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looks perfect to me.
Found it
>Yukari and Tenshi are back
Better late than never, I guess.
What are some good 2hu fan games?
No Clownpiece
+ whatever newhos will come out
Tenjou no Tempest is pretty good.
Touhou Katsugeki Kidan was good fun when it first came out, dunno if it aged so well or if the sequels were good.
Also, Puppetmon, though it loses its charm after the first playthrough.
>no Kaguya
>no Sanae
>no Sakuya
>no Junko
>no Keine
>no Alice
>no Eirin
>no Seija
>no Hecatia
>no Remilia
>not even Clownshit and Cirno
>but Sumeriko, Koishi and Mamizou still exist
I suppose the "new" ones and the baka baku are kinda neat though so whatever.
No Kaguya.
>proceeds to only add in popular characters
I mean I'm not sure what I expected from the creators of HM.
Also, flat Yukari is unacceptable.
No Meiling, no buy
Why would Kaguya fight? She's too lazy and spoiled for that boorish nonsense.
>No Chen
>No Yuka
>No Ran
Genius of Sappheiros, Touhoumon, Touhou Puppet Dance Performance, Nightmare of Sleeping Girl, Touhou Labyrinth 2
not video games
>No Chen
>No Ran
They are there as spellcard attack.
No Scarlet sisters or Cirno.
I know that.
Isn't there two characters left to be revealed, you baka?
Because being able to play Kaguya vs Mokou would make this game an instant 10/10.
Because Mokou is there and Kaguya enjoys fighting her.
>shitting on doremy
You done fucked up.
What's the point when we all know who would win that fight every time?
But Doremy is what saves it.
I wanted to play Kanako, Raiko, the tsukumogami sisters as dual characters, and maybe Eiki.
But I'll take it.
>Hating on oldhand Touhous
Tenshi is one thing, but if you can't stand Yukari, how the fuck can you stand Touhou at all?
There's so many Touhou characters now that no matter who they picked, there'd be a percentage of you who would still be mad. Search your hearts, you know it to be true.
>Hating on best newhu
Just one never playable before character.
Holy shit, this game, i am surprised/v/ is not talking about. Roght now i trying to male money to buy from lewd koa, bit these viruses SP are pure bullshit.
>No Waggy Saggy
Never should've come here.
Komajou Densetsu II
No Never playable before characters other than Doremy, that is your flaw.
Simple, still no Nue
>no Sanae Kotiya
>no Mima
>Stage 1 scrub on a fighting game
Unless her only move is the equivalent of Splash then I don't buy it
No Aya
ZUN has a new wifehu. Ayaya's old and busted
aya a shit
>A child having a nightmare in Japan will wake up and repeat three times, "Baku-san, come eat my dream." Legends say that the baku will come into the child’s room and devour the bad dream, allowing the child to go back to sleep peacefully. However, calling to the baku must be done sparingly, because if he remains hungry after eating one’s nightmare, he may also devour their hopes and desires as well, leaving them to live an empty life.
Ultra arara, Doujins write themselves. I'm expecting this plot device being corrupted next year.
>There are people who actually like Kasen
Faku the Baku!
What's wrong with enjoying a quality cocksleeve?
That's just more for me then
Reimu did not hold back on that column
>She barely remembers the stage 1 and 2 bosses of most games or is completely dismissive of them
There was a thread yesterday but it didn't get much attention and it lasted for about an hour sadly.
That was my thread, i should have used a bait.
>take a nobody character
>give them a shitty meme robot
wow epic xd i also think soku is a good game
>Where is Awoo?
>no Okuu
shit game
>there are """""people"""" who hate Kasen
Hopefully never. That ohayou cursed the whole character
>If you don't like us taking one of your girls, using her as a political mascot and raping her corpse, then you're obviously with the candidate we don't like
I'm not even american. Leave the poor girl alone and go the fuck back to Sup Forums
It's not exactly new, only new thing is the translation. Most people interested already played it before a year ago or earlier.
SP Viruses require very specific tactics not to get fucked. i.e. a Wing Style completely trivializes Kedama SP.
>waa waa Sup Forums
fuck off
Kindly neck yourself americunt
No Kaguya