Classic lies

We've recorded over 1,000 names for him to say!

Other urls found in this thread:

you faggots still complaining about this game?

>won't call me Queefamungus

>won't call me by my name
>name is never on novelty bottle openers or license plates
>name is always spellt wrong by others

>the most common household names
he said
>random fucking devs weird as fuck definitely not common name pops up

sup zach

>Has uncommon and Jewish name
>Codsworth actually says it
>Genuinely surprised
Game is boring as fuck now but that always makes me smile


>no Tulio
Shit game.

>not naming him the canon name nate

Try mr. fuckface.
That's a really funny, that's what I did! :D



>named after a jewish sandwich

At least you have a really tasty sandwich named after you.

Like the sandwich?



>no Jamal
Fuck this game

hi Bart

Every fallout is boring, m8.


Armando is not one of them. Shit game

>So what names can he say?
>"Well, Todd...and Tod. Tode (the e is silent) and well, of course he can say T'odd."

Hey man, every Reuben I've known was a really cool guy. Merry Christmas.

is Harvey not a common enough name?

It doesn't say jesse but it'll say jessie fml

Like Reuben Studdard.

>game doesnt have such a simple name as Darío
haha... good thing its a bad game r-right!!?


Nice Jojo reference

I'm sorry, were you talking to me?

shut up dontravius

Heya Bort.

Fallout 4 is an okay game.

No my wife's son is also named Bort

>tfw gunplay was fun, exploring was ok, story smelled and roleplay aspect... well

Same here, well except for the last part. It’s not too hard to spell Harmon. Though some people do put and “E” instead of “O”

Anyways you should be glad your name isn’t common. It means it’s not boring. Granted Reuben isn’t exactly the best name

He does tho.

>Note: Some names listed may not work.
Also he only said around 600 at release, and still doesn't say 1,000

That's not a lie though

It's still fucking astounding to me that all they did was have the poor voice actor record a bunch of fucking names for absolutely no reason.
He is the only character in the game that ever says your name.

I suppose the only reason was "Why not?"

They had this game in Development since 3 or Skyrim right? They had plenty of time to give the actor a break now and then.

Imagine if you were a voice actor and every few weeks Bethesda calls you up to have you fly from wherever you live to their studio to record lines like "Mr. Fuckface".

>my name is sean
>robot cannot say it
>every other character says it non-stop but not in reference to my character, but the stupid fucking son

I was so pissed

hi bart

Not really for me, I just don’t like to replay games desu.

now I wonder why they would include a bunch of uncommon Jewish names...

Hi Rubber

I was pleasantly surprised when I heard him say my name (Emil). It's pretty popular here in Sweden but not really anywhere else.

I thought this was the stupidest shit ever at E3 when they announced it. What a waste of time to record one canned line hundreds of times for a single character of no real importance.

Get back into the tool shed you little punk


>tfw my name dustin will forever be a shitty unpopular name


Why didn't they just use a text to speech program so he could say every possible name?

He's a robot so a text to speech voice would sound perfectly fitting.

For what reason

>recorded a bunch of sand nigger names
>no Ingrid

They wanted him to he le quirky english butler accent, that's why.

>he says "William"
I wasn't too surprised.

Emil Pagliarulo was a major designer on the game and was personally responsible for the dumbing down.
Of course his name is going to be there, you should feel about as ashamed as someone called Adolf should feel though.

Are you a housekeeper/butler and if not, why not?



Ah Reubahn yew up fo sum skooba?

you mean full of pride
adolf did nothing wrong


But there are British text to speech voices, and they sound more amusing than the voice actor.

>adolf did nothing wrong

he lost the war though

>he says 1000 names
>*visible confusion in the audience*


holy shit what

'sup Shaniquea

>Randall was one of those names
>my sisters name Chelsea was not

Take that

I feel you, bro. My name is Monte Cristo.

>recognizes jeff
>recognizes geoffrey
>doesn't recognize geoff

>tfw your first name is Snake because you're a Native
>tfw you're not as cool as the name should make you because you jack off to hentai and post on Sup Forums instead of playing video games

Hearing robots say my name stopped being cool in 2006 when I discovered Microsoft fucking Sam.


Quit crying lad

Say that again bich

>using voice actors intelligently





reubens are the best sandwiches though

I'm surprised no one said Dongus

On a whim I named my guy Hank and Codsworth didn't know it, I was absolutely pissed. Hank just seems so basic to me.

>Hello mr. Alexander
I liked it.

It doesn't even have Clint, but it has Eastwood for some reason. That's fucking retarded

Sup Forums is still crying about games that came out 20 years ago. This is hardly surprising.

Because the Mr.Handy line of robots is damn near sentient and it would be really odd for such an advanced robot to talk like Microsoft Sam.

It fits for protectrons and sentry bots, however. On that note, they really fucking nailed the sentry bot voice.

>doesn't say Dale
Made me cry tbqh lads

At least you share a name with Dante's mocap voice actor guy.

It can say tittays though

>Possess common German name also used in American English
>Codsworth doesn't even recognize it
>Using the German language Codsworth doesn't say any names
>Codsworth is only npc that even says names
Thank you Howard, as much effort in this as the rest of the game dialogue.


>Can't say the names of other companions
>He can't even say his own fucking name

Development for 4 began after Dragonborn according to its own wiki entry

Even with 10.5 and the unofficial patch he has never called me Shaun, the names might be in a list but if he isn't calling me shit it doesn't matter.

>turns up in skyrim as a relative nobody