Kaiji: Steel Beam Crossing of Despair
Kaiji: Steel Beam Crossing of Despair
>this looks like a ps2 game
why tho this anime deserves better
>Not even a gambling game
Seriously nigger?
Nintendo being consistent with the showelvare games I see
100% agreed, the drops from the beams don't even look fatal in this game wtf
Isn't this a PSVR port?
Looks fun.
this is supposed to be a VR game, anything less is shite.
Why did they change Kaiji's VA for this one?
what the fuck?
Never thanks to the chinks fear of weed
>Another moeshit vidya
King servant > RPS > Dice game > balance beam > tissue lottery > short Mahjong > bog > 3 asians > Upper Lower (current arc)
>beam crossing
>no gambling in sight
> VR game
> without VR
For what fucking purpose?
It's an anime game. Were you expecting to look like Battlefront 2 or something?
Stopped watching after the end of S1, what a FUCKING retard, could have went home with millions helping his friends debts and still having money left over and did what a typical addict would do and gamble it all away again.
I refuse to watch retards
it took you this long to realize hes a retard?
It was a good plan though. Besides I thought he didn't have enough to help Ishida's wife and pay his debts? I don't remember.
Why do you think he had problems in the first place?
No, he actually goes full retard after S3 where he literally starts throwing away his fortune.
Did they really make a full fledged game out of one part of Kaiji?
like really? Not even a shitty pachinko simulator on the side?
Dude, that's what gambling is.
Anyway watch S2 just for fucking Chinchironin and TILTING THE FUCKING BUILDING
They made an actual Pachinko machine
Hardly a full game since its 1000円。just a tech demo at best.
I still haven't read/watched Kaiji even though I want to.
Fucking kaiji. Switch really is the best platform of this generation
>Dude, that's what gambling is.
Not everyone is a retard that gambles. No one highlights the people who are smart with their money. Just rich guys who cheat and the dumb retards. Never see the guy in between
He wanted revenge for all the people Hyoudou had killed. He wanted to beat him at his own game.
He did nothing wrong.
Akagi > Kaiji
find a bigger piece of shit
all animes allowed
Peanut Nose's Son.
So you never look in the mirror?
This is a $20 game, right?
This is my favorite part of Kaiji. I mean, I know it's about gambling, but there's something about watching a bunch of guys crying and screaming while crossing a beam several stories in the air.
Akagi > One Outs > Kaiji
Yeah, it's a VR game
The faggots that got rescued by him
Kurasawa Beats One Outs & Akagi.
I think I'm in the minority when I say Kaiji > Akagi. I liked the characters better, and the games they were playing. Just not a big fan of mahjong.
>Kaiji Pachinko
Fuck you FKMT
Short mahjong goes last, fuck that
The composer is in prison for weed possession, which is a huge deal in japan. We're never getting that season 3.
the guys kaiji rescued from the mining hell
The guy in between is a fairy tale.
Wat the fuck are they waiting for to publish the fucking manga abroad?
We frogs are the second country that read the most manga after fucking Japan and yet they don't want to publish that shit it's 20 years old for fucks sake.
I don't want to read garbage duwang tier scans and fuck anime, it's slow as shit.
fuck everything
Sharia doesn't allow it.
This or Kaiji's friend who co-signed the contract with him.
but why Pachinko when he used an entire arc to shittalk about it?
>no original voice actors
>no Taniuchi
What's the point?
Is the gambling dlc?
alright I know at least a few of you assholes wanna play mahjong
get in here
You can read?
I could do with importing a US release, do you 56% mutts actually read manga tho'?
There are sites that offer good quality and the FKMT translation group does a good job
I have more than 600 manga next to me and they are an absolute vagina repellent so yes I would say I can read.
This. I remember my company warning us about that when I first arrived in Japan. You can get 10 years minimum for smoking weed. They wig out over drugs in general. Even apparel can get you in trouble.
Minefield Mahjong is definitely the best arc, if you know the rules of the game.
This joke falls flat considering you're replying to a text post.
Thanks I might check it out but I still can explain wy a manga that has such sucess in Japan isn't published here wen we have litteral dozen volumes of the latest moe garbage in store.
Are you going to import Tak Fujii's new game Sup Forums?
Ok so a scene that depended on its characters and was suspensiful just to see if kaiji would survive is now getting the vr treatment? That makes no sense
Kazuya is a dick for the wrong reasons. He can actually change and given how much power he has he doesnt seem to abuse it as much
That tweet about wanting people to play his game so he can continue to work was depressing.
I think he's happier now than having to work for Konami. Him having cancer is the real gut puncher.
>bad cuz anime game
>what is DBFZ
This seems fairly extreme
I do. Where's all the other mahjong fags at?
Yeah, looks like his EBA
getting rekt, but this other guy's at 400 so we're almost done
How fucking retarded do you have to be to stop watching after S1, lmao.
Especially from a perspective who finished the anime and read the manga, S1 is not even the best Kaiji gets.
How the fuck do you play mahjong anyway?
this anime
He did nothing wrong
game's done, ready up
You pieces of shit, stop taking advantage of me.
I wish I had his photoshop skills
this series is a worthless product of a bygone era, gambling is legal in Japan nowadays
I was close for a comeback but destiny had another plan for me
here's the shortest explanation I can muster;
You're trying to make a better hand that anyone else before the other players can finish their hands. There are three suits, numbered 1-9 of 4 tiles each, plus 7 different special tiles (3 "dragons" and 4 "wind" tiles), all of 4 each for a total of 136 tiles. You go in a circle, drawing and discarding, trying to put together a "winning hand". This is something like all one suit, or having a run of 1-9 of the same suits, or all triplets, etc. The more of these "winning combinations" you complete, the more your hand is worth, but it doesn't matter if you're not the first to win, as the first to complete their hand scores points, but no one else gets squat (depending on how you win, points are subtracted from players differently. You go for about 8 rounds normally, or until someone loses all their points.
If you want something more in-depth, I can type it out in a sec
>this series is a worthless product of a bygone era
kinda like ur mum
Screw Kaiji. Where's my Kakegurui game?
>that fingernail torture scene
I had to fast-forward past that part
I'd agree if the sequel didn't exist.
>at a party
>friend asks me if we can watch that gambling anime
>random girl chimes in, wants to watch too
>put on Kaiji
>her face when she realizes we're not talking about Kakegurui
Are there any more anime that are like these?
They're my top 3 anime and I can never find other anime that are the same, only ones that are sort of similar
both are fine in my opinion, even if one is better than the other
Well, Kakegurui is not a gambling anime in the first place.
I just put on a download for it, what is it so I can cancel it now and not be disappointed later, is it haremshit?