>this kills the Sonyboy
This kills the Sonyboy
>when your T score is so low even a fucking cat thinks you're just a play thing
>Cats are good pets hur de dur
the other day mom and dad bought me a PS4
i didn't react like this
i wonder if they want me to react like this, maybe they think i'm unhappy and they bought it for me to see me happy
Don't scare the cat.
Don't ever scare the cat.
>decides to put a retard out of his misery
>not a good pet
Do people unironically sit Indian style to open gifts?
what a dumb so(n)ygger
kids and soyboys do
Every meme you've ever read about America is true. Every single one.
>feed your cat soy milk
>suddenly despises Sony
How the hell do you ironically sit indian style?
Imagine if that was a pit bull though...
that cat is a nintenbro
The sound of that first rip of paper scared the cat, then the exaggerated actions after made him seem threatening to the cat so the cat killed him.
People only buy you stuff either out of obligation or for your reaction, of course they did
I've seen people do it as a joke to make comparison pictures from when they were younger
Even animals hate sonybroz.
but i am happy i'm just not very expressive
>Indian style
Is this kindergarten?
I can understand acting like this for the PS1 and PS2 but the PS4, come on, man.
Such shit animals.
It only slightly hurt him and then stopped. If it was a pit bull, it probably would have snapped his neck...
>i didn't react like this
Get yourself a cat.
>act like a bitch
>get smacked down like a bitch
nothing of value was etc etc
Well deserved
unlike cats, dogs aren't retarded
They sound awfully similar, huh?
That's what you get for having that much egregious fun
That's nothing. A couple of band aids and he'll be fine. You should look up pictures of pit bull attacks...
The guy in the picture is right
Am I the only one who thinks the guy is really cute
>She added: "The cat lives in a good home. Plenty of pictures of him being spoiled. He's a jerk. Seriously.
>"This is not the only person he's attacked.
Only children and manchildren do this.
Actual adults open their gifts fully clothed, while standing or sitting on a chair.
They're likely dead inside now.
Or they've raised you and understand how you express yourself
I wasn't scared, it attacked him for causing damage as he sees it. If anything it felt provoked.
>They sound awfully similar, huh?
Not at all, what accent do you even have.
They are spelled similar however
That's what he gets for being a pathetic soyboy.
It really did go for him then. Sometimes cats attack you for fun and it doesn't end with you bleeding (much).
I really hope you are the only one
>getting consoles as Christmas presents as an ADULT
This guy is probably a fucking loser, I worked for my goddamn PS4 and I barely even use it now.
Thank God I lucked out on having cats with solid personalities.
The way he rips the wrapper off without any care makes me angry.
>Sometimes cats attack you for fun
Cats can play pretty rough. I heard that if they do that, you gotta react like another cat would - slap them lightly (don't hurt them, obviously, the goal is to show you don't like it) and stop playing with them. At least when they're young it should work.
>m-muh pitbulls :(
get a load of this turbo virgin
That's not irony you spaz
I hate this webm
dude was so happy and the cat ruined it, not that i blame the cat but still
I think it's the instant transition from happiness to pain in his face that makes me so sad
Why did you post that irrelevant picture?
A quick grab of the tail and swift swing against a wall will sort it out
if it was up to me, some Chinese food joint would be getting an anonymous meat donation
>missing the qte
KEK. Pathetic!
Holy shit, I hope he went to a doctor. Cat wounds can be fucking dangerous.
No one who uses "unironically" knows what the fuck it means.
I dont think so user. Your face looks pretty unhappy.
Based cat
When you sit on the floor you normally tuck your legs under you, yes.
"Unironically" is the meme term for "seriously"
AS in
Do people seriously do this?
Now it's
Do people unironically do this?
>cats are better than dogs
is the video a spoof of the nintendo SIXTYFOUR or is this actually an adult manchild reacting this way to a ps4?
I hope so
Well I mean right now because I'm obsessing over this
I still smacc my cats when they act out. Like you said you don't hurt them but a good boop on the nose will stop them from being obnoxious
He's over exaggerating his reaction on purpose for the camera and lulz.
The best way to discipline a cat is chucking them across the room if they play too rough, surprises the hell out of them and instantly shows who is boss.
>Man completely chimps out
>Animal reacts in kind
Makes perfect sense to me
>Soyboy has fun
>gets attacked by cat
Cat is Sup Forums incarnate
From this moment, I know this fag doesn't even have an open worldview, where have you been? Asians do that, no matter if they're Chinks or Jungle Asians or the Arabs.
He seemed so happy. How heart warming. Bless his autism. Can you imagine feeling that happy still?
I like to think I would not be overpowered by a house cat.
>that haircut
well deserved desu
Oh you'd like to think that, wouldn't you?
If it had been a dog, he would be dead or at the very least missing his face.
Chinks and Arabs aren't human though
y every1 haet cat??????
>getting a cat without taking into account that cats will take none of your bullshit
If you're a hyperactive sperg, a cat is not the right pet for you. Why is this so hard to get for some people?
you would probably be wrong.
not by a new game console for sure. I mean, it would be cool but nothing to sperg out so much
you'd be wrong, a cat's bites and claws can have a serious sting
Tiny dick.
One console pleb less, good cat.
When a ball of teeth and claws is going for your face, you WILL move.
i sit in indian style when i play with my dick
>owning a cat in the current year
Enjoy your Toxoplasmosis, soyboy
Little tiny dick pale boy.
Maybe because he turns the box and shreds the paper like an animal, maybe because I was brought up as a child to take care of everything that others gave me (including gift wrappers and wrappers), or maybe because I have an undetected obsessive-compulsive disorder.
I like how the can not just simply scratches this poor soul, but goes for the kill on the neck. RIP console shitter.
This works. I have this cat that would randomly just climb up to my level via a table or something and just start smaccing me. It when on for a while until I grabbed the bitch and threw it across the room. Now it acts like a pussy.
>Not based
Why are pit bulls even being mentioned? Are catfags so triggered by this webm they gotta initiate full damage control and make anti-dog posts?
>that gross partially shaven haircut
The cat was in the right.
t. someone who likes dogs more
i've been using this my whole life with a LOT of my meals. a-am i one of them?
Yes. They don't understand that responsible dog owners usually don't own pitbulls.