonists
This is the best game in the whole series!
The biggest offender in copied and pasted world design?
I wanna play with you guys!
Well, Sup Forums?
The battery is dreadfull
Let's play some Secret Hitler again
Visual Novels
Open game
Here's your capital of the empire bro
What does Sup Forums think of my pilot?
Admit it. You tried to do this in real life
Do you ever get high and play video games?
Call of duty killer
Is it true that Jeff was a shitposter before joining the overwatch team?
God damnit Sup Forums is this game any good...
ITT, games only you played
Anyone else just not finding enjoyment out of games anymore?
/Rimworld/ thread
I have 50$ on steam, what should I buy?
Tell me your favorite Resident Evil game, or I'll shoot
Mercy will never take your temperature rectally
Why do U.S. developed fantasy games use American voice actors in every game...
How will they implement traditional again if there's climbing? And if there's no more climbing it will be...
Project M is back boys
Shit weapons
What does Sup Forums think of AlphaOmegaSin?
Was it really THAT bad?
ITT: (late) Giveaway thread
What are some games that feature interspecies romance in them?
What films would you recommend to someone like pic related?
New pokemon games will have an even more casualized combat system, almost as shitty as the digimon games
No, Jose. We don't accept Kinect trade-ins anymore. No, Jose "the mario" is only on Nintendo. No Jose...
Why do soyboys tend to gravitate towards nintendo the most?
You didn't buy Nvdia, did you user...?
Is this actually useful for playing video games with friends?
Steam avatar thread
What is it with modern Sci-fi being such pussy kiddie shit...
How is FTL
*destroys your translation*
True Ending BS must stop!
I still don't understand what the fuck this is supposed to mean
Sister buys you something related to your most recent favorite game for Christmas
Now that you anti-lootbox autists have finally stopped REEEEEing like a bunch of autists and have moved on with your...
Charges you $24 for a mount
WTF This game loads so fast?!
No SaGa thread
Why does Sup Forums hate Genji mains?
Steam sale thread
Is he right...
Risk of rain
Your opinion about Turok 2?
What the fuck were they smoking when they decided to that these enemies were a good idea...
So we all agree this is going to be the 2018 GOTY right?
Going for overwatch/desinty 2 to this holy shit why didnt i go sooner
Do you enjoy your games from the Steam gifting threads, bros?
That kid who saved items in jrpgs just in case he needed them for later
Who's the most popular videogame skeleton? Only ones i remember is the one from Medievil and the dead koopas from Mario
Vidya items you would lick
Remaster when? Also what is your favorite build?
A doujin game is better than the original game
What games let me play as a werewolf that are also fun?
What are decent games to play that help combat depression?
ITT: Utterly hideous box art
Is Astolfo a male power fantasy?
Wait skyrim looks like THAT?
Why does Sup Forums praise the Soulsborne games? They become easy as fucking piss once you figure them out...
It's time to admit it Sup Forums
Mario 64
Which one, Sup Forums?
Hey guys, im 11 hours into the game and im loving it. Are there any other heavily story focused rpg games like VTMB...
Why does Sup Forums hate this beautiful woman?
ITT: Sup Forums picks the top 100 games of 2017
Idea pitch thread
Did you get any good vidya-related gifts for Christmas, Sup Forums?
Do you act like this, Sup Forums?
Hi, I am the worst boss in dark souls series
Why game devs nowadays are so lazy?
Is PC gaming dying?
Why did we let this slide?
Sonic 1 was ok
This is about $8 on PSN right now
A hat in time thread ?
Post a picture, get a game recommendation
Tails Gets Trolled
New vgchartz
CK2 thread
What did they mean by this?
Every time I play this game I feel like I'm in heaven
Pirates BTFO
Why? Why did we need to see her from this angle? Why did they have to emphasize her chest?
Tfw RAM prices will never go down because of phones and collusion between companies
Is this let's play kino?
Puzzle Games Thread
What download speed do you have Sup Forums?
How is your post-christmas day going user?
User, do you have any 2 players video game? Let's play together
What am I in for?
Who do you expect?
Here's your new Devil May Cry, Sup Forums
Why aren't you playing Splatoon 2 on your Nintendo Switch home console ?
Excessive Video Gaming to be Named Mental Disorder
Virtual Reality
ITT: games whose reception did a 180° over the years
Christian Weston Chandler
How to make this game fun?
Be Dracula
Switching it up this Boxing Day, Sup Forums?
Has a sequel ever divided a fanbase and damaged franchise reputation more than SFV?
The reddit of JRPGs
*blocks your path to the bar*
Risk of Rain
*turns indian for plot convenience*
BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle
Why did you do it Sup Forums?
Women of Sup Forums
Well, well, look at the high and mighty Altmer. Where's your dignity now, huh...
This is Alicia Melchiott
So a long time ago I played the first Hitman and the second one and I haved a blast with them. Didn't finished them tho...
Can't buy latest GPUs because miners bought them all out
It's time to discuss the best RPG ever made
Not really
Why this game trigger Sup Forums so much?
Upgrading from original to pro
Why don't people buy vidya with cute protags anymore?
"Oh my god, I am literally OBSESSED with Zelda! It's the best game ever made!"
Family holiday
Your opinion about Kingdom Hearts?
God i wish that were me
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Is it worth getting even though I never played a DS game before...
I'm not playing again this broken game
Christmas vidya haul
Good games you hate
Are you looking forward to Antinomy of Common Flowers...
Why do they all look like fags
How do you guys ignore the embarrassment of being a grown man and playing video games all day?
How would you rank Platinumgames's library?
There are probably aimbotting shitters posting on Sup Forums right now
Can anyone explain why Austin labeled Lisa as the "worst person" in the entire Lisa RPG series?
Nintendo Switch
Final Fantasy 9 thread
25min into the game
Is there anything that can stop this from being the 2018 goty?
Is this franchise doomed to play safe forever?
This kills the Sonyboy
Do you think it will get a "Pro" version like the Xbone X or PS4 Pro?
Are video games seen as "a boy thing" because girls don't like them or do girls not like them because they are seen as...
Objective: ????
Best insight into an eceleb life yet
What's the best Tony Hawk game?
Sup Forums continues to defend steam
What are your thoughts on this character from Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus
Can we keep the fighting game threads going? They've been really fun
What games let play as a sex hungry goblin?
ITT: Fuck you, I like it
Video game knowledge survival
Recommend me a game based off this image
Bloodborne is a good gam-
Daily reminder that Nier Automata is ten times the game that Persona 5 is...
How is this for a new Sonic design?
Sup Forums plays Game Dev Tycoon
A copy of Yoshi for the Nintendo Switch please
What the
You did play one of the greatest PS3 games right?
You're walking home from fucking Gamestop with your huge haul of vidya bought with xmas money from your disappointed...
You know that feeling you get when there's one game in a series that was basically designed for pc...
Buy current generation game thats considered a masterpiece
*blocks your path*
Anyone played this? Is it better for the Switch or Vita?
Why arent you supporting Shu?
20 years later. Thanks Mom and Dad!
Why don't you own a CRT for your old consoles, Sup Forums?
Whats your opinion on Bully...
Fighting game review
What does Sup Forums think of Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2017)?
Sup Forums recommends a game
Objectively THE best choice of faction in New Vegas, prove me wrong
Why won't they make a Gantz game PUGB style?
Famitsu Scans for danzingu all nighto are out
Switch Pro Controller by Hori
So now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that this was the biggest disappointment of 2017?
ITT: underrated game devs
You can make playable lolis and shotas in this game, what the fuck
Hey Sup Forums, Sup Forums pleb here
"cartridge tech will forever be limited, that's why compact discs are the way of the future"
I did it
You have 10 seconds to name 1 game that did Alchemy right
Final Fantasy XIII-2
Shit that makes you DROP a game
Filename thread
Literally the perfect controller
This is the team in charge of developping Shenmue 3
PS4 now including ads on home screen. On Christmas Day even
What would Sup Forums put in the cupboard?
Redpill me on Ultrawide monitors for gaming
-at uni
Is this the most sadistic game ever created?
What's the Sup Forumserdict on Death of the Outsider?
Is resolution the best way to improve a game's visuals?
Lets be real Sup Forums what is the percentage of a cute grill playing games...
How do I enjoy this game?
Holy fuck I will just leave that there
How can I get better at Medic?
I just really love Poison
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
Grandblue fantasy
Post autistic vidya-related shit you did as a kid
Is this outfit looking good on me Link?
ITT: Games nu-Sup Forums hates
What if Rouge was STICC?
You go to your local Gamestop, when suddenly, your gf slaps this guy's ass
Cutie 2B Thread
Zero friends on steam
When you get xenoblade 2 for christmas
Tail's Gets trolled Storytime continued Pt 3
Is the Switch the next GameBoy?
Hey that's pretty good
What did you guys get for christmas?
Recommend me some games where I can command the glorious Wehrmacht
Switch is so good that is making winning boring
What game has the best sense of exploration and wonder?
GOAT soundtrack
Worth getting on sale?
Star Citizen
/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday
Co-workers start talking about video games
I want the /soy/ audience. Help me filling this out
Is this game the definition of “style over substance”?
What are your thoughts on the manchild epidemic?
Find a flaw
Soul Calibur 6
Serious question...
*blocks your path*
Pro gaming
How come compile heart games are more polished than western AAA?
Why is the Persona fanbase so autistic that they can't get over a name change of the protagonist?
Brutally murders over 1200 men
What am I in for?
ITT: God Tier Character Design
Thinking of having her just be an unarmed jedi for my current playthrough where im not try harding with 2...
This is Mai, say something nice about her
Have you ever been attracted to a non-human creature from a video game?
Ys Series opinions
Webm thread
Itt: soyfun games for numales
Why do you hate it?
Got $70 worth of Steam cards yesterday. Any suggestions of what to buy? Also Steam sale thread
How do we stop console wars? Please, I just want Sup Forums to be a little less retarded
Why aren't you playing the Sims 4?
Remember me?
That first sip of the day
I just finished Shido's Palace and now I'm waiting for the days countdown to end
Space game
You think Sony or MS will release at some point a Pro/X only game?
What the FUCK was his problem?
This is a perfect hero. You may not like this, but this is what peak performance looks like
Life of a Sup Forumsizard
I never understood the "problem" of piracy. It isn't actual theft. I can't afford to buy this shit...
Stopping by for the retards who fail to understand: DS is releasing 2018
What is Sup Forums's essential comfy-core?
What am I in for?
Sup Forums is too stupid for Rainbow Six Siege
How long are you going to support this trend?
Damn, Skyrim looks like that?
You can only pick one
ITT: fuck you, i liked it
How did DICE manage to make a Star Wars game with better story and characters than the recent movies?
What are your thoughts on interracial couples in video games?
Which game, in your opinion, ruined the Metal Gear franchise?
Fallout 4 being crap
Are there any mods that make the game more like the 360 version (no cosmetics/extra weapons)?
I got one of those for christmas and I don't want it...
What happened guys? Reddit told me the internet was going to end unless I can afford 20 dollars per website
*yawns and stretches to the point where it feels like your back is gonna break*
SS13 thread, post memes and storied
"Hey brother, I got you your favorite game."
Between PS4 and Switch, which console is more worthwhile of a purchase right now?
Who else now has a legit mental disorder so a PhD can justify their social science degree?
How the fuck do I beat Yasuke in Nioh???
Find a flaw
Risky Rain Thred: Host when? Edition
ITT: The least favorite part of your favorite game
Polish History
How do I not suck ass at this...
You don't think Destiny 2 gets on this list!?
Estronaut from the Soyz ready to """"man"""" the Soytendo Soytch
Why didn't you play Pokemon Prism yet? Its newest update (0.94 build225) came out few days ago
This will make WoW great again!
It's time for another one of those wonders of Comiket...
It's the year 2050. Amazon just delivered your JOi personal android...
From now on, you're ___ _____
Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night
CEMU gets multicore support, runs BotW flawlessly at 4k 60fps
Dragon ball fighterZ
What are some games set in Australia? I've already played Forza Horizon 3
Nintendo still have some surprises for 3DS
ITT: Perfect video game worlds
Friendly reminder to avoid at all costs
You don't bash games that you've never played, right? I'm very much guilty of doing exactly that
Why aren't you playing Go user? It's fun
Help me decide. They're both 10 bux. I love Metroidvanias, but I also loved Terraria. What an awful dilemma
How will GOGCucks ever recover?
Rank the metal gear solid games
Buy game on ps4
*blocks your path*
Are you hyped for the Max episode, Sup Forums?
Why are you ok with inferiority, Sup Forums?
Thoughts on Zero Punctuation?
Realtime CGI and the future of video games
Any good horse racing games?
Do you like co-sleeping events?
Dead or Alive Xtreme
Implement a cool touchpad into your controller
This will kill PUBG
Is VR worth it or is it just a meme?
What video games are you playing to get over the death of Star Wars, user?
Why is the 2018 lineup so dry?
Why do we hate Nioh again?
I really enjoy the "delusional Kamen Rider ripoff" type of character you sometimes see...
How the FUCK was the VA for this fugly hobgoblin nominated for a "VA Performance of the Year" award...
Post your favourite song from any radio station in any GTA game
Kaiserreich is becoming a paid mod
What vidya do(es) your gf/wife/friends/family play, Sup Forums?
Reminder if not for Microsoft, this game would be nothing but shitty boss fights
ITT: Post your Christmas haul
*breaks into your room*
This is still correct
ITT: Games that are objectively shit but you still somehow enjoy
Screenshots thread
Sony is doing a thing
2018 is almost here and user still doesn't own the best videogame platform
Do you regret doing cruel things to NPCs...
Huniepop thread
The rx 580, an Xbox one x equivalent gpu is going for 500 dollars
Are people really hyped for this?
Why did they have to fuck this up? This should have been what REmake is to RE1
What are some good entry level visual novels/dating sims, for someone who never played one?
I have £15 what I should I buy on steam
*consumes you and your planet*
Now that the dust has settled, did we like it?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Does Sup Forums agree?
Now that the dust has settled, was it good?
My whole life has been a lie
We're almost in 2018 and the ps4 still doesn't have games
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
How can one persona be so perfect?
How did we go from this
Downfall of the series
Why are video game consumers so fucking stupid?
How do we fix nuLara?
What's your reaction to the last video game you played?
Is it just me or did the writing really tank?
What are some other games with scary komodo dragons?
Steam Sale Thread
What games allow you to play as a goddess?
What did capcom mean by this?
So now that the rabid fanboys have gone back to twitter, I think that it's safe to say this is worse than 4 and 3...
If you aren't playing an old game I like that has a tedious user interface you're not even a real gamer, btw
Which one is the best?
*teleports in front of your path*
It's over. The West has won and now completely dominates the RPG genre. And what do the weebs get? Final Final Fantasy...
New from software game revealed?!
Is Bayonetta worth playing if all I have is a PS3?
Welcome to Sup Forums!
Star Wars Battlefront 2
CD Projekt doesn't pander to SJ-
Why is pretty much every character in Undertale neuroatypical?
This fucking game has me at a headache right now and near fucking autist rage
The objective ranking of Soulsborne games
When someone says TF2 takes more skill than Overwatch
Don't players these days like a challenge anymore...
What is the best Yugioh (GX) video game, Sup Forums?
Which twitch streamers are you supporting on Patreon Sup Forums? Did you tip extra as a Christmas gift?
Who is the Snoke of videogames
Just bought Ground Zeros and the Phantom Pain
Halo tv show
Dragons Dogma
Make human body
Who has the most top tier tiddies in vidya?
Marie's finna do it!
They're coming for yer video games anons
Thoughts on Assassin's Creed Origins?
ITT: games Sup Forums says are bad and they are actually even worse than what Sup Forums says
How do I start with LoH?
Sell me on your game, Sup Forums
Name a more iconic trio
How do you feel about bad endings?
Comfy vidya recommendation
What surprise game announcement would make you make this face?
Do we know anything new about this?
Monster Hunter Thread
What am I in for?
Well, here it is
*blocks you're path*
Star Wars Thread
How come no Youtube losers are making Christmas videos?
Was it a truth or a lie?
Any modern games that have a processing sequence or similar gory sequence in general like quake 4?
Tfw the genre with the most cute girls is the one you're unable to git gud at
New sci-fi game
Let's have a collection thread. Don't be shy
Are you okay user?
Darkest Dungeon
Is Stardew Valley worth $10?
Did I make a mistake?
Tail's Gets trolled Storytime continued Pt 2
What are Sup Forums thoughts on this guy?
ITT: Games you liked but your friends hated
He got a Switch for Christmas
There are no more terminator games because?
Why are these two the most hated Senrans?
Can someone redpill me on mouse bungees? Are they worth it?
Does Sup Forums play vidya in public?
What is the last videogame you have completed? on hard difficulty?
In about 6 days or so,anyone born on the year 2000, january 1st will be able by the rules to post on Sup Forums
Went from soyboy virgin to chad in 18 years
Play visual novel
So is it cracked yet?
What happened to DrDisrespect?
Do people really make online friends through games?
What is she looking at? keep it vidya
Banjo-Tooie is nearly a straight upgrade from Kazooie...
How do I save avatars so i dont have to keep going to equip them again each time i load the game?
Why do people praise this game?
Rimworld thread
[Glass her]
It's nearly been a year Since our dear old Kong has ascended beyond other girls and became the best front page girl...
Can mods make Fallout 4 a good video game?
This is a 700$ USD skirt, say something nice about it
Have you ever tried to do something from a video game in real life?
I'm the dumbest person on Sup Forums
Get a VR headset
What gets you angry in online games?
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Will 2018 be another great year for platformers?
Get threatened by a group of drunk guys with sticks
Rtas Vadam "you barely surived a small contamination"
The great debate
ITT: Law and Order just aired an episode featuring a video game as a plot device. How did they fuck it up?
Screenshot this
Tail's Gets trolled Storytime continued
Antagonist tries to summon an ancient monster
So I haven't played P4Golden since it released. I've recently played FES on my PS3 to try and get into it...
BotW nowhere close
Any chance this'll be good?
Can we get an SMT thread going? I just started IV and I'm hooked
Mostly empty world
Is Civ 6 better than Civ 3?
What the fuck happened?
*notices flat surface*
Why isn't*
Lets have a pixel game thread. Post your favorites and recommend stuff to others...
Video Games:
Catherine: Full Body
Should i buy RE4 or RE5?
So now that the dust has settled, we can all agree that this was a masterpiece right?
Who's got the best butt in KoF?
UNI Thread
Name one game where are actually fun spears are fun to use
Girls you want to cum all over
What did you get for Christmas Sup Forums? Pic related is my Switch
Yugioh Duel Links
Is there any hope for a Saints Row 5? Ever since pic related, the series has been absolute shit
At uncle's house
Took less than five minutes into the first GotY podcast for her to loudly demonstrate she has no idea what she's doing
Classic lies
What's the most /d/egenerate Sup Forumsideo game that you have played?
Mario, you did it! I'm saved! Thank you, thank you so much!
Jrpg looks cool
I'm about to play this, what can I expect and what should I know about it?
Is there a more overrated developer?
Luigi floating on an egg over the sea
Calm down dude, its just a video game
Games you are never gonna finish
You may only post 10/10 DLCs in this thread
Gameplay recording paused because you have entered a blocked scene
Which do you pick Sup Forums ?
Steam Bestowing Thread
Post games your grandma, mom, or aunt picked out for you when you were a kid that turned out to be pretty fucking good...
What is your favorite Resident Evil game, Sup Forums?
Brought my 3DS to my office Christmas party and got laughed out of the fucking room. Anyone have a similar experience?
I really love anime that have fights with super weighty hits...
What are some decent weeb games to buy on the Steam sale?
Nintendo Switch
Post a game based on the image
Is Breath of the Wild the most overrated game of 2017?
Been playing this all night and it's awesome. Why does it get so much hate?
Have you ever bought a console for literally ONE game
Cemu 1.1.3 cracked
Post the most difficult games
Hold old were you when you grew out of video games? For me it was around 24 (29 now)...
Pick your poison Sup Forums
Finally get to safety form the dinosaurs
How do I not completely suck at this game?
It's Payne, whack him!
Sup Forums plays Game Dev Tycoon
What are some games for men like me?
Is it worth getting, even on sale?
Is there really any moderne video game that we will remember decades from now the same way we reminisce of good old PS1...
What's your RPG go to:
The west can't make attractive fem-
So now that there's a new Hitman Sup Forums can finally admit that they liked Absolution right...
Reminder that pirating video games makes you at the very least sympathetic to communism...
Bideo giveaway thread!
Why do you like MMO?
ITT: Vidya songs that you cried to on your first time hearing them
Opus Magnum
Hi ho, Kermit the Frog here, and THIS is a mystery box...
Merry Christmas user!! Have you been working on /your game/...
Botw director explains why Shrines over dungeons
Y'all wanna hear some fucking BULLSHIT?
The perfect game doesnt exi-
What is the most absurd reason for lack of clothes in vidya that you have come across?
Post your just survived the family dinner face
Legendary warrior that only comes around after years and years
Ever noticed how every Final Fantasy has the same three girl archetypes?
Yet another Steam Sale thread
Get Nintendo Switch for Christmas
This kills the bingbing wahoo
What makes playing KH so comfy?
Defend this
ITT: Cutscenes you never skip even if you have the option to
Hey anons! Polyball dev here to spread some Christmas cheer
"Vilain" characters that did nothing wrong
How’s your new Switch user?
What's your favorite RPG Maker game?
Series that are never ever coming back
Regardless of how Star Citizen might or might not currently look...
Personal 10/10s
Oh, hi user. Thanks for letting me sit with you on the bench...
Name me a worse port than this one
Remember when Sup Forums was fucking outraged about this? And now the switch has one aswell
Good games to troll in?
Post autistic things you do
I just want to take a moment to say fuck everyone who chose COD 392 or Battlefield 245 over this game...
This kid has a better gaming rig than you
What is the better game and why?
Who or what makes you salty in fighting games, Sup Forums?
What does widowmaker smell like?
Do you play switch with your bf/gf?
Open-XCOM Files Thread
Name one game more immersive than this masterpiece
Japanese developers vote on the best games of 2017
I just got both a PS4 and a Switch, are there good horror video games for them?
Did you buy my game? It's on sale
What are some games that let me socialize with other people to cope with my looming depression?
The Retconned Republic
FighterZ thread
Canada vidya thread
Bloodborne 2 thread
Crackdown 3 and Sea of Thieves are the biggest 2018 exclusives
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...