Fuck off, why are there ads in the home screen now?

Fuck off, why are there ads in the home screen now?

Other urls found in this thread:




This is #4ThePlayers!

It's OK when Sony does it

It can tell you have shit taste and is marketing accordingly.

What's the matter? Are Sonyfags really poor?

I find it hysterical how much money WoT drops into advertising in comparison to how little effort they put into making a non-shitty game

That's some piss poor bait user.

It's a theme for those of you who are retarded.

>Not using the ps1 or ps2 theme

It's only a matter of time before the home screen dabs and sucks you into its ass

You deserve it

pay up goy


No, those are ALL ads.

Yeah, I was surprised by this too.
The latst version of the Xbox 360 dashboard was filled to the ass with ads, but at the very least the option to play the disc was selected first so you could hit A to get into your game right away.


You can turn the ads off. I don't even have a PS4 but I already knew this because we fucking already had this thread today.

Because Destiny 2 is a fucking train wreck.

They are just dumping millions into ads rather than fixing the fucking game. Sony won't say no to that much money.

It's pathetic.

PS2 theme wouldve been perfect if it didnt have that "LEGACY" pop up


If Sony can do this for shit like Desitiny, why can’t they advertise their own franchises.
I’d be less mad if they stuck Ratchet and Clank or Gravity rush or some game that otherwise didn’t have much marketing.

>The one christmas I decide to get a sony console
What the fuck is this captcha?

its rumpelstilzchen


It this like what Nintendo does where they put the icon of the game they want you to buy but its just the icon and you still have to download it or delete it or does the PS4 actually downloads the whole thing for you to just remove the paywall?

>outing yourself as a phone poster this easily
lurk more before posting

They have a original PlayStation theme?

I don't like it either but at least it can be quickly and easily deleted. If it's there again when I turn my PS4 back on then I'm gonna be annoyed. Go ahead and offer it to me once, but once I say no I want you to fuck off and stay fuck off.

Screen shot of the ps2 theme?

>pay for online
>still get ads

>that username
Whether or not that's a joke, it's pretty fucking funny.

>a third party application that you never have to install vs something integrated into the operating system

You can just turn that shit off in automatic downloads.

>people pay to use rheir own internet
>get ads on tip of it
cucksoul gaming, everyone

Later down the line you're gonna be that faggot paying for a PS4 theme on a PS6, just use the default one instead of buying useless shit.


This. Shove ads up my ass so long as it's free. If I'm paying as well as getting ads then that's pretty fucking shitty, no matter how you put it. Either way, it sure as hell would've been inevitable at some point.

t. steam user pcmutt

Turn off the automatic downloads for featured content you autists.
You sound like the 3DS fags that threw a shitfit for allowing nintendo to send them gift ads to the home menu as well.

But I like it when my games automatically update. I never wanted ads.

Holyfuck that shit taste

It's separate options, so you're good.

Then turn off only the option that says you allow hyperlinks on your home menu.



woah there goyim, did you pay enough to be allowed to post here?

>he made this thread again after getting BTFO in the other one

Is posting out of early access yet?

Just disable internet you faggots. Much easier. Hurr durr all you see is about whining about updates and patches when you could just avoid it.

If you really want to whine about something it's that damn singstar thing on ps3 that at least to my knowledge you can't get rid of without modding the console.

Ive been a phoneposter since 2009, deal w/it nerd

>50 posts
>34 IPs

Can I change my fucking psn name yet?

Nobody cares user

Ill take that as a no and must report you to your corporate bulllords. Your kind of leeching goyim are the worst, Ill make sure to pitch the committee to make you pay for games/experiences you already bought.

>being this desperate to sell your shitty game

It's a theme you fucking retards

>This level of retarded buttmad nonsense buzzwords

That's why I don't have Hulu.

Still not as bad as the last Xbox 360 dashboard which had a large commercial box in the center of the game section while the box for the game you had in the system was a small square in the corner

That's some shit taste in games you have

Woah there goyim, we do not tolerate this abusive language (r*****). This community is by the players, #4theplayers. We'll have to terminate your account with all attached games as well as remotely brick your console. Expect a letter from our lawyers at Goldberg&Goldberg shortly.

I want to marry and impregnate Hotaru Shidare

Now this is quality bait.

Why do clueless retards keep weighing in on this subject today. It’s an ad. A link to the PSN store that appeared FIRST in our games lists. I jad to delete it this afternoon.

>3DS had obtrusive ads
>Wii U had obtrusive ads
>Steam has a pop up ad every time you open it
>Xbone is literally an ad machine
>Sup Forums doesnt lose its shit until PS4 gets obtrusive ads

Really caboodles my noodle

Steam isnt mandatory, you can disable the ads and youre not paying anything, in fact I sold fresh crate drops in CSGO and bought Besiege for free. Really got my nogging jogging

I really hope that isn't your homescreen and that it's one you grabbed off some other website because everything about that image is horrible

but they are not disabled by default so it is the same

>Has hammer and sickle in his profile picture
>is mad when he gets glorious games pushed on to him
Comrade it's time you report for reeducation.


>Hurrdurr i got no point so i'll post a funny face like on reddit.

>those games
>that username
I know this isn't you but kek


Why do you have a bunch of imperial Japanese flags on your computer?

Because you are dumb enough to pay Sony to use your own internet connection. They can do whatever the fuck they want and know that you will gobble it up

pretty sure that's the irfanview icon

t. has windows 10 installed


>3DS had obtrusive ads
>Wii U had obtrusive ads
And you had to opt in for both.

Nier Automata Theme > all

>Pirating windows is the same thing as retards paying Sony so that they can use their own internet connection (which they already pay for)
How dumb are you exactly?

Ive had a PS4 for 3 years and this is the first time it ever put an icon on my home screen out of nowhere

You can assume it's not the last either.

You missed the Taken King one

I use this and like it

I do

PC wins again

A better question:
Why haven't you bought my game?